Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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    • Dries007

      ATTENTION Forum Database Breach   03/04/2019

      There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
      If you used this password anywhere else, change that too! The passwords themselves are stored hashed, but may old accounts still had old, insecure (by today's standards) hashes from back when they where created. This means they can be "cracked" more easily. Other leaked information includes: email, IP, account name.
      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
    • Claycorp

      This forum is now READ ONLY!   01/20/2020

      As of this post and forever into the future this forum has been put into READ ONLY MODE. There will be no new posts! A replacement is coming SoonTM . If you wish to stay up-to-date on whats going on or post your content. Please use the Discord or Sub-Reddit until the new forums are running.

      Any questions or comments can be directed to Claycorp on either platform.

[0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

What Kind of Server are you looking for?   283 members have voted

  1. 1. PVP server

    • Yes, bring the Battle
    • No. I want to build and cooperate
  2. 2. Mods and Addons

    • Yes, the more the better
    • No. I like the real TFC experience
  3. 3. RPG , Themed

    • Yes it ads to the immersion and involvement
    • No give me freedom to build whatever I want.

Please sign in or register to vote in this poll.

677 posts in this topic

Minecraft user name: lilmamabear10 and My son MrXavi3r

Your Age: in my 30s and my son is 14 going on 15

Your Time Zone: central

Location Country and State: good ol U.S. of A. Texas

Tell us a bit about yourself: I am a stay at home mom of three, a 1.8 server owner, and my son is in jr high and plays trombone and has keep his death count above anyone else i have seen lol loves to adventure and falls off mountains lol

How can you help us: well like i said i do have a server of my own and i take pride of the server i am on and do mention fellow owners as a nice jesture!


oh ps currently my server is down till my server admin gets back from his vacation so till then we will be logged in most of the time here!


pps im running a newer version of forge than you have stated will it be ok?


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Welcome to the server MrXavi3r and lilmamabear10  .

Have fun and register in our forum.

We have Dynmap so is easy to follow and see all players in the server.

We have instructions on the server on how to install the modpack, but if you need help let us know, or if you can help also let us know.


PS: I too have a kid who's a Jr in High School, but he plays in the percussion. 4 kids total, a girl 23, boy 18, boy 14, boy 8.


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Edit the main post, but thought I should explain better here.

We opt to have a paid minecraft host, instead of just hosting out of a personal computer. In the end the hosting company "True World Gaming" got hacked and we lost all files for the server.

A few months ago we got a dedicated server, we have been running the TS and a creative server out of it, since it already had the same kind of setup as the old server we just replaced change it to survival and updated the mods. 

For now is still in test mode while we make sure things are working fine. 

Also we want to wait a few days to get most addons updsated to the latest TFC 0.79.17.

It should be ready to play in a few days.


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i applied on the site but no one seems to be checking the new apps there so i thought i would try here.

Minecraft user name: LadyZaratam

Your Age: over 30

Your Time Zone: Eastern

Location Country and State: US South-Eastern

Tell us a bit about yourself: i've been playing TFC for about 2+ years now and really enjoy it, it was the first modded Minecraft i played, but i like most of the mod packs for Minecraft.

How can you help us: By being a considerate player and helping out when i can.


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I could not find your application on the forum. But in any case you are whitelisted


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Hmm, i posted it on the Whitelist Applications thread. But anyways, Thank You :D


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Minecraft user name: Fish_Stix

Your Age: 29

Your Time Zone: EST

Location Country and State: USA, North Carolina

Tell us a bit about yourself: I love to play minecraft, 7DTD, and watch The Walking DEAD. I guess you could say I'm prepping for the zombie apocalypse :)

How can you help us: I'm pretty knowledgable about TFC and have been playing MC since beta.


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Welcome to the server. Please register in our forum.


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Sounds really interesting. Im not sure if its still up but..


Minecraft user name: Thiief

Your Age: 14

Your Time Zone: EST

Location Country and State: Canada, Ontario

Tell us a bit about yourself: I got into terrafirmacraft a while ago and got really into it, but due to server problems I had to leave the server and just gave up on terrafirmacraft. I am interested in returning to the mod. It was always fun, and I plan to be active c: 


How can you help us? : I plan to be really active. I don't know if that is considered really helping, but I would love to be apart of the community.

Edited by iDawnDusk

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Yes the server is very active, although Our previous host got hacked and our server between hundreds of others got deleted. We already moved to a dedicated server this time and we have a world up and running, but in test mode. We are basically just waiting for the Streams Addon so we can generate a new Map.

In any case you are added to the Whitelist.


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I'm having trouble registering on your website. I tried to resend the email activation code but it said my email wasn't valid. Don't know why that could be since my email works fine.


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Sorry to hear you having issues registering on the forum. This is the first time a player report having this kind of issue. Could you try from a different browser or computer? just to make sure is not an issue with cookies?

Please make sure the user name does not contain forbidden characters also the email has to be in lower case.

Let me know how it goes.


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Minecraft user name: Goyru

Your Age: 20

Your Time Zone: UTC-5:00

Location Country and State: Boston, Massachusetts

Tell us a bit about yourself: Been playing minecraft since 2010, wasn't much for building until recently. Turns out I'm fairly proficient at doing so. I like to make my building designs as close to the realm of possibility and practicality as I can, and can make the most of a small space.

How can you help us: I've got plenty of free time to help build roads and structures, as well as help keep towns supplied with materials.


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Minecraft user name: Lavos5181


Your Age: 22


Your Time Zone: UTC 5:00


Location Country and State: USA, NY


Tell us a bit about yourself: Ive been looking for a good town server and so far this is the nearest to what I have been looking for. Hoping that when i join pvping happens as nothing feels better then a good plot of destroying your enemies comes together.


how can you help us: Well other then adding me and possibly my mates to the server i have experience running bukkit, MCPC/Cualdron servers aswell as Forge servers. I have always ran towns on minecraft servers so know how they and other town type servers work really well.


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Welcome to the server. We do not plan on adding general PVP. We do however have plans on adding an arena for pvp.


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hey it says im nto whitelisted evan i was my ingamename is :MaxamesTheAwesom


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Still having problems recieving the activation code. Used Firefox and Chrome. Even tried giving it a different email address to send the code to. I can log in to your website, but I can't post a whitelist application in the forums without getting the activation code :angry:


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You can post it here.

I am truly sorry about the problems you are having, but the forum registration is an authomated process that happens in the background of the forum engine. I have no control over it and untill I start to hear from others that they are having the same problem I have to believe the problem is on your end. Not That I would know how to fix it if the problem was on the forum. I probably would have to recreate the forum.

Edited by Djakuta

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Minecraft user name: Fish_Stix

Your Age: 29

Your Time Zone: EST

Location Country and State: USA, North Carolina

Tell us a bit about yourself: I love to play minecraft, 7DTD, and watch The Walking DEAD. I guess you could say I'm prepping for the zombie apocalypse :)

How can you help us: I'm pretty knowledgable about TFC and have been playing MC since beta.


Welcome to the server. Please register in our forum.


It still says I'm not whitelisted when i try to log in.


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I added you again for good measure. Welcome to the server.


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Minecraft user name: philipg716

Your Age: 14

Your Time Zone: EST

Location Country and State: USA NY

Tell us a bit about yourself: im a fun guy who has a good sense of humor im also great to team up with and live with 

How can you help us: i am good at and love to

farm (big and small)



create and design rooms (brewery,coal pit,kitchens.etc)

exploring and gathering resources

i can really just lose myself doing these tasks small but fun and they mean alot!


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Welcome to the server. Please register in our forum and have fun.


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New Modpack available for Download in the forum.


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