Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

339 posts in this topic

This is a WIP modpack focused around Terrafirmacraft available on the Feed The Beast launcher ( via a private pack code.
Will you survive the trials of the elements and physics?
Will you advance far enough to capture energy and bend it to your will?
Please notify mod authors when submitting crash/bug reports of the use of Fastcraft
Pack Code: technofirma
Mod List:



BC Builders
BC Factory
BC Transport
Better Rain
Better Sleeping Core
Cobble Haters
Crafting Tweaks
Cuchaz Interactive
Custom Modpack
Dynamic Lights
Electrical Age
Extended Renderer
Flood Lights
Forge Microblocks
Forge Multipart
Hardcore Questing Mode
Immersive Engineering
Inventory Tweaks
Leather Water Sac
Localized Weather & Storms (Weather 2)
MattDahEpic Core
MC+ Collision
MC+ Wheel
Memory Cleaner
Merchants Containers
MineTweaker 3
NEI Addons
NEI Integration
ProjectRed Compatibility
ProjectRed Fabrication
ProjectRed Transmission
Push and Shove
Remain In Motion
Ships Mod
Sound Filters
Stellar Sky
Territorial Dealings
Thaumcraft NEI Plugin
Waila Harvestability
What Are We Looking At


Info for the mods:
Leather Water Sac TFC:
Fastcraft: Player,
Weather 2:
Enviromine is only used to add more block physics and air quality.
Electrical Age:
Features: Item physics, more block physics, sound improvements ( sound reverberations in caves, better footsteps),  end level technology (computers, machines), NEI (with addon), a minimap, localized weather, more building opportunities, leather water sac, air quailty.
Current YouTube series featuring this pack:
Edited by kev12east

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I am definitely going to check this out.  You should put this post in the Addon are of the forums  :)


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I am definitely going to check this out.  You should put this post in the Addon are of the forums   :)

Thanks for the look! I thought of putting it in the Addons section, but it doesn't really seem to fit with what is there.


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enviromine in tfc? how does that work out? seems like it would conflict with tfc a lot


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this looks interesting, however i would replace electrical age with buildcraft and add railcraft to the list.

Also as other users have said, not sure how well those mods would work together.


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Environmine is completely configurable. There is duplicate functionality with TFC, but those features can be disabled


If you want to add buildcraft to this pack, you will need to wait until Emris updates his Buildcraft-TFC patch to 0.79


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enviromine in tfc? how does that work out? seems like it would conflict with tfc a lot


Enviromine is added only to add more block physics (we all love them so much) and to add air quality. Sanity has been disabled due to lack of flowers to pick and temperature does not worked based on TFC's temperature, so that is also disabled


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this looks interesting, however i would replace electrical age with buildcraft and add railcraft to the list.

Also as other users have said, not sure how well those mods would work together.

I'd be interested to add railcraft in, but more interested in adding traincraft TBH. I do not want to remove Electrical Age due to it's realism, which BC  somewhat lacks


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I don't know if railcraft coke would work in tfc blast furnace (as tfc coke used to work)


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How does carpenter's blocks mod work? Do you spawn in the tools?


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How does carpenter's blocks mod work? Do you spawn in the tools?

You can make the tools and the blocks, they are completly usable


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This probably isn't the right place, but how do I access the jvm arguments in the launcher, I need to add a line of code to prevent the forge shrunken menu bug.


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This probably isn't the right place, but how do I access the jvm arguments in the launcher, I need to add a line of code to prevent the forge shrunken menu bug.

Go to options, then advanced options. you should see a place to add arguments


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Whenever I put the code in additional parameters it makes it worse. splitting the tiny screen up.


I really wanted to play this modpack but for now it looks like I just can't.


It could also be I'm using the wrong argument


Nope exact same arugment I used in multi mc, odd how it's not working here.


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You can make the tools and the blocks, they are completly usable


I guess it's not as simple as dropping the mod file in the mod folder? I tried that but I need vanilla iron ingots to make the tools.


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I guess it's not as simple as dropping the mod file in the mod folder? I tried that but I need vanilla iron ingots to make the tools.


TFC added wrought iron ingots to the ore dictionary to be the equivalent of vanilla iron ingots. If you can't use TFC wrought iron, then Carpenter's blocks needs to add ore dictionary support for their crafting recipes. Until that happens, there is a config for TFC that makes it so you can craft wrought iron into vanilla iron and vice versa.


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I guess it's not as simple as dropping the mod file in the mod folder? I tried that but I need vanilla iron ingots to make the tools.


TFC added wrought iron ingots to the ore dictionary to be the equivalent of vanilla iron ingots. If you can't use TFC wrought iron, then Carpenter's blocks needs to add ore dictionary support for their crafting recipes. Until that happens, there is a config for TFC that makes it so you can craft wrought iron into vanilla iron and vice versa.

I added both recipes to ore dictionary for iron via minetweaker. The recipes work just fine, as do the blocks


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Whenever I put the code in additional parameters it makes it worse. splitting the tiny screen up.


I really wanted to play this modpack but for now it looks like I just can't.


It could also be I'm using the wrong argument


Nope exact same arugment I used in multi mc, odd how it's not working here.

That bug is usually caused by outdated graphics chip, I guess you're disabling stencil bits? 

IT could be that some of the mods require the use of stencil bits, in which case there's probably no alternative left.


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There is now a server for this pack. The IP is:


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Eventually whenever I get a better computer or graphics card I will hopefully dive head first into this interesting mod, maybe even use it to make a post apocalyptic adventure/server map.


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What sorta computers are available in here? Are they the CC type with lua scripts and turtles? I've always wanted to progress through the TFC tech all the way to CC type computers :D


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What sorta computers are available in here? Are they the CC type with lua scripts and turtles? I've always wanted to progress through the TFC tech all the way to CC type computers :D

They are from Open Computers, which is similar to CC, but require power and are slightly more difficult to use. There are robots, but they can not fly without an upgrade.


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I think i'm in love .

Especialy with electrical age .


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Chisel could be a valid addition.

I send a bug repport to them to ask to implement valid oredict recipe for all their blocks (some of them work with vanilla items, but not all).

Except that, it's working fine, you can craft some of the blocks like the paper walls. Of course there is things that are not possible to make. but it's a start.


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