Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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GTA Meet up?

20 posts in this topic

Hey, so the desire to do a meet-up was expressed to me for in and around the greater Toronto area. It doesn't sound like a terrible idea, but I don't think I want to do it if only one or two people show up. If you'd be interested, live in the area and would be available with in the next few weeks or months, say so here. If there's enough interest, we'll see if we can work out more details.

Looks like it's happening on Sunday, November 2.


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That's a great idea! I'm in Montreal but I might be able to join, depending on the date. (Early October and late November would be best.)


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Myself and three other friends are able to make it.


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Great! So far it looks like this is going to happen on Nov 2 at 7 pm somewhere in downtown Toronto. Including myself and __Frank, that's 6 people. If anyone else is interested, now would be the time to speak up :)


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Ok guys, its this sunday. We talked about 7 pm. Does that work for everybody? Any ideas for a location?


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Time can work but earlier would be preferred. Also if it will just be my guys, you and _Frank. Where is _Frank coming from because my guys and myself all live up near Wonderland so like yeah. We can get downtown but if its just us closer would probably be way easier for us at least. But like yeah. As for places, I'm never downtown much so I couldn't tell you really any good places, but near wonderland, there are quite a few places. But what are we looking for? Restaurant, Pub, etc. Cause if its dinner we could always just do something like Swiss Chalet or Montana's. 


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Ah jeez I don't really want to go to vaughan, Toronto works better for me. earlier we can do- it's a sunday evening after all. Maybe closer to 5:30?


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5:30 works a lot better. And if if not vaughan, how about like north york? At least more the closer end of Toronto. Like maybe closer to York Uni? Or even farther down is fine. But the heart of Toronto yeah will be a bit harder to get too. 


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Seriously? Jeez man. I'll look into it, but I don't know northern Toronto at all


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I would like to introduce you guys to this awesome website, called: Meetup -


mostly because i am a little sad that the only group is in Canada atm.


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I'm not sure that bioxx really wants to meet anyone :P


Are you guys able to get to Church and Bloor? and what about __Frank?


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I just found out about this from episode 1 vid from last night, I live in parkdale so anywhere downtown is good with me. 


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you buying? (j/k). hope we are all legal age, I'll be there.


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you buying? (j/k). hope we are all legal age, I'll be there.

Legal age for what? Drinking, or driving, or what. Because Legal age can mean a lot of things. Like 18 would mean your an adult so that's a legal age. But 19 is drinking. I'm gonna assume tho you mean drinking :P


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Everyone buying their own o_0

can we get numbers? I dont think we neee a reservstion if there arent too many people


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anyone mind if I ask Vintage Beef to come? (he is a mindcracker, does not play TFC but we might be able to convince him to try of he comes). He does live in Toronto.


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anyone mind if I ask Vintage Beef to come? (he is a mindcracker, does not play TFC but we might be able to convince him to try of he comes). He does live in Toronto.

fat chance but sure i guess


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