Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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tree chopping

12 posts in this topic

so, now if you chop a tree it will just drop all the items on the ground.

but i thought that it would be could that if you chop a tree the tree falls horizontal and then you have to "mine" the wood blocks

first. Posted Image

after.Posted Image


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No thanks. Why would you want to chop a tree twice for a single resource, then again to get planks? I thought getting sticks was bad, but this makes it so wooden houses would be equated to a house made of diamonds. Personally I think using an axe twice just to get a single plank is more than enough.


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I really like the idea. It could be made so that the block that you chop first turns into a item(logs) like normal and then the rest of the blocks fall due to gravity but with a diagonal shift to make it look like the tree is falling. Then you have to whack the blocks on the ground to simulate chopping them into manageable logs.

If this were to affect leaves as well that would help in getting sticks and saplings as normally they would just be destroyed which has always bugged me.


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to be honest i agree with alex. finding a very tall tree and not being abble to get the leaves on it is just annoying.


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to be honest i agree with alex. finding a very tall tree and not being abble to get the leaves on it is just annoying.

True, but wouldn't it be more sensible to want to have the leaves drop down to the ground after the cut without you having to cut the rest of the tree or making the leaves drop their drops when you chop the tree. Compared to making collecting wood, which is already more timeconsuming than anything else in the game even more timeconsuming.


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This method of producing logs once the tree has fallen will be exactly as quick as chopping trees in vanilla as currently it is extremely fast so I don't know where your coming from when you say it too time consuming. And the picture above shows how the tree could fall making harvesting both logs and leaves less hassle and more realistic.


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Yeah, asside from the nerved durability and speed of the stone axe it's going to take as long as in vanilla minecraft. Once you get to the stone axe. Remember you need to collect 4 pieces of wood using flint tools first. It's going to hurt the time you have to prepare for nightfall significantly on the first day.

Also I remember seeing massive trees with a 2x2 base, just imagine the lagspike you'd get felling that one. What about when the terrain isn't flat I can imagine a tree falling off a cliff, or it falling up the side of a mountain. All not that nice prospects, but it's not the worst. However those 2x2 trees I mentioned earlier, fell one of those and it would kill you if it falls your way.


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Yeah, asside from the nerved durability and speed of the stone axe it's going to take as long as in vanilla minecraft. Once you get to the stone axe. Remember you need to collect 4 pieces of wood using flint tools first. It's going to hurt the time you have to prepare for nightfall significantly on the first day.

Also I remember seeing massive trees with a 2x2 base, just imagine the lagspike you'd get felling that one. What about when the terrain isn't flat I can imagine a tree falling off a cliff, or it falling up the side of a mountain. All not that nice prospects, but it's not the worst. However those 2x2 trees I mentioned earlier, fell one of those and it would kill you if it falls your way.

There would not be that much lag if any, as i'm suggesting they fall just like sand but with a slight movement to the side. Even a big tree is at most 40 blocks and that much falling sand has no negative effect for my average laptops performance.If it lands on you and kills you then fair enough that makes total sense so what's the problem. In terms of preparing for night one second to get four logs is not going to cause any noticeable delays at all.

In my opinion this addition would fit in very well with the current mod making it yet more immersive and realistic which is the whole point of the mod.


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i would have to agree that i like this idea but i can see it getting old really quickly in making treefarms and just dealing with it seems a hassle. i do think that there should be a better way of harvesting leaves however, that is the truth.


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Not a good idea, simply because it would look terrible if the tree was next to something.


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Not a good idea, simply because it would look terrible if the tree was next to something.

If you mean it would look bad falling on something because some would rest on top and make it look like the tree has been split I totally disagree as that's not too dissimilar to what would happen in reality and the current method is no where near. This would improve the immersion and also would not be to difficult to implement due to most of the difficult being in detecting which logs belong to which tree and that's already implemented.


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