Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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23 posts in this topic

I'm trying to create an economy on the server so I decided to create this topic to share experiences and search for advice.So, a player can get paid for the products he is mining, producing and growing. There are quests also.


Player can sell:metals ingotsraw food


gems--------player can buy:good but expensive foodanimalssome resources.

other stuff like teleportation, chunks of land etc.


What is the ratio of these products you can suggest?If gems for sale are 2- 32 coins (diamonds 10-64)

metals - 1-10 for ingot,

food (raw food like  apples, plums, etc.) - in average 5-10 coins  for 1 item(160)

year length 360 and the  rarity of ores is slightly increased


I'm fumbling with ores now, my guess is this:                                     (it will change as the topic evolve)

coin for item sell to the shop/ buy from the shop0.40 - apple, plum etc. (160) (sell)0.50- meats (160)   (sell)1- chipped garnet etc.       (sell)1 - 16 rare wood logs       (buy)2- cheese   (sell)3- lapiz lazuli  (1ore)       (sell,buy)4 -  Copper  (ingot)     (sell,buy)4 -  silver (ingot)     (sell)5 -  gold (ingot) (sell, buy)5- large hide           (sell,buy)6 -  lead (ingot) (sell)7 -  zinc (ingot)   (sell)8 -  tin  (ingot) (sell)8 -  Bismuth  (ingot)     (sell, buy)8- Cinnabar (4 ore)       (sell,buy)9 -  kaolinite (4 ore)       (sell,buy)10- graphite (4 ore)       (sell, buy)10-  Nickel  (ingot)       (sell, buy)10- Pig iron (ingot)     (buy)11- platinum (ingot)   (sell)32 - Exquisite garnet etc.     (sell)50- for crops seeds   (buy)

80- rare berry bush     (buy)100- cow   (buy)  200- rare frut tree saplings (buy)


this is the average price. you should make it bigger if a player buys the item and lower if a player sells. Not all of these items adminshop will sell, in fact it should sell as little as pissible. I plan players to spend their money on such things as transportation, interior, spawn eggs, blocks that do not have a recipe. but not to purchase non-renewable resources from the air. The main function of the shop is to buy tons of stuff player doesn't need but have in planty, so that he could continue to produce and mine (spand time in the game)

See if you can correct the list.----------All this of course is very simplified version. I just want to see the big picture.


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3 for nickel and 10 for gold? O_o In TFC, nickel is much more rare and valuable than gold. And gems worth that much? They're not actually that valuable for any logical in-game reason.


Personally I don't think it's sensible to set fixed prices for all things, and if these are admin shops with infinite supplies of whatever they're selling and an infinite willingness to buy whatever players don't want, then I think that's completely unbalancing no matter what the prices are set at, and particularly unbalancing if you can sell renewable items like food to buy limited resources like ore.


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I'm going to have to agree with Gopher here. Gold is cheap considering you can get it infinitely through gold panning. Nickel is extremely rare, and a major bottleneck in progressing to black steel. Lead is also completely and utterly useless, so nobody in their right mind is going to pay 4 gems for something that they can only place down in an ingot pile and stare at. You also have pig iron listed (used to make steel) but nowhere do you have wrought iron listed, which is what you get when running iron ore through the bloomery. You need wrought iron to make a blast furnace to get pig iron, and you need a wrought iron anvil in order to work that pig iron into steel to do anything with it.


I'm guessing that you've never actually played TFC from start to finish through the progression of tiers (Copper > Blue/Red Steel). If you want to get any sort of idea on how to set up a balanced economy, I would strongly suggest that you actually play through the game yourself first.


Edit: It should also be noted that you don't have graphite or kaolinite listed anywhere, and those are two of the most sought after materials in order to progress into steel in TFC.


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3 for nickel and 10 for gold? O_o In TFC, nickel is much more rare and valuable than gold. And gems worth that much? They're not actually that valuable for any logical in-game reason.


Personally I don't think it's sensible to set fixed prices for all things, and if these are admin shops with infinite supplies of whatever they're selling and an infinite willingness to buy whatever players don't want, then I think that's completely unbalancing no matter what the prices are set at, and particularly unbalancing if you can sell renewable items like food to buy limited resources like ore.

Gems may not have usage but they are a product of a work. So the player mines and gets a reward. The same with gold. But may be you are right there. It should be cheaper.

Well lets not pretend that amout of food in TFC isn't overwhelming. So players need to get rid of it and continue to engage in agriculture. of course you should not sell to players rare ores and stuff like that. But you can sell things like iron or animals, because on the server they are killed quickly in the winter. And then there are Teleports and privat territory. So to start an ecnomy you need an adminshop.


I'm going to have to agree with Gopher here. Gold is cheap considering you can get it infinitely through gold panning. Nickel is extremely rare, and a major bottleneck in progressing to black steel. Lead is also completely and utterly useless, so nobody in their right mind is going to pay 4 gems for something that they can only place down in an ingot pile and stare at. You also have pig iron listed (used to make steel) but nowhere do you have wrought iron listed, which is what you get when running iron ore through the bloomery. You need wrought iron to make a blast furnace to get pig iron, and you need a wrought iron anvil in order to work that pig iron into steel to do anything with it.


I'm guessing that you've never actually played TFC from start to finish through the progression of tiers (Copper > Blue/Red Steel). If you want to get any sort of idea on how to set up a balanced economy, I would strongly suggest that you actually play through the game yourself first.


Edit: It should also be noted that you don't have graphite or kaolinite listed anywhere, and those are two of the most sought after materials in order to progress into steel in TFC.

Thank you for your reply, that's exactly what I need. Yes, I did not play TFC to the end because i was not able to find all the ore tech needs. I couldn't find good Russian server so I played on foreing ones. I realy loved the mod but i got lonely because of the language difference. So me and my friend decided to make our own server, so we could enjoy TFC forever! And allow adequate adults as we are to play in a normal environment of a good quality server. So you see, if I play TFC to the "end" making a server will not be that necessary and interesting.

If you have the time, could you please tell what products do you think adminshop should sell players, and what will they buy? Because I understand that I do not have the necessary knowledge, and that is why i made that topic and I hope it will help not only me, but some others, who want to build an economy on their servers.

Anyway thank you very much for the answer, i understand now that I should approach the subject with even greater caution.

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You have an uphill battle my friend but I applaud your efforts.


It was/is my objective to have a thriving economy on a server but it seems tough as heck to do. I can give you a couple things from my experience....


1. There is simply too much stuff....ore everywhere...stupid trees that spring up overnight....dumb fruit trees that bury you in product...insane crops that grow like proverbial how does one make an economy in this hell of plenty. We did it by making ore crazy scarce and trees that took weeks to grow.....this scarcity helped somewhat but the low player density on an eternal map makes even this measure only marginally effective in combating the hell of plenty.


2. If you have a server store for players to sell stuff to you also need something they want to buy...this is a big problem. We had it so almost everything could be sold.....peat, food, logs, cobble, ingots, minerals...I do mean almost anything. Then the tough part...what to SELL the players...we had certain things like horses, small boats, vanilla blocks and even disabled some crafting recipes so purchase was the only way to get certain items. We also sold land with a high chunk limit (250,000) and a low price (3 iron coins...this being the sale price of a stack of fir logs). one bought into the concept...just bought 10 chunks and set a "base" up then poked away at making the banal "red steel" ingot that marked the games conclusion :/


Anyhoo I hoped this helped and wish you well on all your future endeavours..thanx for the opportunity to vent. any potentates of TFC I hope I have not offended your excellent still is and will likely remain the best iteration of Minecraft.....period!!


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In your Admin Shop, you should not have things for sale (or just a tiny bit for a high price) of things that are hard to get, because I consider half of TFC to be exploration, the other half everything else. Nickel, as stated above, is pretty easy to get once you find Gabbro (or I could just be extremely lucky, but I find Garnierite easy once I find Gabbro) but the real challenge is finding the Gabbro. You could have maybe an ingot or 2 of it at the AdminShop, but I would put it at a somewhat high price, because it encourages exploration. Now, Gold and Copper and those ores I think you should sell at a decent price for a decent amount, but It would be priced high enough that players could not rely on the shop to make a living. Leather, I think you should definitely sell that, because its takes absolutely ages to make, but as I said before, players can't rely on the shop for ever. Also, you should sell a few seeds for a middle-ranged to lower price but not too many seeds because you would get more, you just need to get more skilled at agriculture (or go exploring for more seeds, which I find to be a better way then doing like 4 crop harvests before your agriculture skill is high enough to get one more seed out of your garden). Food I would surely put in the shop, as I and many TerraFirmaCraft players struggle for food in the stone age to around bronze age. Saplings, that is debatable. I always love to explore, but when It comes to early game building and you want a certain type of wood but can not find it, it gets a little annoying. Maybe have a few saplings for sale, but not all of them. I'll list some of the things that players will buy when my brain starts working :P


Edit: Graphite I would maybe put at about 10 graphite for a double digit number of iron ingots, perhaps? Or am I pricing that to high? I would go after that if I'm in desperate need of the blue (not quite shiny) stuff.


Thanks Bbushh, for that comment one minute before I hit that post button. It reminded me of something that I wanted to add. |  Fruit trees! If your spawn is somewhere crazy like 19,000 z, maybe sell a few fruit trees but if its anywhere between z 0 and z 10,000, it its not as hard. Which brings me to another thing, fruit-bearing bushes. Some of the more uncommon ones you should maybe sell, but it should be rather cheap. Wintergreen bushes are all over the place so trying to sell them in your shop probably won't get very few buyers for it.


List of things that I think you should put in your shop and that people will buy:

Gold, Copper, Bismuthinite, Borax, Sylvite, Cinnabar or Cryolite, Sulfur, perhaps iron but it would need to be bought by ingots of a tier 2 alloy?, and Lignite. (Note that I did not list any ores that could be made into a tier 2 alloy, so players can not just skip straight to the bronze age.)

Barely, oat, rice, wheat, rye, red and yellow bell peppers, tomato, soybean, jute, and squash. (I didn't list some things that players could want, like potatoes, as they give a crazy amount of food, but once again, to not rely on the shop for everything)

Also all of those crop seeds in the actual crop. 

Leather, Peat, bushes, and possibly rock salt. I will add more later, as I am severely shortening the time I have to do homework :P


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You have an uphill battle my friend but I applaud your efforts.


It was/is my objective to have a thriving economy on a server but it seems tough as heck to do. I can give you a couple things from my experience....


1. There is simply too much stuff....ore everywhere...stupid trees that spring up overnight....dumb fruit trees that bury you in product...insane crops that grow like proverbial how does one make an economy in this hell of plenty. We did it by making ore crazy scarce and trees that took weeks to grow.....this scarcity helped somewhat but the low player density on an eternal map makes even this measure only marginally effective in combating the hell of plenty.


2. If you have a server store for players to sell stuff to you also need something they want to buy...this is a big problem. We had it so almost everything could be sold.....peat, food, logs, cobble, ingots, minerals...I do mean almost anything. Then the tough part...what to SELL the players...we had certain things like horses, small boats, vanilla blocks and even disabled some crafting recipes so purchase was the only way to get certain items. We also sold land with a high chunk limit (250,000) and a low price (3 iron coins...this being the sale price of a stack of fir logs). one bought into the concept...just bought 10 chunks and set a "base" up then poked away at making the banal "red steel" ingot that marked the games conclusion :/


Anyhoo I hoped this helped and wish you well on all your future endeavours..thanx for the opportunity to vent. any potentates of TFC I hope I have not offended your excellent still is and will likely remain the best iteration of Minecraft.....period!!

Omg! You are reading my mind! I have good experience in creating great working economy on a vanilla server. The difference of course is huge, but I am trying to create something you described + to follow the advice of this topic.

I will be very grateful if you could share ratio of goods on your server, such as ores. In any case, thanks very much for the answer!


In your Admin Shop, you should not have things for sale (or just a tiny bit for a high price) of things that are hard to get, because I consider half of TFC to be exploration, the other half everything else. Nickel, as stated above, is pretty easy to get once you find Gabbro (or I could just be extremely lucky, but I find Garnierite easy once I find Gabbro) but the real challenge is finding the Gabbro. You could have maybe an ingot or 2 of it at the AdminShop, but I would put it at a somewhat high price, because it encourages exploration. Now, Gold and Copper and those ores I think you should sell at a decent price for a decent amount, but It would be priced high enough that players could not rely on the shop to make a living. Leather, I think you should definitely sell that, because its takes absolutely ages to make, but as I said before, players can't rely on the shop for ever. Also, you should sell a few seeds for a middle-ranged to lower price but not too many seeds because you would get more, you just need to get more skilled at agriculture (or go exploring for more seeds, which I find to be a better way then doing like 4 crop harvests before your agriculture skill is high enough to get one more seed out of your garden). Food I would surely put in the shop, as I and many TerraFirmaCraft players struggle for food in the stone age to around bronze age. Saplings, that is debatable. I always love to explore, but when It comes to early game building and you want a certain type of wood but can not find it, it gets a little annoying. Maybe have a few saplings for sale, but not all of them. I'll list some of the things that players will buy when my brain starts working :P


Thanks Bbushh, for that comment one minute before I hit that post button. It reminded me of something that I wanted to add. |  Fruit trees! If your spawn is somewhere crazy like 19,000 z, maybe sell a few fruit trees but if its anywhere between z 0 and z 10,000, it its not as hard. Which brings me to another thing, fruit-bearing bushes. Some of the more uncommon ones you should maybe sell, but it should be rather cheap. Wintergreen bushes are all over the place so trying to sell them in your shop probably won't get very few buyers for it.

Wow, this is very useful, I definitely will use your advice. Thank you very much for your reply!

"I'll list some of the things that players will buy when my brain starts working"

It will be very much appreciated and i think not only by me!


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I can't really think of any real true system of economy other than bartering with your fellow players.  If you have a server, I would suggest setting up a cheap website for your server so players can post what they have available for trade, and what they may need.  Gems are a precious commodity in the real World because they resemble status and pull at the strings of greed and desire that many harbor for precious stones and metal.  However in a world (TerrafirmaCraft) in which there is no real intrinsic value or worth for stones or coins (yet), one might be better off trading items of value (Ore, Ingots, Food, Livestock, Agriculture, Wood, etc…) for items of value (Ore, Ingots, Food, Livestock, Agriculture, Wood, etc….)Just my two pence worth



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I can't really think of any real true system of economy other than bartering with your fellow players.  If you have a server, I would suggest setting up a cheap website for your server so players can post what they have available for trade, and what they may need.  Gems are a precious commodity in the real World because they resemble status and pull at the strings of greed and desire that many harbor for precious stones and metal.  However in a world (TerrafirmaCraft) in which there is no real intrinsic value or worth for stones or coins (yet), one might be better off trading items of value (Ore, Ingots, Food, Livestock, Agriculture, Wood, etc…) for items of value (Ore, Ingots, Food, Livestock, Agriculture, Wood, etc….)Just my two pence worth


I disagree. players should get money for the time spent in the game and their work, such as digging gems. Money is never enough, unlike food or cobble, and with them you can always buy stuff from other players even if you do not have things thay need, barter does not allow it. i think that you do not fully understand the essence and value of the economy itself. As i said i have a good experience in creating working economy on a vanilla server, so i know that economy is possible even when players have tons of stuff thay dont realy need and dont realy need to buy something from the shop as in vanilla. The secret is in the wonderful nature of money, it is never enough =)


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Omg! You are reading my mind! I have good experience in creating great working economy on a vanilla server. The difference of course is huge, but I am trying to create something you described + to follow the advice of this topic.

I will be very grateful if you could share ratio of goods on your server, such as ores. In any case, thanks very much for the answer!


Wow, this is very useful, I definitely will use your advice. Thank you very much for your reply!

"I'll list some of the things that players will buy when my brain starts working"

It will be very much appreciated and i think not only by me!



No worries mate.....It would be very difficult to do all the buy/sell list from my server but I could tell you it is Roanoke 5 and it can accessed through Tthe

Technic launcher with the platform url

please feel free to look around and copy any of our prices and ideas.


The key is finding things the players WANT to, status items, political power, furniture.....resist all the whiners wanting to craft stuff so they have to grind some coin to get all the nice toys....just my thought.


Hope this helps.


I completely support your initiative as I reject the current game model of just trying to come up with different colored don't grab me at all.

Edited by Kittychanley
Put access in spoiler since we do not allow advertising of that launcher on our forums.

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This thread lacks additional info. And, considering it attracted some friendly and helpful people, I should probably provide this for the sake of time saving at least.

Heres the modlist we have right now:


























Might be adding InvTweaks and removing Backpacks to replace them with BetterStorage (you can have only one backpack, filled with stuff in this mod - right?).

Probably will add SmallBoats or similar.



And as Kittychanley noticed, we don't have the full experience of TFC (as to me personally, I'm only making the playable servers for our bunch of adults in a little private community, didn't play for almost 2 years now). We did have a person with more TFC exp. in our DEV crew, but he vanished somewhy long ago.

We are not in a hurry either - gonna have a good server or none - just a little over a month spent up to this point. So, all the help is highly apperciated. Thank you for all your advices and support, because as Jaina stated, russian community really needs this sort of a server, and definitely not just a "pack of mods dropped in a folder".




As to a few replies above, I should comment:

1. I do think we should not sell too much of things through adminshops. There will be few areas for TradeBooth's, they provide the actual economy in my opinion, so adminshops will just help the whole trading thing to start. Well, they also may provide some balancing mechanics, as if some ore would become extremely rare at one point?. 

2. Renewable | infinite items should not be sold to adminshops, or the price should be very cheap. We are going to use at least 3 types of coins already, so that should solve it.

3. About the rarity of ores, it's a bit hard for me to understand how should they be sorted. Did google the whole thing a lot, not to mention the actual config. In the end, they don't seem to provide enough information about the actual rarity, too many extra featues that affect this. Did anyone research this? I've seen the MCEdit-Analyze info, but it's from 2012.

4. Gems should probably be implemented in recipies. But that leads me to a "splash of magic", as in customizing potions or buffs with recipes. Perhaps the incrustation of tools and armor with the addition of some particle effects, buffs, enchantments? It's possible via few plugins and 1 mod, but did not try that yet, maybe some of you know of the caveats? The amount of Infernal mobs already raised...

5. There will be teleportation points and region protection blocks also bought via coins, as Jaina stated. Probably have to add a decorative mod aswell, Decocraft? And customize its recipies too, so that they would be both available for crafting and trading.

6. As to a website, we have it, XenForo, and all is well there. Will add the tutorial | additional | lore info when the project will be ready.




English - not native


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No worries mate.....It would be very difficult to do all the buy/sell list from my server but I could tell you it is Roanoke 5 and it can accessed through Tthe

Technic launcher with the platform url

please feel free to look around and copy any of our prices and ideas.


The key is finding things the players WANT to, status items, political power, furniture.....resist all the whiners wanting to craft stuff so they have to grind some coin to get all the nice toys....just my thought.


Hope this helps.


I completely support your initiative as I reject the current game model of just trying to come up with different colored don't grab me at all.

Thank you, it is helpful.


I don't think tha shop should sell or buy alloys, it is for the players to do. Maybe in time i'll bring in some products of work for the shop to buy them from players, like metal sheets or smt., but not until I understand the real value of metals. And i can't realy count all the ore costs, it's easier with ingots. so I do not plan on a lot of ore in the shop, but maybe you can advise some ores, which often accumulate in large numbers in players chests, ores they would want to sell, such as for example lapis lazuli maybe? And I've changed the cost list in the head of the topic.


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Thank you, it is helpful.


I don't think tha shop should sell or buy alloys, it is for the players to do. Maybe in time i'll bring in some products of work for the shop to buy them from players, like metal sheets or smt., but not until I understand the real value of metals. And i can't realy count all the ore costs, it's easier with ingots. so I do not plan on a lot of ore in the shop, but maybe you can advise some ores, which often accumulate in large numbers in players chests, ores they would want to sell, such as for example cinnabar or lapis lazuli maybe? And I've changed the cost list in the head of the topic.

Just realized you said selling lapis and not buying it ;D and I disagree with not having the shop buy alloys. If someone has a bloomery but can not find any iron, they can turn in some B.Bronze/Bronze/Black Bronze to get iron for the next stage. Can't rely on the shop though! With Cinnabar, I personally would not sell it, but thats just my preference. 


Note: I added an uncompleted list of things players might by to my post above, just in case you did not realize it


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Note: I added an uncompleted list of things players might by to my post above, just in case you did not realize it

oh, i did. Have been sitting on it for a long time and trying to figure the prices (can't present them yet). But you suggested only things players want to buy, not to sell.

It's like you said "Can't rely on the shop though!" (about alloys) other players that have found iron should sell it to those who didnt. otherwise, they will get it out of thin air, that is why I want adminshop sell as little ore as possible. Its main function is to buy tons of stuff player doesn't need but have in planty, so that he could continued to produce and mine (spand time in the game)


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Let's stick with numbers. See if you can correct the list.coin for item sell to the shop/ buy from the shop0.40 - apple, plum etc. (160) (sell)0.50- meats (160)   (sell)1- chipped garnet etc.       (sell)1 - 16 rare wood logs       (buy)2- cheese   (sell)3- lapiz lazuli  (1ore)       (sell,buy)4 -  Copper  (ingot)     (sell,buy)4 -  silver (ingot)     (sell)5 -  gold (ingot) (sell, buy)5- large hide           (sell,buy)6 -  lead (ingot) (sell)7 -  zinc (ingot)   (sell)8 -  tin  (ingot) (sell)8 -  Bismuth  (ingot)     (sell, buy)8- Cinnabar (4 ore)       (sell,buy)9 -  kaolinite (4 ore)       (sell,buy)10- graphite (4 ore)       (sell, buy)10-  Nickel  (ingot)       (sell, buy)10- Pig iron (ingot)     (buy)11- platinum (ingot)   (sell)32 - Exquisite garnet etc.     (sell)50- for crops seeds   (buy)

80- rare berry bush     (buy)100- cow   (buy)  200- rare frut tree saplings (buy) Sulfur- ?Sylvite- ?Borax - ?what else will the players want to sell?I repeat, this is the average price. you should make it bigger if a player buys the item and lower if a player sells. Not all of these items adminshop will sell, in fact it should sell as little as pissible. I plan players to spend their money on such things as transportation, interior, spawn eggs, blocks that do not have a recipe. but not to purchase non-renewable resources from the air. 


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Do you think shop should sell potions? At high price, of course.

And what about enchantments?


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Who are the players buying and selling with? Eachother? If that's the case, trying to regulate prices is far more trouble than it's worth. Market forces will naturally take effect.


Or are they all buying and selling centrally, I.E. from admins?


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Who are the players buying and selling with? Eachother? If that's the case, trying to regulate prices is far more trouble than it's worth. Market forces will naturally take effect.


Or are they all buying and selling centrally, I.E. from admins?

It is said in the head of the topic that there is an adminshop.


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The thing about an economy for TFC is it has to address two things.


1.) most everything in TFC is about finding it once and if properly managed your set on that recourse pretty much forever. You find an ore vein once and you almost cetainly wont need to look for that same ore again, except for a few specific ores like iron. This goes for animals and crops as well.

2.) infrastructure is what determines productivity. Anything a new player can produce a well established player can produce much more of, and if your shops are aimed at boosting new players to later ages faster established players can really cheese the system or if it is balanced around established players then there isn't much they wouldn't already have and to them it becomes a calculation of do I turn my steel ingots to blue steel manually or trade through the shop to do so and lose some in the exchange rates but save time.


My two candidates for the basis of your economy, where new/established players are roughly the same is in either charcoal or steel ingots. With charcoal the new player disadvantage isn't that extreme provided they at least have copper tools, it may take them a few extra minutes to fill their charcoal pit then a well established player but its not a vastly different scale of production. With steel ingots its the same story, most players whether they are using iron or blue steel will have just 1 blast furnace that is fully upgraded, as well as a supply of charcoal and rich iron ore therefor the production rates won't be vastly different between those players so it is another good basis for your economy.


From there just figure out how many hours you would expect it to take for someone to find any specific recourse and then the cost of the convenience.



Maybe you can expect people to make 100 steel ingots an hour and it take an unlucky player 2 hours to get a breeding pair of cows to their base.


So you can buy steel ingots in your shop for 1 each and sell spawn eggs for 25-50 each.



Maybe an established player didn't watch their harvest of wheat and wants to breed their cows now and growing crops can take a few hours irl, so you can sell 160 wheat for 10-20 as well



As an added bonus being an admin shop you delete ingots from the game like this which encourages players to keep exploring.


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The thing about an economy for TFC is it has to address two things.


1.) most everything in TFC is about finding it once and if properly managed your set on that recourse pretty much forever. You find an ore vein once and you almost cetainly wont need to look for that same ore again, except for a few specific ores like iron. This goes for animals and crops as well.

2.) infrastructure is what determines productivity. Anything a new player can produce a well established player can produce much more of, and if your shops are aimed at boosting new players to later ages faster established players can really cheese the system or if it is balanced around established players then there isn't much they wouldn't already have and to them it becomes a calculation of do I turn my steel ingots to blue steel manually or trade through the shop to do so and lose some in the exchange rates but save time.


My two candidates for the basis of your economy, where new/established players are roughly the same is in either charcoal or steel ingots. With charcoal the new player disadvantage isn't that extreme provided they at least have copper tools, it may take them a few extra minutes to fill their charcoal pit then a well established player but its not a vastly different scale of production. With steel ingots its the same story, most players whether they are using iron or blue steel will have just 1 blast furnace that is fully upgraded, as well as a supply of charcoal and rich iron ore therefor the production rates won't be vastly different between those players so it is another good basis for your economy.


From there just figure out how many hours you would expect it to take for someone to find any specific recourse and then the cost of the convenience.



Maybe you can expect people to make 100 steel ingots an hour and it take an unlucky player 2 hours to get a breeding pair of cows to their base.


So you can buy steel ingots in your shop for 1 each and sell spawn eggs for 25-50 each.



Maybe an established player didn't watch their harvest of wheat and wants to breed their cows now and growing crops can take a few hours irl, so you can sell 160 wheat for 10-20 as well



As an added bonus being an admin shop you delete ingots from the game like this which encourages players to keep exploring.

Thanks for a great answer. I absolutely agree with you about the 2 candidates.I think that spawn eggs need to be much more expensive because buying 2 animals the player will no longer need to buy them again. We decreased animal spawn and installed Restican Melius, by the way, so the animal are even harder to find, harder to catch and breed. But if the spawn egg is so cheap then it's just buying cheap hide. Don't forget that player can sell not only the ores but all the food, and there are quests with money reward.

About the ores, we have decreased the amount of ore in the world generator, so I have no idea how much time a player will spend finding a particular ore. And therefore i made this topic to understand the ratio of ores at least among themselves. I could not find any info about that on the net.

So if you guys can suggest something to fix the nombers on my liste- do not hesitate ...


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I'm not familiar with timing of stuff on  your server so I don't think I'll be able to come up with any sorts of price charts.Just keep in mind peoples common goals, such as nickle to make a black steel anvil and continue using iron/steel tools. 


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I'm not familiar with timing of stuff on  your server so I don't think I'll be able to come up with any sorts of price charts.Just keep in mind peoples common goals, such as nickle to make a black steel anvil and continue using iron/steel tools. 

The ratio of ores among them selves is the same as TFC defult. All of them are just more rare in the same percentage, except graphite which has remained defult.

So you see, prices of ores will be the same as in TFC without any additional settings.


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I ran into problems with selling food. Is there ways to trade food (especially to buy it from player )given that the food has decay and its metadata changes all the time? Costom Npc for example can sell it, but can't buy it. And Trade booth can sell normaly, but it buys food without decay only for 1 day.


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