Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Mining Skill

9 posts in this topic

Hi Terrafirmacrafter! I have a suggestion concerning the mining skill that is to be implemented in the future update, what if the ore became sort of hidden in the rock but still detectable using the prospector pick so that when you mine it it would drop poor ore and the better you get in that skill the better you are at actually seeing the ore. What I mean is the rock countaining the ore would look like just any other rock until you gain your first skill point then you would notice the poor ore and the better you get the better your ability at finding rich ore. I think it would raise a bit the challenge but would yield a great reward once you gain the skill.


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I don't know, personally I feel like this would make things a bit too confusing (as some people still have enough trouble with the prospector's pick). I do like the idea of leveling up to improve the ore output, though - that could be pretty cool, and would also add incentive to specializing in multiplayer (i.e.: Bob has high Mining, so he's the miner - Jim has high Agriculture, so he's the farmer - etc.).


Also, by easier to see, do you mean that the ore block looks like any ordinary piece of stone until the character becomes proficient in identifying it? Because that would entail having to re-texture the blocks until the player got to the appropriate level, and then suddenly everything would have weird lines and stripes all over them.


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Yeah I see this kind of hard to implement without breaking the believability, because it doesn't matter if you're a good miner or not, you can still see the vein if there's metal there. I think something about how you mine the vein should change, like maybe you learn a better way to mine, so you mine it faster. Or maybe you know the right spot to hit, so your pickaxe would last more. 


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I don't know, personally I feel like this would make things a bit too confusing (as some people still have enough trouble with the prospector's pick). I do like the idea of leveling up to improve the ore output, though - that could be pretty cool, and would also add incentive to specializing in multiplayer (i.e.: Bob has high Mining, so he's the miner - Jim has high Agriculture, so he's the farmer - etc.).


Also, by easier to see, do you mean that the ore block looks like any ordinary piece of stone until the character becomes proficient in identifying it? Because that would entail having to re-texture the blocks until the player got to the appropriate level, and then suddenly everything would have weird lines and stripes all over them.

Yes I mean it would look like any other stone block and the texture would change according to your skill level.


Also I like your ideas lordofwolves.


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Yes I mean it would look like any other stone block and the texture would change according to your skill level.

This isn't something Minecraft engine is partiulary fond of. Currently the rendering done the same way for each player there is on a server, and I bet devs wouldn't really want to rewrite that part. And yes, I DO mean rewrite.


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I think mining should still be a subjective skill the way it is right now.

There are a lot of people on the servers that have a hard time finding ores, hence so many people asking for rare minerals like graphite and nickel.

I had people paying me 3 stacks of coal for 16 pieces of graphite.

So I don't think we need to make even hard on those people.

I have no idea what kind of advantage a  mining skill should give you.

I do know that the more you play TFC and learn the tricks of using the prospector pick, the easier it gets to find and mine ores.

I understand that for old TFC players like you and me, it might get so easy that you consider making it harder, but for new players is hard enough.


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I'm pretty sure that it's already been stated by the almighty Dunkfish, but i'm fairly surre that "Skills" aren't going to be a thing in TFC


-although i could be wrong, just kinda woke up from a century long nap, not entirely sure what all is new lol-


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I'm pretty sure that it's already been stated by the almighty Dunkfish, but i'm fairly surre that "Skills" aren't going to be a thing in TFC


-although i could be wrong, just kinda woke up from a century long nap, not entirely sure what all is new lol-


Yeah, basic skills were added in 78, and Bioxx is currently expanding on them for 79.


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