Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Ingots glowing (spoilers for 79)

16 posts in this topic

I just watched Pakratt's build 79 livestream, and there was a new mechanic where when you cook meat, it changes colour gradually to a darker brown.I thought this would be really awesome if you added the mechanic to ingots as well. So when you heat the ingot up, it gradually gets redder and redder, and then the redness gradually turns to orange, yellow, white. This would also be one of those things like prospecting and smithing, where you have to master it - instead of just telling you what temperature your ingot is (Orange**), you decide for yourself.


I think it would be really great for deeper immersion, and make you feel like a bad-ass smith :)


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yea, im color blind and would prefer to keep the labels. You can add the glow as well though


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A neat idea, but I know I would feel jaded about it as I do forge smithing IRL. Primarily because Red is the only color you really ever see in a forge, because beyond that your just lost a piece of your work cause it just broke off and is now sitting in the bottom of your coals, assuming it isn't a puddle already.


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I tried this about a year and a half ago. It wouldn't have been a viable system at the time, as there wasn't a good way of doing it without base-edits, but I seem to remember it being difficult to balance the colour scale, so that when ingots were faintly glowing, you could still tell what ingot it is. A brownish wrought iron ingot with a faint red glow will look different than a whitish platinum ingot with the same glow.


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You could just add the glowing effect around the ingot. This way one could see the difference in temperature, but still can always distinguish different metals.


Something like




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I just watched Pakratt's build 79 livestream, and there was a new mechanic where when you cook meat, it changes colour gradually to a darker brown.I thought this would be really awesome if you added the mechanic to ingots as well. So when you heat the ingot up, it gradually gets redder and redder, and then the redness gradually turns to orange, yellow, white. This would also be one of those things like prospecting and smithing, where you have to master it - instead of just telling you what temperature your ingot is (Orange**), you decide for yourself.


I think it would be really great for deeper immersion, and make you feel like a bad-ass smith :)

The idea is cool, but with different monitor settings and people with bad eyes, it might not be easy for a lot of people to see the difference. Also,not all real world metals glow. Only ferrous based metals generally do. Aluminum, zinc, and tin all look exactly the same cold as they do just before they liquify, even when liquid, they are the same color, just shinier. IRL, there is no way to tell the temperature of most metals just by looking at them.


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I tried this about a year and a half ago. It wouldn't have been a viable system at the time, as there wasn't a good way of doing it without base-edits, but I seem to remember it being difficult to balance the colour scale, so that when ingots were faintly glowing, you could still tell what ingot it is. A brownish wrought iron ingot with a faint red glow will look different than a whitish platinum ingot with the same glow.

Or you could not do complete texture change and add faint colored background instead, so it's not a huge deal to balance textures for texture packs and the like.


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I like the idea of making the background of the inventory slot glow rather than the ingot itself. That gives you a great visual representation without having to hover over the ingot constantly. Also makes the texture pack being used irrelevant. 


>>"The idea is cool, but with different monitor settings and people with bad eyes, it might not be easy for a lot of people to see the difference. Also,not all real world metals glow. Only ferrous based metals generally do. Aluminum, zinc, and tin all look exactly the same cold as they do just before they liquify, even when liquid, they are the same color, just shinier. IRL, there is no way to tell the temperature of most metals just by looking at them."


I don't think that because not every single person might be able to take advantage of a helpful feature is a good reason to dismiss the idea. Also, even if some real world metals don't glow, from a user interface point of view, having the background of the inventory slot glow instead of the ingot makes more sense, regardless of whether or not the real world metal would change color. 


Edit: The "quote" display on this board is funky. In the editor, the quote is set against its own unique box, but after submit, the quoted text looks no different from the rest of the text around it.


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Just to note, all material become incandescent when heated... the question is how hot they need to be before giving off visible light. So to say "Only ferrous based metals generally do" is just wrong. One could argue 'thermal radiation' doesn't count as incandescence, which I could agree with... but even then you've only moved the bar up such that the material has to be hotter before emitting visible light. Just a point of clarification though, because im well aware that for some materials, they would be nearing a plasma state from heating before they would give off any visible light, and I dont think anyone would want to attempt to smith a plasma...


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This is exactly the thing where realism could be thrown out in favour of user interface usability.

Background image that tells the temperature at a glance is more convenient than a tooltip. Although the tooltip itself is far more reliable since it allows to tell apart 0.25 of color scale instead of just 1.


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I just watched Pakratt's build 79 livestream, and there was a new mechanic where when you cook meat, it changes colour gradually to a darker brown.I thought this would be really awesome if you added the mechanic to ingots as well. So when you heat the ingot up, it gradually gets redder and redder, and then the redness gradually turns to orange, yellow, white. This would also be one of those things like prospecting and smithing, where you have to master it - instead of just telling you what temperature your ingot is (Orange**), you decide for yourself.


I think it would be really great for deeper immersion, and make you feel like a bad-ass smith :)


Where is this livestream? Is it recorded anywhere?


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