Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Adding New Music?

26 posts in this topic

I love the music in Terrafirma Craft.


Unfortunately, after so much of my playthrough, I find myself wishing for a larger variety.


From what I understand, Terrafirma Craft disables the original music, and plays music from its assetsterrafirmacraftsoundm directory. Additionally, one of the minecraft versions (I can't find with true clarity the version(s)) has allowed a user to add their own music by adding .oggs to their .minecraftresources music folders. If Terrafirma disables the music there, I expect any custom music too will be disabled, though I haven't tested the theory.


So, to add a variety of music for the mod to play, I think the mod must be edited itself.


I did attempt a test of this, and managed to add a few music files (in .ogg form) to the terrafirma craft .jar list, giving it the name "m5", "m6" and "m7". When I tested it, none of the added music played.


What am I missing here? How does Terrafirma interact with the original music? What do you think about adding music variety, and what is the policy on making such edits to the .jar for personal use?


Also, I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this or not. It was here or maybe resource packs.


AS OF TFC 79 sounds.json has been added! Check my post here for a music adding guide!


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No idea how terrafirma craft interacts with the original music.


I think that more should be added, I was having a go at it myself but the TFC music is really hard to top.


You can do whatever you want to the .jar for personal use. The tfc devs encourage people to mess around with things themselves.

You couldn't upload the sound files though as they are part of the vanilla game.


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In B78 there is no way to add other music files because it's hard coded,

but B79 will use a "sounds.json" file for music/sound stuff, which is a text file where you will be able to add other music files.


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That's awesome. I was planning on using some Celtic-inspired music, or maybe some exploratory music from the Skyrim mod community.



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Did somebody request more music?


It has been almost 2 years since the tracks were added to TFC, and I think it is time I get cracking on more music.  I told Bioxx and Dunk I would TFCraft a CD to put on iTunes for sale to help out with some donations, but alas I never delivered.


The last year an a half have been a roller coaster ride of poo and other such unsavory things, but I am now settled back into awesome mode and rebuilding my studio, albeit much smaller.


If the devs will have it, I will create it.


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Yes, please. And make some more exciting nighttime music while you're at it! It's not very atmospheric to have calm and slow plinking sounds while hacking away at a horde of enemies... love the stuff though.


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That would be a-mazing, Menoch. Like I said, I love the base music, so any more additions would be greatly valued.


Until then, I have a dirty guide for people who would like to add their own music to TFC!



1. 7-Zip (Easy) or some other unzipping software. (

2. TFC.jar (You should know where to find this already)

3. The music you would like to hear in game. (If you'd like an example, I used a skyrim music mod pack )

4. A .ogg music converter (

5. Notepad or notepad++



Make a backup of your savegame or create a new game for testing. Also, make a copy of your TFC.jar. Spontaneous combustion might occur if you do otherwise. Also, in multiplayer, your TFC may not be compatible with a servers'. I don't know, I haven't tested it. But if you have multimc (or don't mind copy/pasting after every session) that shouldn't be too much an issue to overcome.



1. Open the TFC.jar. If you have 7-zip as so:

If you don't have 7-zip (it's free, by the  way), you can also get the necessary files by unpacking the archive.

2. Extract sounds.json (which you can find in "[xxx]TerraFirmaCraft-xx.jarassetsterrafirmacraft") to a new folder, destination of your choice.

3. Pick songs between about 1:30 to 5:30 in length.

4. Convert them to .ogg using any of the free .ogg softwares available.

5. Open the sounds.json file using notepad or notepad++.

6. Navigate to "music.tfc", which is near the bottom as of this writing.

7. At the end of {"name": "music/m4", "stream": true} add a comma!

8. Copy {"name": "music/m4", "stream": true}, and paste it immediately after. Change the m4 to the name of the song you are adding.

9. Repeat 8 for as many songs as you are adding.

10. Delete the final comma on the last song. Your list should look something like this:

11. Copy the new sounds.json file back into "[xxx]TerraFirmaCraft-xx.jarassetsterrafirmacraft"). Overwrite if prompted.

12. Copy the new music.ogg files to "[xxx]TerraFirmaCraft-xx.jarassetsterrafirmacraftsoundsmusic".

13. Test/Profit.


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Nothing dirty about that guide, Sahji, as long as it is good clean fun!!Personally, when I am not listening to the TFC tracks in game, I am listening to Tangerine Dream, Vangelis, Amethystium, or some other Ambient stuff while I play.  Sets the mood just right  ;)I am glad you like the music.  I have wanted for so long to be able to record more, but have been unable to for every reason under the sun it seems.  Soon…..


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Nothing dirty about that guide, Sahji, as long as it is good clean fun!!Personally, when I am not listening to the TFC tracks in game, I am listening to Tangerine Dream, Vangelis, Amethystium, or some other Ambient stuff while I play. Sets the mood just right ;)I am glad you like the music. I have wanted for so long to be able to record more, but have been unable to for every reason under the sun it seems. Soon…..

Out with it, please! I would love to get some more of - erm, how did GenericB call it once upon in a time in his TFC Let's Play series on YouTube again? Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah, the awesome space music!Frankly, this music was one very important reason that got me into TerraFirmaCraft in the first place :)I doubt the devs would mind some more tracks of it!

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Tangerine Dream, Vangelis, Enigma, Thievery Corporation, Biosphere, Zero 7, Enya, Air, ... good stuff :)


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I sound to me as this could be done via ressource pack instead of messing with the .jar, as all you modify is inside the asset folder, the same as the ressource pack will overwrite with their content.


Then you would not have to re-do it every update.


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I sound to me as this could be done via ressource pack instead of messing with the .jar, as all you modify is inside the asset folder, the same as the ressource pack will overwrite with their content.Then you would not have to re-do it every update.

Interesting ... but how would I do that? No experience whatsoever with resource packs.

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And this is supposed to be easier? I think there are many players who don't know how to work with these things; I prefer a nice step-by-step like above :)


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Great guide! Thanks for putting this up :D


Any chance you know how to change sounds for weather? If I could get as the background for raining in minecraft that would be so much better than the vanilla sound files.


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Rain sound locations



sound3  (or newsound, I'm not sure which applies to 1.7.10)



rain1, rain2, rain3, rain4


You should be able to replace those files in a resource pack with sounds


You will need to convert the sounds to .ogg first


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And this is supposed to be easier? I think there are many players who don't know how to work with these things; I prefer a nice step-by-step like above :)


You can follow the exact same steps, but instead of changing the files in the .jar, you change them in the ressource pack



I'll steal the previous step by step to show you how it's easy, in green what changed





0. Download a working ressource pack

1. Open the ressource pack and delete all texture from it (but keep the basic file structure) and edit the pack.mcmeta file to change the name of the pack

If you have 7-zip as so:

If you don't have 7-zip (it's free, by the  way), you can also get the necessary files by unpacking the archive.

2. Extract sounds.json from TFC .jar (which you can find in "[xxx]TerraFirmaCraft-xx.jarassetsterrafirmacraft") to a new folder, destination of your choice.

3. Pick songs between about 1:30 to 5:30 in length.

4. Convert them to .ogg using any of the free .ogg softwares available.

5. Open the sounds.json file using notepad or notepad++.

6. Navigate to "music.tfc", which is near the bottom as of this writing.

7. At the end of {"name": "music/m4", "stream": true} add a comma!

8. Copy {"name": "music/m4", "stream": true}, and paste it immediately after. Change the m4 to the name of the song you are adding.

9. Repeat 8 for as many songs as you are adding.

10. Delete the final comma on the last song. Your list should look something like this:

11. Copy the new sounds.json into the ressource pack in "assetsterrafirmacraft"). Overwrite if prompted.

12. Copy the new music.ogg files in the ressource pack to "assetsterrafirmacraftsoundsmusic".

13. Test/Profit.


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But that does seem to be more complicated ... where is the advantage?


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But that does seem to be more complicated ... where is the advantage?


I will quote myself


It sound to me as this could be done via ressource pack instead of messing with the .jar, as all you modify is inside the asset folder, the same as the ressource pack will overwrite with their content.


Then you would not have to re-do it every update.


Ressources pack exist for one purpose, it's to overwrite content of the asset folder, so you can customise your textures and sound without having to touch the .jar file.


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Hm ... I'm sorry if I seem obtuse here, but I never worked with resource packs before ...

So with what you suggest here I won't change the original sound.json in the jar file, but just use it for a custom resource pack, which I can switch on and off as I like, and the original TFC jar would stay unchanged?

I think I will look into that. Just now I did change the original .json according to the guide above and see if it works. If yes, I may download a new, clean TFC.jar and try the resource pack thing :)

Thanks for your effort!


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Hm ... I'm sorry if I seem obtuse here, but I never worked with resource packs before ...So with what you suggest here I won't change the original sound.json in the jar file, but just use it for a custom resource pack, which I can switch on and off as I like, and the original TFC jar would stay unchanged?I think I will look into that. Just now I did change the original .json according to the guide above and see if it works. If yes, I may download a new, clean TFC.jar and try the resource pack thing :)Thanks for your effort!


That is exactly it ! I suggested to use a working ressource pack so you don't have to worry about the fact that it could not work for some reasons.


If you have any questions about making the texture pack, feel free to ask, I made one myself and I can help you with details. I never edited the sound, but if you where able to change it in the .jar, you should be able to do the same in the pack.


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It works smoothly, so thanks very much, Sahji, for your guide!!

@aliceingame: I think, when the next version is coming out, I'll heed your advice and try a recource pack :)


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Any chance you will upload your music resource pack? another advantage is that is easy to distribute. 


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Not sure if anybody is interested in it. So far I've only added the four menu tracks from vanilla minecraft, because I think the atmosphere quite suits TFC ingame.

If somebody was to upload a pack with some of the music mentioned on the previous page, I'd interested in that too!

But, wouldn't that violate some copy rights? Dunno ...


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