Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Offline][0.78.?] Small Whitelisted TFC Server with Extrafirma

37 posts in this topic




I am looking for mature players interested in joining our small community. The aim is to focus on fairly dense villages with a bit of trading here and there. It is essentially centred around a communal aspect and focuses on realism and cooperative efforts. So please keep all this in mind when playing.


If this sounds like something that you're interested in and are able to contribute time and dedication, then please apply below. Due to the fact that space is limited I will be rather conservative with who I accept so do not fret if you do not make the cut. 


We also have extrafirma installed which add a couple new blocks to the game. It can be installed from here.





Use common sense

Avoid excessively large animal farms

Do not raid or steel from others

PVP is allowed if agreed on by both parties

Don't be an asshole

Have fun


Whitelist Application - Open







Why would you like to join?

What can you contribute?

How would you describe your play style?




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Username: Syiet

Skype(Optional): tyler_norton99

Age: 15

Timezone: Central American Time

Why would you like to join? I've applied for other servers, and such like that, but all of them have some sort of protection mod, and that is why this one is different. Instead of having protections mods and adding jerks, this server is looking for mature player that wouldn't do that sort of thing, and I would like to be a part of that.

What can you contribute? I know the grind of the mod pack and can help with anything that is needed, but I mostly enjoy building and just gathering a mass of supplies just to give to people or so I can say I have it.

How would you describe your play style? Builder, mostly, but I do know the how to's of the technical side of the mod-pack


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Username: Syiet

Skype(Optional): tyler_norton99

Age: 15

Timezone: Central American Time

Why would you like to join? I've applied for other servers, and such like that, but all of them have some sort of protection mod, and that is why this one is different. Instead of having protections mods and adding jerks, this server is looking for mature player that wouldn't do that sort of thing, and I would like to be a part of that.

What can you contribute? I know the grind of the mod pack and can help with anything that is needed, but I mostly enjoy building and just gathering a mass of supplies just to give to people or so I can say I have it.

How would you describe your play style? Builder, mostly, but I do know the how to's of the technical side of the mod-pack



Accepted :) The ip is


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Username: iced_adams666

Skype(Optional): aric0621

Age: 16

Timezone: EST

Why would you like to join? Im looking for a small community to play with have fun

What can you contribute? I'm a smith and like spending time making alloys and armor and tools, ect. I've been playing the mod upwards of two years and know almost every aspect

How would you describe your play style? I like to explore, finding ores, animals, ect. Im not the best builder there is but I'm sort of decent!


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Username: iced_adams666

Skype(Optional): aric0621

Age: 16

Timezone: EST

Why would you like to join? Im looking for a small community to play with have fun

What can you contribute? I'm a smith and like spending time making alloys and armor and tools, ect. I've been playing the mod upwards of two years and know almost every aspect

How would you describe your play style? I like to explore, finding ores, animals, ect. Im not the best builder there is but I'm sort of decent!


Denied, sorry


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All good, I guess I didn't really elaborate so :P


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Username: Fahl




Age: 27


Timezone: PST


Why would you like to join? Been playing lots of TFC solo, I think having a server with villages etc for trading is exactly what TFC needs!


What can you contribute? Food! I love farming and machines, TFC has a really nice food crafting system, and the yearly farming is really neat.


How would you describe your play style? Pretty mellow, I love doing things by myself, but having people to trade with really would seal the deal, FTC is already awesome, I can only image having multiple people would make it even better.



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Username: Fahl




Age: 27


Timezone: PST


Why would you like to join? Been playing lots of TFC solo, I think having a server with villages etc for trading is exactly what TFC needs!


What can you contribute? Food! I love farming and machines, TFC has a really nice food crafting system, and the yearly farming is really neat.


How would you describe your play style? Pretty mellow, I love doing things by myself, but having people to trade with really would seal the deal, FTC is already awesome, I can only image having multiple people would make it even better.



Accepted :D Ip is


---- Also for future reference to others... The ip will be in the original post ---


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Age: 15

Timezone: GMT

Why would you like to join? I'd like to find a small server running terrafirmacraft to just play on in my free time (I have a lot of that at the moment), I enjoy terrafirmacraft and I like the look of this server, I also like being part of a community and like the idea of the village.

What can you contribute? Knowledge on terrafirmacraft, i'm a decent builder, I know java so can code mods/plugins if ever needed, can do any jobs needed and can help others with projects.

How would you describe your play style? I like to build and adventure and usually go for function over aesthetics but do try to make my houses look nice, I like helping others with projects as well as working on my own smaller ones.


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Hi, I'd like to apply not only for me but also for a friend of mine (who's currently offline), as we were looking for a rather vanilla tfc server to join. I'll tell him to check this out when I catch him tomorrow. His nick is Apocalystim.


Username: _Zap_

Skype(Optional): Can't use it anymore since Microsoft shut down Skypekit.

Age: 19

Timezone: gmt+1, Germany

Why would you like to join? - TFC is pretty awesome and the resource availability and progression really appeals to me. In an older version I spent maybe 50 hours in singleplayer, but I feel like playing this again, and ideally not all alone. I've had good experiences with small whitelisted servers in the past, so this appeals more to me then some open server with lag, worries about grief protection and a map so empty you can't find sticks within a 5km radius.

What can you contribute? - I'm not going to promise I'll be on a lot if I don't feel like it (anymore), nor do I intend to work very community-oriented since I wish to progress mainly by my own capacity, but sharing basic resources, trading and hanging out together is what I plan to do.

How would you describe your play style? - Since the progression and resource management aspects are the main attractions for me, I tend to take a fairly methodical approach with the game. I'm not a big builder who makes fancy mansions and castles. I can see myself exploring a lot, looking for new resources and shiny ores on the way. I don't mind pvp games, but combat in this game isn't really the focus, so pve is more my thing, even though the mobs in tfc always were just annoying and had no real point to them.


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Hello guys, as my friend mentioned before in his post I also would like to apply on your server and the least would be if i'd do the formals myself now wouldn't it?


Username: Apocalystim

Skype: N/A

Age: 20

Timezone: GMT +1 / Central European Time


Why would you like to join?  Well, mainly TerraFirmaCraft is something i've been looking for a long time in Minecraft. Previously i tried some Mods from Feed the Beast 

that were more into realism, but there's nothing so far that beats TFC in this Point. And since it is always more fun to survive and play together, the next idea would be

to find a server matching our preferences, that being the mentioned server without worries about grief protection, lags or simple Gameplay that doesn't seem to be our kind of playing style. 


What can you contribute?  Hopefully much of Trade!!!  I've always dreamed of having the need to travel vast distances in Minecraft to trade with other people to provide 

the things one might need. Since TerrafirmaCraft is build up in such a way that you can't find every resource close to each other it seems to me this might work out.


How would you describe your playing Style?




When it comes to my playing Style it is no decision about being a builder or adventurer or industrialist.

I am really into Realism. So Im trying to play in a way you would think of as believable. I like to live in a nice house for which i tend to spend much time building it and

everything that i do isn't perfect in function but.. well it has a purpose.  


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Age: 15

Timezone: GMT

Why would you like to join? I'd like to find a small server running terrafirmacraft to just play on in my free time (I have a lot of that at the moment), I enjoy terrafirmacraft and I like the look of this server, I also like being part of a community and like the idea of the village.

What can you contribute? Knowledge on terrafirmacraft, i'm a decent builder, I know java so can code mods/plugins if ever needed, can do any jobs needed and can help others with projects.

How would you describe your play style? I like to build and adventure and usually go for function over aesthetics but do try to make my houses look nice, I like helping others with projects as well as working on my own smaller ones.




Hi, I'd like to apply not only for me but also for a friend of mine (who's currently offline), as we were looking for a rather vanilla tfc server to join. I'll tell him to check this out when I catch him tomorrow. His nick is Apocalystim.


Username: _Zap_

Skype(Optional): Can't use it anymore since Microsoft shut down Skypekit.

Age: 19

Timezone: gmt+1, Germany

Why would you like to join? - TFC is pretty awesome and the resource availability and progression really appeals to me. In an older version I spent maybe 50 hours in singleplayer, but I feel like playing this again, and ideally not all alone. I've had good experiences with small whitelisted servers in the past, so this appeals more to me then some open server with lag, worries about grief protection and a map so empty you can't find sticks within a 5km radius.

What can you contribute? - I'm not going to promise I'll be on a lot if I don't feel like it (anymore), nor do I intend to work very community-oriented since I wish to progress mainly by my own capacity, but sharing basic resources, trading and hanging out together is what I plan to do.

How would you describe your play style? - Since the progression and resource management aspects are the main attractions for me, I tend to take a fairly methodical approach with the game. I'm not a big builder who makes fancy mansions and castles. I can see myself exploring a lot, looking for new resources and shiny ores on the way. I don't mind pvp games, but combat in this game isn't really the focus, so pve is more my thing, even though the mobs in tfc always were just annoying and had no real point to them.



Hello guys, as my friend mentioned before in his post I also would like to apply on your server and the least would be if i'd do the formals myself now wouldn't it?


Username: Apocalystim

Skype: N/A

Age: 20

Timezone: GMT +1 / Central European Time


Why would you like to join?  Well, mainly TerraFirmaCraft is something i've been looking for a long time in Minecraft. Previously i tried some Mods from Feed the Beast 

that were more into realism, but there's nothing so far that beats TFC in this Point. And since it is always more fun to survive and play together, the next idea would be

to find a server matching our preferences, that being the mentioned server without worries about grief protection, lags or simple Gameplay that doesn't seem to be our kind of playing style. 


What can you contribute?  Hopefully much of Trade!!!  I've always dreamed of having the need to travel vast distances in Minecraft to trade with other people to provide 

the things one might need. Since TerrafirmaCraft is build up in such a way that you can't find every resource close to each other it seems to me this might work out.


How would you describe your playing Style?




When it comes to my playing Style it is no decision about being a builder or adventurer or industrialist.

I am really into Realism. So Im trying to play in a way you would think of as believable. I like to live in a nice house for which i tend to spend much time building it and

everything that i do isn't perfect in function but.. well it has a purpose.  


Accepted :D Ip is above 

Also note that over the next couple weeks I won't be on as frequently as I would like.. If anything arises you can contact me on Skype @nebula323 and I will get back to you asap. The majority of us players have started to build in the mountainous region around spawn, so feel free to find a spot around there to build.


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Username: loljustlol

Skype(Optional): I don't have a Skype,sorry.

Age: 13

Timezone: GMT -5

Why would you like to join: I found out about TFC a while ago and I like it a lot. However,I got tired of SSP pretty quickly. I joined a bunch of servers,but they all had problems in them,such as lag or having too many players.

What can you contribute? I can get a lot of resources,of pretty much any kind,very quickly. I'm very good with TFC knowledge-in other servers I tend to be the person that people would ask if they needed help with something. I can also be very active and play several hours a day.

How would you describe your play style? I tend to live close to spawn and be a shopkeeper,but I'm not very good in teams so I live alone,typically. Aside from that I tend to be a packrat,collecting everything I can and never really discarding anything.


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Pafic standard time


-Why would you like to join?:

I love the mod been playing for a month but playing by yourself can get boring pretty quickly


-What can you contribute?:

Trading, Farming, House building, I know alot about the game/mod so i can help players that are stuck, cooking, I can automate stuff


-How would you describe your play style?:

Survival/hardcore Peaceful/farming


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Username: danyellhaze

Age: 17

Timezone: PST

Why would you like to join? I love the mod, but have gotten a little bit tired of single player, so I've been looking around for a small community to join. 

What can you contribute? I've gotten fairly good at resource gathering, and I'm a decent builder. I know the game fairly well, so I can help out people if they're having trouble with something. I'd also be pretty active on the server. 

How would you describe your play style? I'm a farmer. I love the agricultural aspect of the game. Crops, trees, animals, etc. 


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Username: Neomallee

Age: 30

Timezone: PST

Why would you like to join? I'm looking for a small friendly community for my first experience of playing multiplayer minecraft.

What can you contribute? I've been playing this mod for a while so know it well but just learning extrafirma, I am the friendly, help your neighbor sort of person and I am willing to help any who would need it, but will not be overly active (only a hour to two hours daily) on the server, as I have several people I take care of in real life.

How would you describe your play style? I'm a builder, and I like to design the building to fit the environment so that it seems to belong there. That includes the crops and animal pens. I love the animal aspect and setting up, nice realistic style places for them to live.


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Pafic standard time


-Why would you like to join?:

I love the mod been playing for a month but playing by yourself can get boring pretty quickly


-What can you contribute?:

Trading, Farming, House building, I know alot about the game/mod so i can help players that are stuck, cooking, I can automate stuff


-How would you describe your play style?:

Survival/hardcore Peaceful/farming



Denied, sorry :(



Username: danyellhaze

Age: 17

Timezone: PST

Why would you like to join? I love the mod, but have gotten a little bit tired of single player, so I've been looking around for a small community to join. 

What can you contribute? I've gotten fairly good at resource gathering, and I'm a decent builder. I know the game fairly well, so I can help out people if they're having trouble with something. I'd also be pretty active on the server. 

How would you describe your play style? I'm a farmer. I love the agricultural aspect of the game. Crops, trees, animals, etc. 


Accepted :)


Username: Neomallee

Age: 30

Timezone: PST

Why would you like to join? I'm looking for a small friendly community for my first experience of playing multiplayer minecraft.

What can you contribute? I've been playing this mod for a while so know it well but just learning extrafirma, I am the friendly, help your neighbor sort of person and I am willing to help any who would need it, but will not be overly active (only a hour to two hours daily) on the server, as I have several people I take care of in real life.

How would you describe your play style? I'm a builder, and I like to design the building to fit the environment so that it seems to belong there. That includes the crops and animal pens. I love the animal aspect and setting up, nice realistic style places for them to live.


Accepted :)


Username: loljustlol

Skype(Optional): I don't have a Skype,sorry.

Age: 13

Timezone: GMT -5

Why would you like to join: I found out about TFC a while ago and I like it a lot. However,I got tired of SSP pretty quickly. I joined a bunch of servers,but they all had problems in them,such as lag or having too many players.

What can you contribute? I can get a lot of resources,of pretty much any kind,very quickly. I'm very good with TFC knowledge-in other servers I tend to be the person that people would ask if they needed help with something. I can also be very active and play several hours a day.

How would you describe your play style? I tend to live close to spawn and be a shopkeeper,but I'm not very good in teams so I live alone,typically. Aside from that I tend to be a packrat,collecting everything I can and never really discarding anything.



Accepted :)Also sorry for the late response guys! I will now be around more... Busy, but around :P


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Why would you like to join?                      

I would love to join as I have played TFC before in single player, but never in multi player. I'd love to get a feel of a small community and contribute to it with all I've got!

What can you contribute?

 I could contribute buildings, and lots of villages/structures to community areas (although I'm not the best builder, but with time i can create some pretty awesome stuff). I also love to help people out (once I master the mod myself as I'm fairly recent to it). 

How would you describe your play style?    

I would say I LOVE to build with themes and icy biomes. I love building towns, villages, etc. I usually start off in a shack, then gather things to build big. I'd say i usually like to stick to the outskirts of civilization at first, but once i gather vaults of materials, I tent to either build the area around me up so much that it becomes a decent civil place, or move closer to where the community is.


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Username: LFueyo


Age: 16


Timezone: Central Daylight Time


Why would you like to join? Because TFC is the perfect mod to play as a group and with many people, not alone.


What can you contribute? With everything, I know the mod quite well and I tend to share a lot of my resources


How would you describe your play style? Get the basics and then go big. I make a lot of grindy work and then build, etc.


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Username: WildThyme


Skype(Optional): Setotell (I rarely turn skype on; I would suggest contacting me here, if necessary.)


Age: Twenty-six


Timezone: GMT -4


Why would you like to join?


I have been searching for a small quiet TFC server(with extrafirma) for quite some time, seeing as how this one fits the bill, I thought I'd apply.


What can you contribute?


Aside from a creative building style, making use of the surrounding environment, you can expect to see a pleasant to have neighbor living not too far away. After some time, mysterious barrels of cheese, and boxes of carpeting will likely begin to randomly appear on doorsteps. Walkways will become illuminated with hanging lanterns, and there will be a surplus of baked goods.


In all seriousness, I'm an experienced TFC player that just likes to have fun.


How would you describe your play style?


Eclectic. I enjoy surrounding myself in aesthetically pleasing architecture; among other things.


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Username: 1live9

Skype(Optional): onelivenine

Age: 15

Timezone: PST

Why would you like to join? I would like to join because I want to see how this mod allows you to interact with other players. I have only played singleplayer on TFC, and thought it would be a nice change.

What can you contribute? Well, this is that hardest part of the application, I can say that I know the mod pretty well(of course I still have to look at the wiki sometimes). I love to explore, so if I find a vein of ore that someone needs, I can tell them where it is(and the such, like cows and etc.).

How would you describe your play style? My play style is definitely not builder, as I am terrible at building. I can say that I just like to play the mod through, and then help other people get to my position (I did this type of thing a lot on FTB servers that I used to play on.)


Another couple things: If you want me to, I can prove my age with my voice over skype, I also have been a moderator for about 2(?)-ish years on a FTB server(I can prove this(on skype)), but seeing how this is purely vanilla(edit: vanilla TFC (with extrafirma)) I do not think that that is important.


Thanks for the consideration, have a good day.  ^_^ 


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Hello! I'm looking for a community TFC server and I feel a good vibe from this one! Here is my application!


Username: empireking24

Skype(Optional): goose2dsd2

Age: 17

Timezone: CDT

Why would you like to join?

I'd like to join the server because I love the multiplayer aspect of Minecraft, and TFC happens to be the modded Minecraft I have been playing recently. I absolutely LOVE the idea of building a trade city and establishing a currency! Of course, it would be a community agreement for a currency, but I love to explore and trade my findings with other people!

What can you contribute?

I can contribute as a merchant to anyone who is willing to buy at a reasonable price! I also love to build things and help people who are in need of my assistance!

How would you describe your play style?

My play-style includes building somewhat big projects for the whole community, like a farm or a city hall. I also LOVE to explore. A lot. I tend to do landscaping exceptionally well, if that helps with anything. 


Thank you for your time in reading my application! :)


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Username: CCdog987

Skype(Optional):                                     Never use skype

Age: 12

Timezone: Pacific

Why would you like to join? I hate playing single player and playing alone so im really hoping that i can do a private server where i can pair up with someone and well... yeah.

What can you contribute? I can work extremly hard and well... im really fimilar with minecraft and all its strong points while knowing its weak points (just expect alot of CCdog987 died)

How would you describe your play style? My play style is rushing through beginning shit and getting to all the juicy parts of the mod (i just cant stand vinnilla)



Im not too good with apps but i am extremly mature if it calls for it.


If i dont get accepted, best regards to the server!

- CC


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Username: Trysson12


Age: 14

Timezone: -03:00

Why would you like to join?

Because I use to play lots of Terrafirmacraft, and I enjoy the feel of building a community in

such an environment.

What can you contribute?

I can contribute gathering resources, building shelters and improving the server for everyone.

How would you describe your play style?

Hm... I usually prefer to build a very small house at the beggining, which I will use to gather many resources,

then I start to live a nomad life, searching for other resources and then I set myself again.


Obs.: I know that I am 14 years old, but I can guarantee you that I am very mature and will not do stupid things.




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Username: Ambrosia28








Why would you like to join? Playing by yourself becomes boring after a while but when playing with other people it's more enjoyable and fun to talk to others while you play


What can you contribute?Community building/helping others when they need help. Whatever is needed can be filled in by me, I'm not trying to sound big/cocky just confident when things need to be done when asked


How would you describe your play style? Mainly a player who explores and loves to cave but I can also build, not great at it though :P


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