Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[x32][0.78][0.79.17 83%] SummerFields

User ?   34 members have voted

  1. 1. You use Summerfields Pack for TFC ?

    • Yes
    • Darling, you must never say never !

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56 posts in this topic

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The Summerfields resources pack for TerraFirmaCraft is not yet quite finished.

But hey, not bad for a start :)



SummerFields site

version mc_1.6.4-tfc_0.78.17 : 85%


version mc_1.7.10-tfc_0.79.x 85%

blocks 95%


clay 100%

devices 87%
farmland 100%
Metal 100%
ores 100%
plants 97%
rocks 100%
sand 100%
soil 100%
wood 96%

gui 100%
items 67%


armor 100%

devices 0%
food 52%
gems 100%
ingots 100%
ore 0%
plants 0%
pottery 96%
rocks 100%
toolheads 100%
tools 100%
wood 65%

mob 58%
models 100%

Some pictures :


Terex House ->

gui ->

divers ->


Terex house

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Edited by lipki

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Oh this is awesome! I rocked Summerfields for a long time back in the day. Thanks for spending the time to get this going even if it isn't finished yet, I will definitely be watching this.


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I take all the criticism, comments and insults.


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The pack looks pretty nice so far! As for feedback: I'm not a fan of the basic armors. The leather armor looks like fur, which doesn't really make sense in TFC. Copper and bronze armor looks a little too protective and vibrant, considering that they are early-game items. While I don't mind the look of wrought iron armor and better, I wish they were more distinct from one another, rather than just re-colors. Water is just a little too transparent for my tastes, and I think the gravel texture is very prone to moire-patterns without anisotropic filtering, which is a bit distracting.


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The armors was made ​​quickly from the version of Minecraft.I realize they do not fit, its will evolve.


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This resource pack seems very cool for my adventure map I'm going to develop... The appearence of swords and ingots remind me of old RPG's, exactly what I wish to achieve... so I will recommend it with my map if I ever release it, if there is no problem, and I will give you credit.


By the way, personally I like it, so I will download it too! :)


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Really nice pack, I love the colors and the textures, altough I think that you should add some variety to the rocks, so they are not all the same but with different color.


Other than that its great!!


thanks for the pack


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This is possibly my favourite pack for TFC (and MC in general). However, my player skin is glitched when i apply this resource pack. Any ideas?


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This is possibly my favourite pack for TFC (and MC in general). However, my player skin is glitched when i apply this resource pack. Any ideas?

Thank you.I thought the problem was with my skin ...But ok, I know what causes that, I'll fix it.


Really nice pack, I love the colors and the textures, altough I think that you should add some variety to the rocks, so they are not all the same but with different color.


Other than that its great!!


thanks for the pack

Thank you too.I think add variety in textures, but later, it all takes time.


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Holy fuck, I remember requesting it waaaaaay back and with zero indication of it coming to fruition, I gave up on hoping I'd get to see SummerFields in TFC. I officially love you, lipki.


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Yeah, I'm waiting for the player skin fix. 


Also, Oak wood lumber texture is that of planks. 




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The bug of the the player skin, it's on:
TFC Summerfields 1.6.4
TFC for Summerfields 1.7.10
Summerfields 1.7.10 ?


Otherwise UPDATE !!


- New stuff for all Cloth stuff

- Firepit
- Iron bloom

- Grill

- New color for all metal, duller and closer to the colors of TFC

- Oak Log
- All seeds

- All corps


for 1.7.10 and 1.6.4



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The bug of the the player skin, it's on:Summerfields 1.7.10 



The one above. I don't understand why a texture resource pack also reskins my player. Is that intended?


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Not at all, regardless of the order, your skin is priority.The only reason that your skin not appear, it is a problem communicating with the minecraft server.


Update, you will find the link on the site Summerfields.

Edited by lipki

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Awesome, you fixed the graphical issue with the player skin. Thanks mate.


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Thanks for the update. Actually, let me help you. You are still missing the familiarity icons for the animals so i just copied them from the default image file (icons.png).


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Ah, that's why I did not see !!

Thank you very much, do not hesitate to make another proposal.

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any chance you guys are planning on making a railcraft/buildcraft pack?


also, i like the changes you made to the GUI xept for the nutrients bar, its hard to tell what it is at, especially since there is no edge so i cant see what the max is supposed to be


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