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New Health and Medicine System

99 posts in this topic

ok im am going to update this as time goes but here are some of my original ideas that i had posted in the old suggestions page of the old wiki. .people i am open to ideas. if you do not like something say so, if you think something should be added, write a comment, bioxx is saying he might use these ideas for the health system, if you guys do not want something, or do want something, please post comments before he uses any of these ideas, if you guys like these ideas, say so, so that i know what ideas to keep or expand upon. this is just my first crack at explaining a new health system. ideas are welcome. and please read the whole post before you post a comment as there is alot of information here and chances are that if you skip and find a easy exploit, i have talked about a way to overcome it at some point in this post.

i agree this needs work, but do to some serious computer problems i am not going to be updating the suggestion anymore, i am merely going to let people post there ideas here and discuss until we can all come to an agreement, then i will probably hand over my account to some one so they can fix it up nice and pretty. i suck at presentation anyways. i will edit it a bit before i log off for a long time. probably will not be back for months seeing as how i need anew computer and have college to think about. any ways yes this idea needs work, but this is not purely about the post, but about the comments and suggestions from the community. instead of saying you think it needs work, tell us what exactly or generally needs work so we can focus and improve this topic. if you do not like something give you opinion on how it should be changed.

first off starting with hunger, i believe that a person does not heal completely from an arrow wound or explosion just by eaitng some steak and bread. my idea is that having full hunger can only heal you up to 5 hearts and then the healing process slows down to a heart or half a heart a day. this allows the player to keep their life up but will make it so they still require they need to delve into more advanced ways of healing themselves.

second, this is an idea and completely unnnecesary if it proves to difficult to code, but i beleive there should be diffrent types of injuries,like broken bones from being beaten by a zombie or falling off a cliff, gashes from arrowsand claws, i will be adding a second suggestions page about my ideas for new mobs and a hunting/ butchering system, so on so forth. having to many injuries lowers villager intrest and acceptance of you, again i will be adding a third suggestions page about my ideas for a villager trading system and interaction system.

third, early game health tools, junngle leaves should have a chance to drop a jungle leaf item, other wise the player needs to find sheep and get wool, i also have a theory about wool blocks but i will delve into that later, using the wool from a sheep or a jungle leaf item, plus 2 sticks, the player will make them self a splint for broken bones, or if the player finds herbs, such as aleo vera or something, they can use them with the wool or leaf to make an stuffing clog, think of cotton balls, used to heal gashes, once used it removes the status ailgment and heals your character for a shot time, if the character has a status aligment only the type of health tool that fixes that injury will work, if they have more then one then both tool types will work, so if the player has a gash and broken bone then both cloggs and splints will work but if the player only has broken bones then only a splint will help, if the player has no injury type then the player just needs to use ointment, which i will explain in my next paragraph.

these suggestions never came unfortunately, i ran into some trouble and have been very distracted. if i ever get my computer fixed or replaced i will be sure to try to remember to make these suggestions.

forth, second teir heath tools, herbs and bed rest, if the player sleeps in bed it is capable of healing the player for a random amount as long as they have no injury types, the max bed rest can heal for is up to 10 hearts, splints and raggs heal the player up to 7, ointments can also heal the player up to 10, by using 3 pices of clay the player can make a moart and pedestle and after cooking it in a firepit or forge the player must craft it with 6 peices of wood 1 peice of paper and an herb, there should be multiple types but all will work to create a hebalism table, using this the player can create ointments that heal may status aligments, including gashes and frostbite, the player should also have a loom by now and can make cloth that takes the place of the cloggs from before

fith, actual use for zombies and skeletons, killing a zombie will have a chanse that the zombie will drop one of three special items, an item called unrotted flesh, zombie organ and infected meat, skeletons drop 5 new items: rib, skull, pelvis, skeletal hand, and finaly a femur, now while it is unlikely that in real life you would be able to fix your own broken skull or shattered hand, this is a game and there is only so much you can do before the game becomes impossible by yourself.

sixth, reasearch, the most important step, allows for the player to gain more then 10 hearts, and in its finla stages a max of 20, the player must get to the iron age to make the first stage of research tables, by using 3 peices of wood, 3 peices of smooth stone, a iron knife, peice of paper and glass bottle the player will craft a research table, and buy using each of the special items the player will be able to make "recipies that will be used in the alchemy system to allow for the cration of simple mediciens, and for those who want to use this sytem for evil purposes, simple poisins.

seventh, advanced research, while the stage one research table allows for a max of 13 hearts the stage 2 table using a steel knife instead of iron, yse i belive it should be a simple as putting the table in the crafint table with a steel knife, stage 2 allows up to 16 hearts, the player can research more then one type of organ at once and can come up with even more advanced "recipies" that allow stronger medicies and poisions.

eighth, third and final teir reasearch, the player must head to the nether, zombie pigmen drop mutated versions of the zombie organs, and a few mutated bones, skull and femur are the best in my opinion but what ever you feel comfortable with, this require that the player make a new bech with steel instead of wood and a 2x steel sheet to replace the center stone, plus either a red steel or blue steel knife, thus creating advanced teir fantasy reasearch table, name place holder call it what ever you like, you use the mutated organs to get even more powerful medicen that max you out at 20 hearts.

Ninth, negative death effects, to prevent a player from just dieing to regain health and food, when a player spawn the player will start out with full health, 10 hearts, and full hunger, if the player dies, when they respawn they have only 5 hearts and 3 hunger, they have a reborn negative effect that prevents them from using any gui, feel free to add any other negative effects you feel the player should have for dying. if you guys have any other ideas then feel free to post them in the replies

Additions: While reading another suggestion, unrelated but some how my twisted mind came up with this idea, Numbered health and food rather then icons. (icons can be placed next to the health and food numbers but will/may not be used to count) a cap for health should be rather low, if you start out with 100 health you should have a cap of 400 or 300 (i actualy think a starting health of 64 would be quite humorous and nastagic of minecraft itself) i will leave food up too the community and bioxx to decide the starting numbers and limit. While health will be a constant unless hurt or healed/increased, food will slowly drain over time, even while standing still. however, running jumping or fighting will increase the hunger decrease rate. this allows for bioxx to assign numbers to each pecie of food so each peice will increase the hunger counter a certain amount. i do have one suggestion for the hunger meter, there should be 2 limits, one limit that if passed cause you to get an over eating penalty, the effects are up too bioxx and the public, but slowness should be one of them, and a second limit where you can not eat anymore. also some foods should take longer to eat then others.

someone suggested a paer doll idea, varying degrees of injuries, making medical items edible ( i like this idea, but items like badages should have a sligtly added animation were the player's arm goes across there body like they are wrapping themselves up rather then eating a bandagem and casts would require a medical table) or iff you add in a new invetory gui you could have items like bandages or casts equip in thos slots (also this guys suggestion not mine, but i do like the idea of a new inventory gui and i believe this would be feisable if it is thus implemented) afreind of mine posted a suggestion of his own like mine (not a comment) about a new inventory screen and new jewlery and the like, while his suggestion would be ok, simply adding a few slots to the current inventory menue, I believe that a new attire gui is in order (when i was saying inventory i ment a gui where you equip armour and jewlery, ring slots, sheilds, necklace, capes!, ext

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to explain some of my earlier statements, in real life you do not get an entire 1 meter by 1 meter block of wool in from a sheep you get multiple balls of wool, now to get a block of wool you could put either 4, 6 or 9 balls of wool in a crafting table to get a block of wool, i am unsure of this so you just decide which sounds better, but this is not how the player makes cloth or beds, the player must use a loom to spin balls of wool into cloth and cloths into sheets, you use 2 sheets to make a matress case, i do not have a name for it, then you fill it with balls of wool, 8 should do seeing as how the beds thin are to start out with, then you use either 2 cloth or 1 sheet, again you guys decide, with 8 feathers to make a pillow, use a few sheets to make a blanket, and make a bed frame with wood, up to bioxx how that is done, then you craft the matress on top of the frame, the blanket on top ot the matress and pillow off to the side of the blanket and then you get a bed, if i missed anything or forgot to explain and idea please tell me and i will fix it, i will also be putting up the other 3 pages in the next few days


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wow, lots of information here. I mostly skipped to the interesting parts, but anyways, I rly like the idea of bandaging your ass after getting it kicked by a bunch of zombies in that cave you found in your basement. This also would add to the inventory managing factor, since would be more stuff to carry on your adventures.

About the research stuff... lets just say now I have a reason to put a "M.D." next to my name in the sign on my front porch..

Now, about the bed crafting, I think it fits nicely with @Antice's idea of bed tiers, but I don't think it would be interesting if it were this complicated. And about the wool blocks, I agree with you in that too, it always felt wrong that I could make a wool bed in the floor that was bigger then the actual bed with frame and matress and stuff.

so, overall, kudos man. those are some nice ideas you got there :3


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I like everything you posted -- up to the 4th tier. Everything past that feels like it doesn't belong in TFCraft. Interesting ideas, though. It could be fun to make splints out of sticks/string, and they will repair broken limbs over the course of a few days. I say "could be" fun because it might make players stay trapped in their houses too long, or just die because they don't have a house yet. I think this addition to TFCraft should come after the mobs are switched out with more fair and realistic mobs.


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wow, lots of information here. I mostly skipped to the interesting parts, but anyways, I rly like the idea of bandaging your ass after getting it kicked by a bunch of zombies in that cave you found in your basement. This also would add to the inventory managing factor, since would be more stuff to carry on your adventures.

About the research stuff... lets just say now I have a reason to put a "M.D." next to my name in the sign on my front porch..

Now, about the bed crafting, I think it fits nicely with @Antice's idea of bed tiers, but I don't think it would be interesting if it were this complicated. And about the wool blocks, I agree with you in that too, it always felt wrong that I could make a wool bed in the floor that was bigger then the actual bed with frame and matress and stuff.

so, overall, kudos man. those are some nice ideas you got there :3

ok i followed you up to the M.D. thing, i understand you were trying to make a joke or refrence or make a light hearted poke at me, but in all honesty i do not understand exactly what it is you mean. most people say i am like a nicer but more evil version of sheldon from the big bang theory. i act nice to my freinds but the thing i dream up would make satin shit himself. anyways, i thank you for the imput, and i will definetly be adding in a mention that from teir 5 up is all just me trying to add in a sence of difficulty, cause come on its not like in real life some one would just know how to brew up a bottle of medicine, and know how it would effect the human body, that is why i added the research system, like finding the organs allows you to test the reactions of certain things on the organs and bones. if this is to intricate please post a comment to help me refine or alter my entire system.

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I like everything you posted -- up to the 4th tier. Everything past that feels like it doesn't belong in TFCraft. Interesting ideas, though. It could be fun to make splints out of sticks/string, and they will repair broken limbs over the course of a few days. I say "could be" fun because it might make players stay trapped in their houses too long, or just die because they don't have a house yet. I think this addition to TFCraft should come after the mobs are switched out with more fair and realistic mobs.

i thank you for the imput, and i will definetly be adding in a mention that from teir 5 up is all just me trying to add in a sence of difficulty, cause come on its not like in real life some one would just know how to brew up a bottle of medicine, and know how it would effect the human body, that is why i added the research system, like finding the organs allows you to test the reactions of certain things on the organs and bones. if this is to intricate please post a comment to help me refine or alter my entire system.

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I feel like people would just stuff their junk in a chest, go kill themselves, and respawn healthy and new. Sure it happens already with hunger, but I have a feeling because of the 5 heart cap it would happen a lot more.


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I feel like people would just stuff their junk in a chest, go kill themselves, and respawn healthy and new. Sure it happens already with hunger, but I have a feeling because of the 5 heart cap it would happen a lot more.

jupp. that is exactly what will happen. death is cheap (being reborn is free after all in games) therefore bothering with keeping healthy is too expensive to bother with.


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I feel like people would just stuff their junk in a chest, go kill themselves, and respawn healthy and new. Sure it happens already with hunger, but I have a feeling because of the 5 heart cap it would happen a lot more.

that is why i added the negative death effects, being reborn only brings you back with 5 hearts, and you have a bunch of negative effects too, like the inability to use gui's, such as chests or crafting tables

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I feel like people would just stuff their junk in a chest, go kill themselves, and respawn healthy and new. Sure it happens already with hunger, but I have a feeling because of the 5 heart cap it would happen a lot more.

did you even read my entire post? i say at the end in clear english that you do not come back healthy you come back at half health and nearly starving, on top of that there is a temporary, maybe 5 minutes, or a random time between 3 and 10 minutes where you can't even open a chest.

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That would make start-game pretty much impossible though, no? You said it yourself, there's only so frustratingly difficult you can make a game before it stops being fun (Hint: As soon as it starts being frustrating).

If it were possible, I'd say the mod should go full-out Dwarf Fortress with the health system, but I doubt that would ever be implemented within a reasonable timeframe.


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I don't believe he meant that the 'start-game' stats would be any different - you'd start out like you normally do. Only when you die are the effects dropped on you. At least that's what I believe he's going for.

I do think a DF health system would be neat heh. Maybe make a suggestion thread on it? :)


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Err uh... while it was fair to ream me for not reading the whole post (I read to the eighth point before deciding post, fairly ironic), but it's a bit rude to quote my post two times in a row to call me out on it in two different ways. Use the edit button. -_-

So after reading the ninth point and your section on how you would like beds to be made, I'll change my response to the following: I would stop playing. While personally I don't die much, there are plenty of people who do a lot. One of which is a partner I like to play TFC with. The more someone dies while playing, the more your suggestion becomes an incentive to walk away from the mod.

As for your death penalties, I feel there are some holes in it. Not using the GUI for "maybe 5 minutes, or a random time between 3 and 10 minutes where you can't even open a chest." What exactly is a person supposed to do then? Stare at a wall until it goes away? Well probably one would go try to retrieve their stuff. Died in a cave in? Can't make a pickaxe or grab a ready made one to dig through the cobble. Died from a monster attack? Have fun fighting off whatever creature(s) overwhelmed you with your bare hands. Especially if you play on hard difficulty. Granted you have provided ways to fix yourself up, but you probably can't access any of it until the GUI penalty goes away. Also, if you have 3 hunger I hope you didn't die anywhere that involves a lot of jumping to get there, otherwise you're going to be starving real quick.

I understand the need of a death penalty to make your suggestion work overall, but the methods you put don't pan out so well in my opinion.


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While I'm not sure of the after death effects due to some problems listed above, specific injuries with ailments and cures is plausible. You figure you are basically adding more variations of the milk cures poison status. A health system would be interesting for sure, but still has to make it work with single play like mentioned.

All that aside I like the concept, could give way to a DF styled healthcare profession, and would give gypsum a use for plaster casts as well.

I am always for new plant types, and would mix well with the other suggestion of mortar & pestle/apothecary.

Such reactions I could think of off the top of my head:

  • Burns- could come in three levels of strength (first 2nd third degree burns, burn 1 2 and 3 like poison is 1 and 2) inflicted by lava, fire, ghast blasts, or other heat related things (like steam or hot oils like some suggestions). Ailment could cause sensitivity to further damage? Treatment could include the aloe you mentioned, as it is commonly used for some burns.
  • Bleeding- various sharp sources of damage such as arrows, swords, or other such traps.Ailment could cause slow health loss, probably a bit of a vision problem as it gets worse? Treatment could be bandages/poultices and possibly stiches.
  • Bone breakage- long falls, blunt trauma. Ailment would most likely be a movement speed penalty, as preventing jumping might be too extreme, for arms, tool weapon proficiency perhaps? as again, locking out use of tools would be extreme. Treatment could be plaster casts or splints
  • Infection- failing to treat prior ailments in time, or by noxious sources of damage, like zombies. Ailments could vary, a vision impairment, or gradual damage would seem plausible. Treatments could be soap (a suggested use for tallow in the butchery and other threads) for prevention, penicillin from bread mould (could be part of the apothecary reactions again) to remove?
  • Poisons and diseases- quite a broad topic, could be used as a catch all for any symptom really.
  • Internal- This is a complicated injury type, and I'm not sure how realistic you can get with it as surgeries would be a bit tricky to fit in SSP. I suppose lung injuries would cut down on breathing time for underwater, and severe (both lungs) would give a breathing timer even out of water unless treated. (Urist is having trouble breathing! :P)
There is a lot more that could be done with it, explosions would be especially nasty as they can cause burns, lacerations from shrapnel, and broken bones from the force of it all at once. as for working out the implementing, would you think more of use medical item as potion? or could a 'paper doll' style ineventory for them work? It could be in a similar vein to DF's healing system where the dwarves would essentially equip the stiches and casts untill the wound went back to normal. if a paper doll setup, you run the risk of making it too complicated again. You could use the current one where you sacrifice protection from armor, for healing items and getting better.

With such a system damage values might need tweaked, as every injury could have a chance of inflicting an ailment, armor would reduce the chances of course.

Just throwing ideas out there, I like to expand ideas and make them play nice with other suggestions so i tend to go on.


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Err uh... while it was fair to ream me for not reading the whole post (I read to the eighth point before deciding post, fairly ironic), but it's a bit rude to quote my post two times in a row to call me out on it in two different ways. Use the edit button. -_-

So after reading the ninth point and your section on how you would like beds to be made, I'll change my response to the following: I would stop playing. While personally I don't die much, there are plenty of people who do a lot. One of which is a partner I like to play TFC with. The more someone dies while playing, the more your suggestion becomes an incentive to walk away from the mod.

As for your death penalties, I feel there are some holes in it. Not using the GUI for "maybe 5 minutes, or a random time between 3 and 10 minutes where you can't even open a chest." What exactly is a person supposed to do then? Stare at a wall until it goes away? Well probably one would go try to retrieve their stuff. Died in a cave in? Can't make a pickaxe or grab a ready made one to dig through the cobble. Died from a monster attack? Have fun fighting off whatever creature(s) overwhelmed you with your bare hands. Especially if you play on hard difficulty. Granted you have provided ways to fix yourself up, but you probably can't access any of it until the GUI penalty goes away. Also, if you have 3 hunger I hope you didn't die anywhere that involves a lot of jumping to get there, otherwise you're going to be starving real quick.

I understand the need of a death penalty to make your suggestion work overall, but the methods you put don't pan out so well in my opinion.

i was not attempting to quote your post twice i was attempting to qute the post after yours first and for somereason it quoted you instead, sorry about that. and as too your later comments about what would a player do? my intention was exactly that but now that i think about it, you may be right. i mean a player that dies on urpose will just stick their stuff in a chest and some one that dies on accident will lose their stuff, but that is exactly why i said that i am open to ideas, i do not have all the awnsers, i just quick fixes, temoprary placeholder ideas, i am not only open to ideas but will edit my post until we get a system that the community is comfortable with, this is just my ideas, now i am looking to the community to instead of critisizing me, help me make it better, i do think there should be a need to research what herbs and medicines do what, but this is just my opinion, if you have a better idea post a comment and if everyone seems to like it i will edit the post to include or replace my own ideas, stop being a hater and help out.

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While I'm not sure of the after death effects due to some problems listed above, specific injuries with ailments and cures is plausible. You figure you are basically adding more variations of the milk cures poison status. A health system would be interesting for sure, but still has to make it work with single play like mentioned.

All that aside I like the concept, could give way to a DF styled healthcare profession, and would give gypsum a use for plaster casts as well.

I am always for new plant types, and would mix well with the other suggestion of mortar & pestle/apothecary.

Such reactions I could think of off the top of my head:

  • Burns- could come in three levels of strength (first 2nd third degree burns, burn 1 2 and 3 like poison is 1 and 2) inflicted by lava, fire, ghast blasts, or other heat related things (like steam or hot oils like some suggestions). Ailment could cause sensitivity to further damage? Treatment could include the aloe you mentioned, as it is commonly used for some burns.
  • Bleeding- various sharp sources of damage such as arrows, swords, or other such traps.Ailment could cause slow health loss, probably a bit of a vision problem as it gets worse? Treatment could be bandages/poultices and possibly stiches.
  • Bone breakage- long falls, blunt trauma. Ailment would most likely be a movement speed penalty, as preventing jumping might be too extreme, for arms, tool weapon proficiency perhaps? as again, locking out use of tools would be extreme. Treatment could be plaster casts or splints
  • Infection- failing to treat prior ailments in time, or by noxious sources of damage, like zombies. Ailments could vary, a vision impairment, or gradual damage would seem plausible. Treatments could be soap (a suggested use for tallow in the butchery and other threads) for prevention, penicillin from bread mould (could be part of the apothecary reactions again) to remove?
  • Poisons and diseases- quite a broad topic, could be used as a catch all for any symptom really.
  • Internal- This is a complicated injury type, and I'm not sure how realistic you can get with it as surgeries would be a bit tricky to fit in SSP. I suppose lung injuries would cut down on breathing time for underwater, and severe (both lungs) would give a breathing timer even out of water unless treated. (Urist is having trouble breathing! :P)
There is a lot more that could be done with it, explosions would be especially nasty as they can cause burns, lacerations from shrapnel, and broken bones from the force of it all at once. as for working out the implementing, would you think more of use medical item as potion? or could a 'paper doll' style ineventory for them work? It could be in a similar vein to DF's healing system where the dwarves would essentially equip the stiches and casts untill the wound went back to normal. if a paper doll setup, you run the risk of making it too complicated again. You could use the current one where you sacrifice protection from armor, for healing items and getting better.

With such a system damage values might need tweaked, as every injury could have a chance of inflicting an ailment, armor would reduce the chances of course.

Just throwing ideas out there, I like to expand ideas and make them play nice with other suggestions so i tend to go on.

see everybody this guy has the idea, instead of critisizing, help out with ideas and ways to make things either more fun or realistic or whatever. sir i understood most of what you said lost you around the paper doll setup thing as i do not know that type of set up, but thank you man you are one of the few people who actualy helps make the idea better rather then trying to tear it apart and leaving me to try to blindly stich up the holes.


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Sorry, nother wall of text incoming.

A paper doll is just a term used to describe an equipment screen showing a 2d version of the player, with inventory slots over the body parts. Named after those old paper cutout dolls that would be 'dressed' by putting paper clothes on it via folding or whatnot.

An example

Additional things to add to the list earlier could be stomach/intestine internal injuries, that would make use of the hunger/nausea/both? ailments without having to make something fresh. Probably not full blown nausea though as that would be frustrating :P

As for the medical screen goes, if anyone has played Call of Cthulhu it has a fairly nice one at the bottom here, squares under the body part would change color based on how bad it was and what type of injury/item is needed.


In minecraft you could have 3 grades of severity as well, for example burn would go nice as it already has 3 grades of severity IRL, but can be used for the others as well. Grade 1 would be minor, and would heal on it's own without treatment, basically a timer style ailment like minecraft has already, probably a fairly long timer, it can be treated or waited out. Grade 2 and 3 would be permanent, and if the healing items are consumables, i'd recommend that they wouldn't outright cure the ailment, just knock it down a severity grade, so 3 becomes 2, take another to drop it to 1, another to cure, or just sit it out from there.

some naming ideas.

Burns- 1st degree (redness) <2nd degree (blisters)<3rd degree (blackened)

Breaks- Sprain<Fracture<Compound Fracture (bone on the outside)

Bleeding- Minor<Major<Arterial

Infection- Mild<Severe<Gangrene (not sure on these, suggestions?)

Poison/disease- these would probably be situational rather than varying strength, fevers, colds whatever the developer thinks could fit.

Internal- another tricky one, as it would depend on whatever body part you want to affect, could probably lump em into respiratory (1 lung< both lungs impaired) and digestive (nausea < nausea and hunger (implied vomiting)), that covers a majority, brain injuries might be a bit out there for single player or difficulty wise but It could be possible to simulate blacking out with a forced 'entered sleep mode' periodically, but taking controll completely away from the player like that is never fun. Perhaps a severe visual screw up like major nausea?

If healing items are equipables, it could be an over time thing. I think it would be easier time and coding wise to make them consumables, as interesting as a medical equipment screen would be. If there becomes a clothing/vanity item menu (not sure if i heard that on a suggestion or not) it could always be equipped there instead of a clothing item perhaps.

Lastly, I wonder if it would be possible to let players use healing items on someone else, as it would give way to a medical profession. Perhaps a bonus to healing efficiency of health items while on a bed or medical bench that they could lie down on?


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Sorry, nother wall of text incoming.

A paper doll is just a term used to describe an equipment screen showing a 2d version of the player, with inventory slots over the body parts. Named after those old paper cutout dolls that would be 'dressed' by putting paper clothes on it via folding or whatnot.

An example

Additional things to add to the list earlier could be stomach/intestine internal injuries, that would make use of the hunger/nausea/both? ailments without having to make something fresh. Probably not full blown nausea though as that would be frustrating :P

As for the medical screen goes, if anyone has played Call of Cthulhu it has a fairly nice one at the bottom here, squares under the body part would change color based on how bad it was and what type of injury/item is needed.


In minecraft you could have 3 grades of severity as well, for example burn would go nice as it already has 3 grades of severity IRL, but can be used for the others as well. Grade 1 would be minor, and would heal on it's own without treatment, basically a timer style ailment like minecraft has already, probably a fairly long timer, it can be treated or waited out. Grade 2 and 3 would be permanent, and if the healing items are consumables, i'd recommend that they wouldn't outright cure the ailment, just knock it down a severity grade, so 3 becomes 2, take another to drop it to 1, another to cure, or just sit it out from there.

some naming ideas.

Burns- 1st degree (redness) <2nd degree (blisters)<3rd degree (blackened)

Breaks- Sprain<Fracture<Compound Fracture (bone on the outside)

Bleeding- Minor<Major<Arterial

Infection- Mild<Severe<Gangrene (not sure on these, suggestions?)

Poison/disease- these would probably be situational rather than varying strength, fevers, colds whatever the developer thinks could fit.

Internal- another tricky one, as it would depend on whatever body part you want to affect, could probably lump em into respiratory (1 lung< both lungs impaired) and digestive (nausea < nausea and hunger (implied vomiting)), that covers a majority, brain injuries might be a bit out there for single player or difficulty wise but It could be possible to simulate blacking out with a forced 'entered sleep mode' periodically, but taking controll completely away from the player like that is never fun. Perhaps a severe visual screw up like major nausea?

If healing items are equipables, it could be an over time thing. I think it would be easier time and coding wise to make them consumables, as interesting as a medical equipment screen would be. If there becomes a clothing/vanity item menu (not sure if i heard that on a suggestion or not) it could always be equipped there instead of a clothing item perhaps.

Lastly, I wonder if it would be possible to let players use healing items on someone else, as it would give way to a medical profession. Perhaps a bonus to healing efficiency of health items while on a bed or medical bench that they could lie down on?

all great ideas, i was kinda just going to leave all of the decisions on ailments and injuries and how they should be done up to bioxx and his team though, if i go over every detail and say that everything needs to be done a certain way this leaves no room for bioxx and his team to maybe simplify or refine my idea. i like your ideas but i will leave it in the comments so that if they like your idea they can find it and use them from here. i will probabaly add the paper doll idea, maybe instead if making it something you open by clicking a button you need to make an operation table or something? something that opens the Gui, maybe in the smp version we can have it so that using the table yourself will work but like the anvil requires skill and allows two people to interact with it. maybe with two buttons, one that when clicked means you are getting healed and one that when clicked allows you to be the cartaker, i do not know how to explain this or how it would be done, so i will refrain from adding the idea of allowing a player to work on another until someone thinks up and explains away for this to be done, but i will add in the idea of a new gui for applying medicine and splints and such as needed

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Plenty of specifics here, I like the way this discussion has unfolded, I'll be coming back here as I get to the healing stuff later.


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Plenty of specifics here, I like the way this discussion has unfolded, I'll be coming back here as I get to the healing stuff later.

wow, i knew you read some of these, but i never expected you to take a direct intrest in my idea, thanks for the support man, now if only some people would take a look at this and try to help me make it better. people i am open to ideas. if you do not like something say so, if you think something should be added, write a comment, bioxx is saying he might use these ideas for the health system, if you guys do not want something, or do want something, please post comments before he uses any of these ideas, if you guys like these ideas, say so so i know what ideas to keep.

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Hmm...quite a realistic and challanging suggestion. It cause one to go beyond the mere "eat this and lo and behold." to "fix this, make that, mend that, and research that." Very interesting indeed, for it forces one to be trenchant with their skills rather than provide the path to healing. I personally do enjoy the challange of gaming labor. Call me a mental algophilist if you must, but in my opinion; this will fly to the welkins of the realism and challanges faced with when one is injured. Good show, sir.


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great idea! This would be a great new part of survival mode


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What if there weren't any "hearts" at all? Imho those hearts are still the easy way out of a sticky situation: How to represent a players health in a convenient and fast way. But what tells us not to have the actual signs instead of hearts, such as not being able to walk if your leg is hurt. I do realize that that's the other extreme, there is much stuff that has to be done before this would work, such as actually calculating where you get hurt when you take damage. But I think that's a part that would GREATLY help the realism.

Sorry if I missed someone already saying that.


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What if there weren't any "hearts" at all? Imho those hearts are still the easy way out of a sticky situation: How to represent a players health in a convenient and fast way. But what tells us not to have the actual signs instead of hearts, such as not being able to walk if your leg is hurt. I do realize that that's the other extreme, there is much stuff that has to be done before this would work, such as actually calculating where you get hurt when you take damage. But I think that's a part that would GREATLY help the realism.

Sorry if I missed someone already saying that.

going along with what you said instead of hearts have a whole new gui pressing the H key could open up a gui that shows were injuries are(inspiration from project zomboid's health) this would help you detirmin what places need attention.

i like this idea because just like mining and smithing you accually have to have a skill to beable to learn how to do stuff


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going along with what you said instead of hearts have a whole new gui pressing the H key could open up a gui that shows were injuries are(inspiration from project zomboid's health) this would help you detirmin what places need attention.

i like this idea because just like mining and smithing you accually have to have a skill to beable to learn how to do stuff

problem with this is that alot of people do not want more Gui's that you open with a key. i tried talking about a new inventory system on another topic, not my suggestion but i commented with my idea, and sevral people jumped on me about cluttering up the keyboard with gui's i think that the new health and hunger systems should just replace the old, so wher you used to see your life as hearts, there is just a counter, and hunger is the same, maybe for visual appeal you could have the heart and chicken leg next to the counter, that is my idea. my idea for hot to check when you are hurt is that if a new accessory and armour gui is added and the old armour slots are removed, then one of these two ideas could be used. either keep the armour slots and make it so that depending on what part of your body is hurt the corrosponding slot changes collor, from white to green to yellow to orange to red or something. the head and chest slots would stay the same but the legs slot would be repurposed for arms and the feet slot would be repurposed for the legs. this tells you generaly what area of the boddy is hurt. my other idea that actualy would require slightly more coding, use the image of your avatart that you see when you open your inventory to check what is hurt. this simply entails that the avatar's limbs, torso and head slowly get redder and redder the more they get hurt. also i do not think that the injured limbs and health should directly effect each other, but if any part of you body is hurt to a serious point, such as being totaly red, then you start to lose health rapidly, like a blood loss effect. and also healing up your wounds would not completely heal you, you would still need to recover.

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Jesus christ, berlin wall-o-text up in this thread.

Well I can't do a passable Nixon impression at 2 AM with work in the morning, so I'll read this all tomorrow afternoon when I'm back and edit this post into some halfway decent response then...

Okay, so-

This thread is just... wow. Lots-o-stuff.

Umm, idk if I like the whole 'research' bit. Smacks a little too much of Steve knowing stuff instead of me, and Lumy, me, and a few others have already crucified posts for suggesting a separation of steve from the player. Also smacks a bit too much of thaumcraft, but that's another matter.

I also am very much not on-board with the idea of steve's number of hearts increasing. I remember this being a problem in the end-game of many Zelda games as well, where I had so many fucking hearts I was getting killed because I couldn't see the damned game behind them all. If you MUST increase steve's starting health (which I also think is a bad idea, but at least it's better than bars and bars of hearts), then simply add progressively smaller multipliers to damage received (x 0.75, x 0.5, x 0.25, etc...)to make the 10 hearts you get count for more.

As for the ailments, I'm a bit torn - on the one hand, I can definitely see negative stat effects as a viable option, to be listed in the area to the left of your inventory where potion effects go... but on the other hand, it also makes me feel like it wouldn't be long before I'm walking into the nearest cave with 2 antidotes, a splint, 3 hi-potions, and a fucking phoenix down. It just seems a little too jrpg, while at the same time feeling like a good idea.

I think the solution may be to implement it, but first rework it so that there's a bit of a different feel. Not yet sure quite how.


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