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Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Shelf in plank.

23 posts in this topic

Here's something I'd like to see one day :)


Ability to place clay items and ingot on top of the plank components.
And, Ability to place clay items and ingot IN the plank components.
Like this : (Fake screenshot)


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This would be a good idea, however the reason it is not implemented is because these items check for a solid block underneath. If this weren't the case, you could put a pile of ingots on a torch or something. The ability to place items within multiparts, that's an interesting though though.


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You can already put pottery and ingots on plank shelves. You just need to create the shelves by chiseling a full plank block, instead of placing individual plank items.


As for placing blocks within blocks (Pottery within Planks), it's just not going to happen. Unless Mojang rewrites pretty much everything from scratch so you can have multiple things together (Like different slabs, or slabs and water) within the same space, it's essentially impossible.


Placing different plank items within the same block works because as a whole, it's still a plank block. Once you start trying to cram multiple block types into a single space, it gets extremely complicated very VERY quickly.


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Definitely possible, just not with the current item placement system. Might have to be moved to a system where they remain as floating items that can intersect with blocks with cut down hitboxes rather than a block themselves.But that'd be putting more work on the mod for something that wouldn't be all that rewarding.

Though it would be neat to see things like the vanilla tag to disable an item's despawning property used...


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You can already put pottery and ingots on plank shelves. You just need to create the shelves by chiseling a full plank block, instead of placing individual plank items.


As for placing blocks within blocks (Pottery within Planks), it's just not going to happen. Unless Mojang rewrites pretty much everything from scratch so you can have multiple things together (Like different slabs, or slabs and water) within the same space, it's essentially impossible.


Placing different plank items within the same block works because as a whole, it's still a plank block. Once you start trying to cram multiple block types into a single space, it gets extremely complicated very VERY quickly.

Actually, you can. Forge multipart allows things like torches, levers, and buttons to share the same space as microblocks. You can also put 2 torches in a corner on both sides of the corner now. It also is the same functionality that allow covers to share space with pipes and conduits.


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Actually, you can. Forge multipart allows things like torches, levers, and buttons to share the same space as microblocks. You can also put 2 torches in a corner on both sides of the corner now. It also is the same functionality that allow covers to share space with pipes and conduits.


Have you seen how much effort it took to get forge multipart working like that? And it still only works for that fairly short list of things, and there's a bunch of weird complications and rules about it.


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Forge Multipart is a hack, a work-around. It's a specific solution to a small part of a much larger general problem, not something which can be easily extended to cover more.


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Have you seen how much effort it took to get forge multipart working like that? And it still only works for that fairly short list of things, and there's a bunch of weird complications and rules about it.

I don't code so I have no idea how much is involved. I was simply pointing out that it is possible. Personally, I'd rather you guys spend your time on content, like you already do, than wasting time on an annoying little quirk that has always been a part of MC.


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Forge Multipart is a hack, a work-around. It's a specific solution to a small part of a much larger general problem, not something which can be easily extended to cover more.

By your logic, Forge itself is a hack because it allows modification of the base code of MC. Sadly without it, most of the mods we all love would not exist.


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By your logic, Forge itself is a hack because it allows modification of the base code of MC. Sadly without it, most of the mods we all love would not exist.


Yeah... no. Forge itself is a framework that was set up with the help of actual Mojang staff members. It actually does not allow modification of base code, it allows extension of it. Forge multipart is a hack because it tries to overwrite base code of MC, and does so in such a workaround way that as Azdoine said, doesn't allow for much extension or expansion on it. Forge multipart in itself is extremely limited in what it can do, and even with the things that it can do, there are a bunch of weird random restrictions and rules for how it works in-game.


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It's technically possible, but a really bad coding practice and not something that should be done, so what Kitty said. I figure I'll mention this now so that it isn't brought up later.


If you HAD to do it for some reason, you could code a brand new block with it's own block id, tile entity and everything and use that. It would be kind of nasty though.


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Impossible ... it's a way of saying "I do not want to spend time doing it,"

this argument does not stop me from making proposals :)


Another example of what I'd like to do.


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Impossible ... it's a way of saying "I do not want to spend time doing it,"

this argument does not stop me from making proposals :)


Time is money, dude. Do you really think this is what the devs should spend that time doing?


Every moment that the devs spend implementing your suggestion is a moment they can't spend working on their goals for version 0.79. Not to mention, it's a moment they can't spend on their private lives outside of TFCraft.


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Time is money, dude.


This is what economists want you to believe. :D


Every moment that the devs spend implementing your suggestion is a moment they can't spend working on their goals for version 0.79. Not to mention, it's a moment they can't spend on their private lives outside of TFCraft.


Stays cool, it's just a suggestion ;) 


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In addition to what Azdoine said, "Impossible" is usually a very firm way of saying "NO."


There's a huge difference between making realistic proposals that actually have a chance of being added, and not taking no for an answer and wasting our time by posting stuff for us to read that is just going to once again be told NO.


Dunk made a joke a little bit ago talking about the difference between optimism and not taking no for an answer is that one of them will get you kicked out of bars. >.> Somebody else go find that quote for me because I'm too busy kthx. <3 Edit: I will give you the title of "Official Quote Fetcher" on the forums if you do it for me. >.>


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Impossible ... it's a way of saying "I do not want to spend time doing it,"

this argument does not stop me from making proposals :)


Another example of what I'd like to do.


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I'm pretty sure you can do this as well if you chisel a full plank block for the backing.


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In addition to what Azdoine said, "Impossible" is usually a very firm way of saying "NO."


There's a huge difference between making realistic proposals that actually have a chance of being added, and not taking no for an answer and wasting our time by posting stuff for us to read that is just going to once again be told NO.


Dunk made a joke a little bit ago talking about the difference between optimism and not taking no for an answer is that one of them will get you kicked out of bars. >.> Somebody else go find that quote for me because I'm too busy kthx. <3 Edit: I will give you the title of "Official Quote Fetcher" on the forums if you do it for me. >.>


Here you go ;)


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In addition to what Azdoine said, "Impossible" is usually a very firm way of saying "NO."

Speaking of. Forge has blockSolidOnSide check, if I understand it correctly. How about returning true if particular side has at least 4 planks placed with at least one gap (5/8 of the side or more is filled) between those planks? Not that I'm defending anyone, but I feel like that could be a descent equalizer to both stances, allowing players to do more nice things.


Having some blocks inside each other would still be out of the question obviously. (I didn't poke around in pottery TE code, or any TE code for that matter, enough to have my own opinion)


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In addition to what Azdoine said, "Impossible" is usually a very firm way of saying "NO."


There's a huge difference between making realistic proposals that actually have a chance of being added, and not taking no for an answer and wasting our time by posting stuff for us to read that is just going to once again be told NO.


Dunk made a joke a little bit ago talking about the difference between optimism and not taking no for an answer is that one of them will get you kicked out of bars. >.> Somebody else go find that quote for me because I'm too busy kthx. <3 Edit: I will give you the title of "Official Quote Fetcher" on the forums if you do it for me. >.>





Title updated as Kitty decreed :)


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Speaking of. Forge has blockSolidOnSide check, if I understand it correctly. How about returning true if particular side has at least 4 planks placed with at least one gap (5/8 of the side or more is filled) between those planks? Not that I'm defending anyone, but I feel like that could be a descent equalizer to both stances, allowing players to do more nice things.


Having some blocks inside each other would still be out of the question obviously. (I didn't poke around in pottery TE code, or any TE code for that matter, enough to have my own opinion)


We already use the blockSolidOnSide check for chiseled plank blocks. From what I understand correctly, that method doesn't work with placed plank items because of their individual hitboxes or something.


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We already use the blockSolidOnSide check for chiseled plank blocks. From what I understand correctly, that method doesn't work with placed plank items because of their individual hitboxes or something.

This was WAY earlier and I'm unsure if this has changed since, but I recall placing 8 planks on the top 8th of a block against a wall (so they were constructing the top face of a block at say 0, 1, 0), then I was able to place ceramic items on them (the bottom of 0, 2, 0), as well as turn it into a cooking area with a knife.


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Title updated as Kitty decreed :)


Haha! For real? I thought, that was a joke  :lol:

It's an honor ^^


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We already use the blockSolidOnSide check for chiseled plank blocks. From what I understand correctly, that method doesn't work with placed plank items because of their individual hitboxes or something.

Yes, fixing that one check to return true on occasion is exactly what I was talking about. Surely there's a way to see if at least one orientation of two possible ones conforms to the clause I described, or any other clause you'll be comfortable with, for that matter.


Note that I'm not asking your code to check each of 256 squares on each side to see if some percentage is filled, since this task can be greatly simplified.


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