Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[0.79.?] Fix Shaders for Terrafirmacraft Water

35 posts in this topic

How to get reflective fresh water in Terrafirmacraft. I have used the method with SEUS, Sildurs, chocopic and others. to search for"mc_Entity.x == 8.0 || mc_Entity.x == 9.0"Text to insert" || mc_Entity.x == 2136.0 || mc_Entity.x == 2137.0 || mc_Entity.x == 2138.0 || mc_Entity.x == 2139.0 || mc_Entity.x == 2140.0 || mc_Entity.x == 2141.0 || mc_Entity.x == 2142.0" 


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In TFC b79 the entity IDs for water have changed to


 || mc_Entity.x == 426.0 || mc_Entity.x == 427.0 || mc_Entity.x == 428.0 || mc_Entity.x == 429.0 


And for hot springs IDs are 430 and 431. But i would not change these because the particle effect is bad when you apply shaded water to them. 


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This fixes the waving leaves, waving grass, crops, flowers and saplings for TFC 79.x (MC 1.7.10). These are in the "gbuffers_terrain.vsh" file. Search for "WAVING_GRASS", "WAVING_LEAVES", "WAVING_WHEAT" (crops), "WAVING_FLOWERS" and "WAVING_SAPLINGS" respectively.

Waving Grass || mc_Entity.x == 204.0 || mc_Entity.x == 204.2 || mc_Entity.x == 435.0 || mc_Entity.x == 435.1 || mc_Entity.x == 435.2 || mc_Entity.x == 435.3 || mc_Entity.x == 435.4 || mc_Entity.x == 435.5 || mc_Entity.x == 435.6 || mc_Entity.x == 435.7 || mc_Entity.x == 435.8 || mc_Entity.x == 435.9 || mc_Entity.x == 435.10 || mc_Entity.x == 435.11 || mc_Entity.x == 435.12 || mc_Entity.x == 435.13 || mc_Entity.x == 435.14 || mc_Entity.x == 435.15Waving Leaves || mc_Entity.x == 218.0 || mc_Entity.x == 218.1 || mc_Entity.x == 218.2 || mc_Entity.x == 218.3 || mc_Entity.x == 218.4 || mc_Entity.x == 218.5 || mc_Entity.x == 218.6 || mc_Entity.x == 218.7 || mc_Entity.x == 218.8 || mc_Entity.x == 218.9 || mc_Entity.x == 218.10 || mc_Entity.x == 218.11 || mc_Entity.x == 218.12 || mc_Entity.x == 218.13 || mc_Entity.x == 218.14 || mc_Entity.x == 218.15 || mc_Entity.x == 219.0 || mc_Entity.x == 219.1
Crops "WAVING_WHEAT" || mc_Entity.x == 472.0  Flowers || mc_Entity.x == 474.0 || mc_Entity.x == 474.1 || mc_Entity.x == 474.2 || mc_Entity.x == 474.3 || mc_Entity.x == 474.4 || mc_Entity.x == 474.5 || mc_Entity.x == 475.0 || mc_Entity.x == 475.1 || mc_Entity.x == 475.2 || mc_Entity.x == 475.3 || mc_Entity.x == 475.4 || mc_Entity.x == 475.5 || mc_Entity.x == 475.6 || mc_Entity.x == 475.7 || mc_Entity.x == 475.8 || mc_Entity.x == 459.0Saplings || mc_Entity.x == 4571.0 || mc_Entity.x == 4571.1 || mc_Entity.x == 4571.2 || mc_Entity.x == 4571.3 || mc_Entity.x == 4571.4 || mc_Entity.x == 4571.5 || mc_Entity.x == 4571.6 || mc_Entity.x == 4571.7 || mc_Entity.x == 4571.8 

In the file composite.fsh edit the following line as shown to help with torch light color. Picture available by following the URL.


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This is fantastic, but tedious. Is there any way to make these files available for download with the changes already made or is that against license terms?


Edit: Nevermind, I just realized that these files are different for every shader pack and you would have to have a different file for each pack. Bummer. :(


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In TFC b79 the entity IDs for water have changed to


 || mc_Entity.x == 426.0 || mc_Entity.x == 427.0 || mc_Entity.x == 428.0 || mc_Entity.x == 429.0 


And for hot springs IDs are 430 and 431. But i would not change these because the particle effect is bad when you apply shaded water to them. 


I made all the changes for waving grass stuff and it looks absolutely gorgeous, but using the changes above for water (and only the changes by Terex, not the ones that Wooly posted), I get an error in the chat upon entering the world:

[Shaders]Error: Invalid program gbuffers_water

The world still loads fine and the shaders still work, except for the water. Any idea what might be the problem?


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On lines: 64 and 94

if (mc_Entity.x == 8.0 || mc_Entity.x == 9.0 || mc_Entity.x == 426.0 || mc_Entity.x == 427.0 || mc_Entity.x == 428.0 || mc_Entity.x == 429.0)

should work in gbuffers_water.vsh.


Make sure that the next line opens a curly bracket { followed by iswater....


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The world still loads fine and the shaders still work, except for the water. Any idea what might be the problem?


There are two lines to edit in the water config. If you don't edit both the water shader doesn't work.


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I think I figured it out. When I pasted, somehow in one of the lines I ended up with two || || next to each other. I corrected it and I'll try it now.


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Sure enough, that was the problem. Glad I double checked it. It looks incredible now, thanks guys.


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I'm trying the awesome SEUS Shaderpack, I added the following lines get wave effect with grass, leaves, flowers, bushes and crops.


In gbuffers_terrain.vsh I added:


Under "//Grass" (line 182):

|| mc_Entity.x == 204.0f	//TerraFirmaCraft: Grass|| mc_Entity.x == 435.0f	//TerraFirmaCraft: Grass|| mc_Entity.x == 474.0f	//TerraFirmaCraft: Flowers|| mc_Entity.x == 475.0f	//TerraFirmaCraft: Flowers|| mc_Entity.x == 459.0f	//TerraFirmaCraft: Flowers

* Optional - saplings (I don't think they should wave...)

|| mc_Entity.x == 220.0f	//TerraFirmaCraft: Saplings|| mc_Entity.x == 221.0f	//TerraFirmaCraft: Saplings|| mc_Entity.x == 6.0f  	//Vanilla Saplings

Under "//Wheat" added

|| mc_Entity.x == 472.0 

next to this value:

mc_Entity.x == 59.0

changing the value from 59.0 to 472.0 also works, but I added the value so I won't lose the effect on vanilla wheat.


And finally, under "//Leaves" added:

|| mc_Entity.x == 218.0f  //TerraFirmaCraft: Tree Leaves|| mc_Entity.x == 219.0f  //TerraFirmaCraft: Tree Leaves|| mc_Entity.x == 471.0f  //TerraFirmaCraft: Bushes

And it looks awesome!



Next step is to raise FPS from 15 to 60 ...  <_<


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Only Sildur's vibrant shaders LITE will improve your FPS significantly by disabling shader effects such as bloom and DOF, both i dislike anyway. I have not seen any other shader config that gives more FPS. I do not count Sildur's Basic shaders because they are quite ugly tbh.


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In the file composite.fsh edit the following line as shown to help with torch light color. Picture available by following the URL.

vec3 torchcolor = vec3(1.0f, 0.55f, 0.3f)*torchbalance;


If anybody wants to mess with the light color themselves, you can refer to this. You can do funky stuff like purplish light.


I personally like 0.8f, 0.4f, 0.0f.


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hey, would any of you guys know how to make caves darker while using seus shader?

also i cant find vec3 torchcolor anywhere in composite.fsh


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hey, would any of you guys know how to make caves darker while using seus shader?

also i cant find vec3 torchcolor anywhere in composite.fsh


Which shaders are you modifying? For example, with the SEUS 10.1 Preview2, I had to change colorTorchlight = vec3 (line 257) in composite.vsh, instead of composite.fsh.


I haven't looked into the shaders enough to know how to change the caves right now though, so maybe somebody else can answer that.


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yea im using SEUS 10.1, thanks


as for the shadow, while looking for shaders yesterday i ran into CUDA 4.2 which has a great dark caves system. basically after going several blocks without any light source everything turns completely black.

however it does cause some weird discoloration. if some1 could somehow get SEUS to even do partialy what that does it would be awesome


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Where did you guys find the mc_Entity values for the TFC blocks and item? I'm looking into fixing Cattails being kinda buggy: the whole blocks including the under block wobbles. That might be impossible, but still, I want to try :P


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You need to install the mod Not Enough Items.


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Where did you guys find the mc_Entity values for the TFC blocks and item? I'm looking into fixing Cattails being kinda buggy: the whole blocks including the under block wobbles. That might be impossible, but still, I want to try :P


This actually cannot be fixed. All of the underwater plants are actually the block of dirt/gravel that is underneath them, with an extended hitbox up onto the plant. That is why when you break the plant, the block underneath disappears too. They are one in the same, and I don't believe shaders has the ability to only make half of a block wiggle.


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How do you do this with the SUES forge version? (ie, a jar file)


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I've issue with shaders when i hold torch, Jack-o-lantern or planks? screen goes black. Any sugestions how to fix it?  I used: Sildurs Vibrant shaders, Ziipzaaps Shaders, CUDA Shaders and super shaders all don't work. 


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Water shaders have changed IDs again. They are now: 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443 as of TFC v79.13


Since i bought a new rig with a nvidia geforce gtx 980 card, i can get some sick SEUS Ultra shaders going at a ridiculous resolution of 2715 x 1527 and a chunk distance of 16. My fps at these settings is around 25. 


Three screenshots for those who need proof.. he he





EDIT: OK i dont know what is going on but the water IDs now start from 426 onwards.


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EDIT: OK i dont know what is going on but the water IDs now start from 426 onwards.


This likely has to do with Minecraft moving away from number IDs and switching to text. Are you adding/removing any mods? Doing so would likely shift around the number IDs that are being used. If the shaders supports the text names, I would strongly suggest that you use those instead.










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I just updated to 79.15 and now when I fire it up, all my shaders work fine except now my dirt blocks are suddenly waving like crazy. Not grass dirt block, just regular dirt blocks. Did this ID somehow change or could it be one of my other mods causing it?


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Also,  how do you know if a shader supports text names? It would be a lot easier to just put in "mc_Entity.x == {text name here} instead of trying to find all the block IDs, definitely. How do you find IDs/textnames for things like crops that don't have an item?


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If you have inventory tweaks installed, F3+H will show the unlocalized text name for any item/block that you can keep in your inventory. For everything else, you can find the unlocalized names in the code where the block/item is registered.


What you are looking for is the word contained inside of quotes " " on the same line. So for crops, it's in TFCBlocks on line 493

GameRegistry.registerBlock(Crops, "Crops");

For TFC blocks and items, it will always be prefaced with 




so crops would be terrafirmacraft:Crops



Edit: As for whether or not the shader supports the unlocalized name, you would have to either ask the shader author, or try and see if it works for yourself.


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