Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[x32][0.78][0.79.17 83%] SummerFields

User ?   34 members have voted

  1. 1. You use Summerfields Pack for TFC ?

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56 posts in this topic

You can try this: But only if you tell me if it works. :D


except for the weird language at the site, pack works fine in game.

only thing i found a little bit off was the engines. at the base of where the blue block that sticks out. There is a weird graphical glitch of 2 diff color textures interfering with each other, probably overlapping


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This is not the texture, but the shape of the block.Maybe the texture can alleviate the problem ...But I am not responsible for these two mod, and it is a beta.But thank you for the return.


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This is not the texture, but the shape of the block.Maybe the texture can alleviate the problem ...But I am not responsible for these two mod, and it is a beta.But thank you for the return.


just glad to know you guys will eventually have those packs up and running ^ ^


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The food prep GUI is unfortunately broken after the latest TFC update.


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So any chance you could move away from the square bowl,bread, water jug and w/e else that i have not noticed. i know it is a minecraft texture pack, and the world of minecraft is blocky, but somethings are just meant to be round. At the moment im currently editing all your releases and deleting whatever items you convert from round -> square


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It is a bias of Summerfields.Round shapes are avoided for everything handmade.Apples are always round, but bread, clay, etc. are cubic.But you can remake round, if you want.


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Thanks for the update! 


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It is a bias of Summerfields.Round shapes are avoided for everything handmade.Apples are always round, but bread, clay, etc. are cubic.But you can remake round, if you want.


was not aware, and thanks for the updates


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Summer Fields is awesome! It massively improves the play-ability of TFC!


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Just wondering if you're still working on this. It's my favorite resource pack, for vanilla as well. Keep up the good work.


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This is a great pack and I've been using it for some time now, though there are a few things that I think could be improved.  Many of the ores and rock types look very similar and it can be confusing trying to identify what is what while exploring/mining.  The rocks themselves are all the same texture except with some minor color variations between them, which is probably pretty true to life with the exception of some obvious ones like marble, claystone, etc. but I think some more distinct color/texture variations here could make a big difference.


Regarding the ores, it seems like most of the ore blocks are very dark gray/black and have the same block texture (two teardrop shapes).  I'm not sure what references were used for the original images, but a lot of the ores in the game are actually very colorful and distinctively shaped in real life.  Limonite for example often has a bright yellow color to it as shown below, but most skins just make it a dark brownish/gray


Posted Image


Tetrahedrite is a very smooth shape in the skin but actually produces very distinct, angular crystals (tetrahedral, hence tetrahedrite):

Posted Image


Sphalerite can have some very blood red looking crystals:

Posted Image


I understand that all of this takes time, and I appreciate all the work you've put into this pack but I know for me having some more colorful/distinct ores and rocks would make this pack easily my favorite go-to


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I would love to improve rocks and ores.

Current ores was done quickly enough, "until something better."

But it takes time. :-/

As for the colors of ores, I chose to keep the colors chosen by TFC for don't lose the players.It's not finished, but I know it, and I intend to improve this part.If you want to offer me a textures, I take. :-)


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I just came back to terra after a short break and solely used your pack.  I downloaded the pack from your site and it wont work.  It just shows vanilla.  I checked some of the other resource packs to be sure and they load just fine.  Hopefully I'm not messing anything up because I would love to use your pack again.


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User error, thanks for the direct link though!


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Bonjour Lipki,


Je prévois utiliser quelques textures pour un adon que que prépare. Je suis prêt à retirer les textuers si tu ne souhaites pas qu'elles soient utilisées. J'ai l'intention de toujours créditer les textures utilisées.


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tu mentionne le site,

tu crédite au nom de LithiumSound qui est l'auteur d'origine

et tu ne gagne pas de sous avec :D (lol)pi c'est bon.Et dès que c'est finis je regarderais pour le mettre en téléchargement sur le site.


edit :et si tu veux tu peux faire partie de la super team Summerfields sur github. tôt peut-être ? :D

Edited by lipki

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good job I am using this on my side <3 keep up the wonderful work. if you need any help I am a game artist so likely can help you out abit in the 3d and 2d department <3


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