Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  • Announcements

    • Dries007

      ATTENTION Forum Database Breach   03/04/2019

      There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
      If you used this password anywhere else, change that too! The passwords themselves are stored hashed, but may old accounts still had old, insecure (by today's standards) hashes from back when they where created. This means they can be "cracked" more easily. Other leaked information includes: email, IP, account name.
      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
    • Claycorp

      This forum is now READ ONLY!   01/20/2020

      As of this post and forever into the future this forum has been put into READ ONLY MODE. There will be no new posts! A replacement is coming SoonTM . If you wish to stay up-to-date on whats going on or post your content. Please use the Discord or Sub-Reddit until the new forums are running.

      Any questions or comments can be directed to Claycorp on either platform.

[0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

What Kind of Server are you looking for?   283 members have voted

  1. 1. PVP server

    • Yes, bring the Battle
    • No. I want to build and cooperate
  2. 2. Mods and Addons

    • Yes, the more the better
    • No. I like the real TFC experience
  3. 3. RPG , Themed

    • Yes it ads to the immersion and involvement
    • No give me freedom to build whatever I want.

Please sign in or register to vote in this poll.

677 posts in this topic

Request retracted.

Edited by Udary

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welcome to the server RemusSargin have fun. Please register in our forum. 


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Darkagecraft please

Minecraft user name: Fallendemon13

Your Age: 22

Your Time Zone: US Central

Location Country and State: Texas, USA

Tell us a bit about yourself: College student, joining to hang out with my long distance girlfriend.

How can you help us: I'm quiet, personable, and like helping out where I can. I'm not much for conflict against other players, but I do enjoy exploring, hunting, and making things.


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Looking to Apply for the StoneageCraft server

MC Username: Krayolla

Age: 20

Timezone: US Central

Location: Iowa, USA

A bit about me: I'm a gaming addict who has a taste for true teamwork and hardcore survival themes and Stoneagecraft server sounds like it'd be perfect for me. Other stuff; Genetic major, food aficionado, and I enjoy digging complex holes and then laying the insides nicely with wood and stone, decorating it all, and then living in it. 


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Application for: DarkAgeCraft


Username: Maenethal


Age: 17


Location: United States, Virginia


Time Zone: UTC-08:00


Bio: Protean personality, generally kind and helpful (and a bit silly). Playing MC since beta 1.6. Owns a broadsword. Likes cats more than dogs, but loves wolves.


Qualification: Fan of RP, experience with TFC, decent ability with city planning/logicstics. Inventive and creative.

Edited by Mitzuki_Tsukashi

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Welcome to the server Maenethal, have fun and remember to register in our forum.


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Looking to Apply for the StoneageCraft server

MC Username: Krayolla

Age: 20

Timezone: US Central

Location: Iowa, USA

A bit about me: I'm a gaming addict who has a taste for true teamwork and hardcore survival themes and Stoneagecraft server sounds like it'd be perfect for me. Other stuff; Genetic major, food aficionado, and I enjoy digging complex holes and then laying the insides nicely with wood and stone, decorating it all, and then living in it. 

Whitelisted. Sorry for the delay. Don't forget to check out our forums.


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Tony, your PM inbox is full. Wanted to warn you about cfortes, kingme441 and Jes0rKah. They are aliases for one and the same player. He's one of those griefers that do it for fun and should be banned on sight.


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Thanks Insanej, I will alert all my admins. We do have MCBans, and prism, but it always helps to have a heads up.


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Darkagecraft or Stoneagecraft?: Darkeagecraft


Minecraft user name: bro918


Your Age: 18


Your Time Zone: CST


Location Country and State: Central Canada


Tell us a bit about yourself: I started playing MC a bit over five years ago. Fell in love with it from day one. I found TFC two years ago and it was absolutely amazing. I found a great server with lots of neat little plugins and addons. I had my own shop where I sold metals and it was just so great. I loved it and want to experience that again. So here I am, looking for another server to join, and this one seems pretty good.


How can you help us?: Well, I have quite a bit of time to sink in to TFC. I like working as a team and cooperating as well and with a large player base joining a town and helping out shouldn't be a problem.


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Welcome to the server bro918. Have Fun. Please register in our forum.


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Darkagecraft or Stoneagecraft? Both, want to see which i prefer

Minecraft user name: Yooshiii

Your Age: 19

Your Time Zone: EST

Location: FL, US

Tell us a bit about yourself: Ive been playing Minecraft since beta and most modded. Just started with TFC and looking for a nice server to play it on.

How can you help us? I can be you're servant for building or a meatshield against the zombies :P

Edited by Yooshi

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You are whitelisted on both servers Yooshiii. I Recommend using MultiMC and Create 2 Instances one for each server, as they use different Modpacks.


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Darkagecraft or Stoneagecraft: Darkagecraft

Minecraft user name: gus1423

Your Age: 18

Your Time Zone:MT

Location Country and State:TX US

Tell us a bit about yourself:been playing minecraft since first alpha release and started playing tfc about a year ago

How can you help us: i love to cooperate and work with other players 


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Darkagecraft or Stoneagecraft?: Darkagecraft

Minecraft user name: xAlexBx

Your Age: 20

Your Time Zone: GMT+1 Paris

Location Country and State: Norway

Tell us a bit about yourself: I've been playing minecraft since the very early alpha. I've tried TFC a couple of times in the past, but want to get more involved and experienced this time. I'm currently working a full time job with different shifts, which means I'll be online at various times of the day. I'll be honest and tell I'll be absent from time to time because of work, traveling and IRL.

How can you help us? I'm a helpful and social person. I've been a "guide" for newcomers on a couple of servers earlier. I hope to get more experienced in TFC and getting to know the server well.

- Aleks


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Welcome to the server xAlexBx  gus1423 . Please register in our forum and have fun.


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I would like to apply to both available servers. 

Minecraft user name: Grandma_ and/or DrMelonz 

Your Age: 21

Your Time Zone: EST

Location Country and State: Florida, USA

Tell us a bit about yourself: 21 years old, living by myself and like to play casual video games like minecraft in my free time. I enjoy various outdoor activities such as longboarding and basketball.

How can you help us: I can help the community by contributing to the in game environment, and helping other members out if I can. I enjoy playing with a friendly and fun group and would do what I can to maintain it. 

(For the time being my IGN is Grandma_, but in the future I will notify of any changes to DrMelonz)
Edited by Melonz

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I added  to both servers  " Grandma_ " . Please register in our forum and have fun.


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Darkagecraft or Stoneagecraft? I think darkagecraft, im new to darkagecraft, but not terrafirmacraft.

Minecraft user name: Rumpentuss

Your Age: 30

Your Time Zone: CET +1

Location Country and State: Sweden, Malmoe

Tell us a bit about yourself: I love minecraft and im really bad at singing

How can you help us? i dont know? build stuff?

Edited by rumpentuss

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Username: Dragonfoxninja

Age: 19

Time zone: MST

State: Colorado

About me: I'm in stoneagecraft, joining because that's down, and also to build with Rumpentus

How can I help: I'm great at helping people, just ask me and I'll help out!


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Darkagecraft or Stoneagecraft? Darkagecraft

Minecraft user name: ThatMonkeyGamer

Your Age:19

Your Time Zone: 0:00+ GMT

Location Country and State: Uk, England, Staffs

Tell us a bit about yourself: I'm a huge fan of terrafirmacraft, but have never reached blue/red steel because i always ended up getting annoyed because of how slow my pc was.. but now i have a new pc that runs minecraft at 150fps.. so i' looking to get stuck in with an amazing community.. Soo i love gaming in all shapes and sizes, love an adrenaline rush... also live on a farm

How can you help us? I'm pretty good at building as i've being told, i'm pretty adventurous, so wll constantly be finding things.., and finally i can be your mate.


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Welcome to the server ThatMonkeyGamer. Have Fun. Please register in our forum.


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