Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  • Announcements

    • Dries007

      ATTENTION Forum Database Breach   03/04/2019

      There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
      If you used this password anywhere else, change that too! The passwords themselves are stored hashed, but may old accounts still had old, insecure (by today's standards) hashes from back when they where created. This means they can be "cracked" more easily. Other leaked information includes: email, IP, account name.
      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
    • Claycorp

      This forum is now READ ONLY!   01/20/2020

      As of this post and forever into the future this forum has been put into READ ONLY MODE. There will be no new posts! A replacement is coming SoonTM . If you wish to stay up-to-date on whats going on or post your content. Please use the Discord or Sub-Reddit until the new forums are running.

      Any questions or comments can be directed to Claycorp on either platform.

[0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

What Kind of Server are you looking for?   283 members have voted

  1. 1. PVP server

    • Yes, bring the Battle
    • No. I want to build and cooperate
  2. 2. Mods and Addons

    • Yes, the more the better
    • No. I like the real TFC experience
  3. 3. RPG , Themed

    • Yes it ads to the immersion and involvement
    • No give me freedom to build whatever I want.

Please sign in or register to vote in this poll.

677 posts in this topic

Minecraft user name: Mauwer

Your Age: 24

Your Time Zone: GMT

Location Country and State: Netherlands

Tell us a bit about yourself:  Summer vacation just started for me and I was feeling to play a bit of TFC. I like joining a whitlisted server because it has people that are devoted and i look forward in putting some good time into this server

How can you help us? I can use photoshop but im mostly just gonna play on the server


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Welcome to the server Mauwer . Please register in our Forum and have fun.




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Minecraft user name: Squirrelzz

Your Age: 22

Your Time Zone: EST

Location Country and State: Florida

Tell us a bit about yourself: I'm a on and off player, I play for a couple days, take a couple days off. my goal in game is to get to steel and just build from there. 


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Minecraft user name: ThatMonkeyGamer

Your Age: 20

Your Time Zone: GMT +0:00

Location Country and State: England, UK

Tell us a bit about yourself: My Names Kyle.. I like all kinds of Gaming, I Also have a life and enjoy a good adrenaline rush from time to time.. TFC Is a good way to unwind after a hard days work.

How can you help us? I Can help with Special Buildings as I'm a pretty good builder.. But will mostly want to play on the server


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Welcome to the server ThatMonkeyGamer. Have fun and please register in our forum.


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Is the old players still whitelisted on new server?

Please add me. So eager to play again with you guys :)

Name: Imofexios


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Welcome back.

We lost the original whitelist.

Have fun.


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Minecraft user name: Hypernator1

Your Age: 18

Your Time Zone: UTC+3

Location Country and State: Romania

Tell us a bit about yourself: I'm new to TFC, I used to play BetterThanWolves ages ago but got disappointed by the latest version, which is simply way too hard and isn't fun. After playing a few hours I felt like multiplayer would be fun so I decided to try out this server :)

How can you help us? Well, I kind of just want to play for fun. I could help with building things, but I'm not sure what is meant by "Special Buildings".


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Welcome to the server. You have been Whitelisted  Hypernator1 .

Usually I prefer players with more experience in tfc. Terrafirmacraft is a mod that needs to be played with the wiki open on a browser even for experienced players.

I really recommend you joining someones town as people are more willing to help a fellow resident. 

In any case have fun and please register in our forum.


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Minecraft user name: Jax_Nyuu

Your Age: 16

Your Time Zone: GMT-6

Location Country and State: México, CDMX

Tell us a bit about yourself: Well... i not speak much English, but I do not like to play alone and I like to try to get along with people, especially if they are friendly and I have some time playing with this mod.

How can you help us: I love teamwork and also help others with what they do not understand


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Welcome to the server Jax_Nyuu . Have fun and register in our forum.

Please remember that we have a rule about only English on global chat.


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Minecraft user name: RogueCytosine

Your Age: 16 

Your Time Zone: PST (GMT -8)

Location Country and State: California, USA

Tell us a bit about yourself: My name's Rosie! I'm not the best builder, so I tend to favor being underground. I focus primarily on metalworking, so I starve often. Whoops :P

How can you help us? I'm a digital artist! You can find some of my better art here, and if you want something I'll probably draw it! I don't typically work for money, but if a staff member needs a banner or something like that, you can surely count on me to get it done swiftly and effectively.


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You are very welcome to the server . Hope you like it there. Please register in our forum and have fun.

We definitely could use some talented people.

BTW my town is recruiting and we have all the food you can ever need.  We need miners and resource gatherers. So you would be very welcome.

We are the town at Spawn Avalon.


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Minecraft user name: Swum

Your Age: 18

Your Time Zone: EDT

Location Country and State: Maine, United States

Tell us a bit about yourself: I've played Minecraft on and off for several years and recently discovered TerraFirmaCraft. I'd like to experience the mod in a multiplayer setting. 

How can you help us? I am currently employed as a full-time web developer for the summer. I am interested in contributing to the development of an updated, professional website in my spare time. I can also offer some assistance in the implementation and configuration of mods- although I have limited experience with Java, I'm eager to improve.


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Welcome to the server Swum . Have fun and please register in our forum.


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Minecraft user name: kitemen

Your Age: 15

Your Time Zone:  GMT -06:00

Location Country and State: Canada Alberta

Tell us a bit about yourself:I have played minecraft for many years and it has gotten dull this server sparks my interests as i enjoy the idea of an economy in a realistic setting

How can you help us I cant do much i can build stuff that isnt trash but i dont have a lot of experience building i dont have any experience building spawns so i guess i could build a trading station



also idk if this post is dead


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Welcome to the server, Have fun.

please register in our forum.


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Minecraft user name: MoonBro_808

Your Age: 19

Your Time Zone: PST

Location Country and State: USA, Nevada

Tell us a bit about yourself: Hi. I'm 19 and I play minecraft around 5 hours a day. That means I'm usually on the lookout for mods and TFC got me hooked.

How can you help us? Sorry, but I can only help be helping new players and in general, just playing.


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Minecraft user name: NicholasFoxden

Your Age: Almost 19

Your Time Zone: (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Location Country and State: USA, Colorado

Tell us a bit about yourself: Fledgling Game Designer, Musician, Cooking enthusiast

How can you help us? I'm a bit of a jack of all trades, but I can't say I'm great at any of them, as you'd expect. I've dabbled in site design, dabbled in photoshop, (though I use GIMP) basically everything, and I can't say I'm particularly good at TFC, but I'm a pretty nice guy, and I bring the memes to any server.


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Welcome to the server NicholasFoxden . Please register in our form and have fun.


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The servers will be permanently Off Line after the start of September.

There is just not enough players to justify the Time and effort to  keep the server alive. Not to talk about the cost.

I will keep the forum alive, at least for now.



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Sorry to see you go. Thank you for all your time and effort and I hope you'll be back for TFC 2. We have to keep the non-Forge server rebellion alive after all ;)


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Thanks Insanej,

Who knows, maybe Sponge will be a lot better for Servers. I have high hopes for that.

I do however worry that TFC2 will not be true multiplayer friendly, In the sense of having multiple groups of players and people joining and creating towns after one or two months.

We'l have to wait and see. One way or another I think it will be a fun game to play.




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