Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Offline][0.79.10] New World TFC - Nations, Towns, Team PvP, Economy and so much more

188 posts in this topic

The server has not been this frequented for the last week or too. Its down for several days now and today the first guy even noticed it.


I guess this is the sign for me to shut this project down. Its just not worth paying another month of server rent when the 79 hype is clearly over.


I tried my best to keep things interesting, but long term motivation is hard to get. We all learned something, and can make it better next time. I will probably give it a shot in 1.8 again, but i might make changes to the concept that are quite different from what you signed up for here. If you are still interested, let me know. Its always easier with people behind you that have been sticking around for some time.


I will stop whitelisting and wont restart the server anymore, since the few new guys will probably find themselves all alone and won't be invited to anyones town. I just don't have the time to hang out there long enough to introduce people myself.


It was a fun time, but i guess thats just how things can go sometimes.


In the rare case that someone wants to continue the server for themselves, just write me a PM, and i give you the world/server files for you to play around with.


best regards,




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You will need:

  • TFC 79.10
  • Carpenterblocks v3.3.0
  • MineTweaker-1.7.10-3.09


Due to people not finding info on the protection plugin, now in big:





We are searching for people who are interested in a team based competition involving trade and pvp town vs town! Each nation with their own special traits, so trading is needed to get certain items. Support your colonial power by sending back shipments to the old world and thus increase your nations honor and wealth!


We will try to balance all that as good as possible. We are playing terrafirmacraft after all.

There will be as few teleporting as possible!


 Carpenter's Blocks!


Once you join us, you'll have to choose a nation to fight for. Depending on the map, there will be 4 nations to choose from.


Protect all your creations with an personally written, easy to use and precise Griefing protection. It wont hinder a natural growth of villages without enforcing manhattanly roads, because of a small plot size of only 5x5 blocks!


The server is run whitelisted, so to get on, post in this thread with the following information:


  • in game name
  • your age
  • Why us? (nothing fancy, just so you can stand out)


here is the map:

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IGN: GeldscheinLp


Why us?: Because i am looking for a server that has towns and PVP at the same time


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Hi, My IGN is Voxstream, age 24 years old and this is one of the pioneer B79 servers, so this interests me to join this community :)


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  • in game name : ziploc4013
  • your age : 23
  • Why us? : Looking for a B79 server, love town based servers, mixed with TFC awesome, and getting in server early, plan to be around for a while

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  • in game name: Th4ng
  • your age; 24
  • Why us? : been trying to find a b79 server for a bit and when i came across yours it  stuck out with the way you have it planned currently with the faction on faction competition. I plan on being around for awhile and would find it remarkable if i get the oppertunity to get  on the server early on.

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Hey bruuf. Add the necessary mod links so people gets the right ones needed :)


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  • in game name : Evonus
  • your age: 24
  • Why us? I love terrafirmacraft and would like to really get into a good server that is just starting out so i can help it grow.


ALSO I cant find MineTweaker-1.7.10-3.08B I googled it and this thread was what came up.... lol so im not sure what mod that is or where to even find it.


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  • in game name : Rob11554
  • your age : 16
  • Why us? : I want to play terrafirmacraft, but in order to do that I need to find a server with some sort of team system. This server looks like one of those servers.

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IGN: iced_adams666

Age: 16

Why?: I want a nice community base server where I can also pvp if I want to.


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read the thread before posting please

  • in game name : Evonus
  • your age: 24
  • Why us? I love terrafirmacraft and would like to really get into a good server that is just starting out so i can help it grow.


ALSO I cant find MineTweaker-1.7.10-3.08B I googled it and this thread was what came up.... lol so im not sure what mod that is or where to even find it.



where are people getting MineTweaker-1.7.10-3.08B as they updated to 3.09 12 hours ago and i can only download that version

Edit. found it for other people


and use tags like [edit] and what not to let people know if you have resolved your issue, and help the community find answers easier


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I would like to join

  • in game name : aleksey_t
  • your age : 33
  • Why us? : interesting project, latest version of TFC and good ping

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IGN Wicther
Age 16
Why us? Global warfare and server-bound teams? Count me in.


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I cannot connect to the server.

Does anyone has the same problem?


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Its back up. Somehow it just decided to stop, no error. Maybe the hosting company had some issues, i dont know.


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Is the server off again?


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IGN: Luigifan13

Age: 18

Why us?: Particularly I am interested in the commutative aspect of this server, great to see several factions competing by building a nationality and their own government and cultures


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In game Name: tec02


Why us? A Player recommended New world TFC so I decided to try it out.

I found the forums and look cool and I felt like playing TFC. I bet its is very fun and challenging to play.

I hope I get to play!


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Did you guys encounter and/or solve the problem of mobs not dropping anything after being killed when using Cauldron + TFC?


Right now I know of 2 servers that have this problem. I'm just curious about your situation and if you have perhaps found a solution for this problem.


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its a cauldron patch that needs to go through, the current most up to date cauldron version is designed for a previous version of forge, whereas the patch brings it up to version TFC is built on.


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Hey, I was on yesterday, and it seems that the plot protection is off by a block. Instead of the heads being in the center of the 5x5 plot, it's off center by one block to the (I think) west


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