Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Crazy mob spawning out of control...

6 posts in this topic

Hi there. My friends and i were working on mining and learning the prospectors pick, when we started to notice a slight increase in the spawning rate of Skeletons around the halls of the mine, particurlary ones wearing Golden boots. The mine was completley lit, although the skeltons continued to spawn regardless of the light level. As it started to get more and more frequent, we decided to head back to our house and discuss what to do. On the way, i caught this beautiful shot:

Posted Image

Not so many up front, but after killing literally hundreds in the mine, even this many were just too much. We decided to restart the server, and we did, this happened:

Posted Image

Just tons of spiders, everywhere. I think at this point we either restarted the server again, or we waited. In any case, this is what happened next:

Posted Image

My friends were inside the house, which is why the zombies are congregated there.

Again, we decided to restart the server to attempt to stop whatever was happening. This happened:

Enderman everywhere. Then it was back to Zombies and Skeletons, both still wearing gold boots. You can see in this video below towards the end where the skeletons spawn right in front of me.

In this video, you can very clearly see them spawn, right in front of us. This was on top of our house.

And here, they completely take over our house and force us into creative mode. Note, that they were not spawning in the house previously, just in the area around it. In this video, they are spawning only inside of the house.

And in this final video, the server crashed as it was unable to process the entire 900 entities spawned in and around our poor little house.

Please give us any assistance that you can. I will be sure to post this in the Terrafirmacraft forums as well for maximum reach. I understand that this mod is still in development, but you'll have to agree that this is a little ubsurd.


-Mikko, Luvi, and Disethas.


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I can help you in one thing-if they're wearing golden boots it means they were summoned by a player. Check the server's logs.


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Welcome to the forums! In the future, please use the provided bug reporting template that is located in 


READ BEFORE POSTING: 78.17 Official Bug List

Version #:SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer):Suggested Name:Suggested Category: Severe-Annoying-MinorDescription:Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes-No*If you answered no to the above question, delete your config files and try to reproduce the bug. This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question.Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes-NoIf yes, which mods? link of the Crash Report:

Specifically what I need to know is the version of TFC and Forge that is installed, as well as any other mods that you guys have installed, such as Cauldron/MCPC+.


However, after looking at the footage I'm going to have to agree with loljustlol. The mobs that were spawning all around you were vanilla mobs, not TFC ones. This is obvious because of the items that they dropped, and how easily they were killed with the splash potions.


If I had to guess, somebody with access to the server console was trolling you, and using commands to spawn a bunch of vanilla mobs right next to where you were standing. If you check the logs of the server, I would bet that it will show mob-spawning commands being used.


If this ever happens again, the best way to prevent the server from crashing would be to turn the difficulty of the server to peaceful.


Edit: The zombies started spawning in only the house because you guys were standing in the house. The commands used to spawn these mobs do it off of the location of the player. Since you guys weren't outside of the house, the mobs weren't outside of the house either.


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Some plugins might also have a command along the lines of /killall or /butcher to kill all the mobs. 

Also Kitty,don't the vanilla mobs and the TFC mobs drop the same things?

Edit:saw that they were vanilla iron ingots,the TFC zombs drop wrought iron ingots. So definitely vanilla mobs spawned by a command.


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They do not. A specific case would be Zombies. Vanilla zombies drop vanilla carrots, vanilla potatoes, and vanilla iron ingots. TFC Zombies drop half-rotten TFC carrots and potatoes (which are a different item from the vanilla ones), and they drop wrought iron ingots.


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Noticed very similar behavior with the latest 1.6.4 version, if CustomMobSpawner (from MoCreatures) is installed.

Totally failed to work this out with CMS's configs, and, well, the conflict was too obvious and behavior - too weird, that I stopped trying, and deleted CMS.

And it was a Cauldron server, definetely not a console prank, because I was on it. Did not see anything unusual in it either.



english - not native


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