Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Ceramic bowls - another tedium

Breaking Bowls   27 members have voted

  1. 1. How should the bowl breaking mechanic be changed?

    • Bowls have a 25% chance of breaking, but you will only get 1 bowl for every 5 clay, instead of the current 4 bowls.
    • Bowls have a 50% chance of breaking, but you will only get 2 bowls for every 5 clay, instead of the current 4 bowls.
    • Don't change the mechanic.

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42 posts in this topic

So whilst were all complaining about torches how many other people, assuming you're bothering to eat, find having to continually create and fire ceramic bowls yet another tedious task that detracts from gameplay.

Why exactly are the bowls consumed when you eat its contents?


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Good question, I was wondering the same thing. Personally I don't think I could ever be hungry enough to eat a piece of Stoneware. It is not very believable and is much more expensive than old bowls used to be. (each bowl requires 8 times more wood to make than previously, not to mention non-renewable clay)


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Agreed, developers... feex eet.Silliness aside, maybe find a reason for bowls to break based on lower cooking skill or something. Like someone who can't cook well wouldn't know that ceramic isn't rock proof or something.


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heehehe, It would only take me one bowl to figure out that beating them with a rock won't clean them. I think it would make the most sense to have a chance of breaking them the SAME as for Water Jugs. (with an option in the config to customize your experience.)


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I agree it doesnt make sense, at the same time however it creates a real ongoing demand for pottery which previously was mostly fire and forget.


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We should at least be able to create a bigger kiln structure or a firing mound which is capable of 16 items at once near mid game when collecting coal, bricks or wood becomes much easier. Or just make it so the bowls don't break.


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From where I stand this should be the bowl progression:


1. Wodden bowl - is consumed after each use

2. Ceramic bowl - has a chance to break after each use, the chance gets smaller after each breaking (starts from 20%, gets smaller by 1%, stops at 1%)

3. Metallic bowl - never breaks


I would also make them placeable objects that you can stack in a pile like ingots, but that's just me being crazy :)


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From where I stand this should be the bowl progression:


1. Wodden bowl - is consumed after each use

2. Ceramic bowl - has a chance to break after each use, the chance gets smaller after each breaking (starts from 20%, gets smaller by 1%, stops at 1%)

3. Metallic bowl - never breaks


I would also make them placeable objects that you can stack in a pile like ingots, but that's just me being crazy :)

I would give wooden bowls durability. A few uses and the wood is shot. Think of it as a tool used in cooking that is just untouchable for a time. The durability could be saved on a random NBT tag/data value, and upon consumption, it spawns a bowl in that condition. (easier said than done)

Ceramic... could be unbreaking. Aside from porcelain, ceramics are pretty strong; only really determinate by the quality of the clay; and this clay can handle molten metal so...


If you wanted ceramic to break, metal could be the next step (and a good drain on resources)


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To ways:


make like 16 of them at once - and you have enough for like 3 month i guess


make sandwiches - in my opinion the better way since they level your cooking skill much faster, dont decay and once the "all nutritients are full always" bug is corrected, you have one slot more for a different ingredient.


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make sandwiches - in my opinion the better way since they level your cooking skill much faster, dont decay and once the "all nutritients are full always" bug is corrected, you have one slot more for a different ingredient.

making sandwiches up untill .79.7 was bad as they were literaly poisoned, giving you negative nutrition. I dont think this is an issue anymore though because of this change in.79.7

"Taste no longer directly affects the nutrition gained from eating a meal."



I would give wooden bowls durability. A few uses and the wood is shot. Think of it as a tool used in cooking that is just untouchable for a time. The durability could be saved on a random NBT tag/data value, and upon consumption, it spawns a bowl in that condition. (easier said than done)

Wouldnt that make things messy for stacking bowls in the cooking menu.


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But sandwiches require you to have a quern, which require you to have at least two metal tools.


I find that if I put one bowl in each of the four bowl slots, when I make salads, for some odd reason, the first bowl gets consumed, but it still stays there flickering, enabling me to make salads without actually consuming the other three bowls. For some reason.


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making sandwiches up untill .79.7 was bad as they were literaly poisoned, giving you negative nutrition. I dont think this is an issue anymore though because of this change in.79.7

"Taste no longer directly affects the nutrition gained from eating a meal."



Wouldnt that make things messy for stacking bowls in the cooking menu.

Aah true. Didn't even think about stacking. Though, I personally wouldn't care if they stacked or not. Maybe just assign a random chance to not return a bowl, and make the wood inferior to ceramic.


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From where I stand this should be the bowl progression:


1. Wodden bowl - is consumed after each use

2. Ceramic bowl - has a chance to break after each use, the chance gets smaller after each breaking (starts from 20%, gets smaller by 1%, stops at 1%)

3. Metallic bowl - never breaks


I would also make them placeable objects that you can stack in a pile like ingots, but that's just me being crazy :)

I assume this is how it originally was supposed to be, aside from the stacking part.


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To be honest, I don't think that we really need tiers with bowls. I completely agree with the issue adressed in this thread, but as some people mentioned above, I think the simplest solution would be just to make the bowls breakable with a chance, much like the jugs, so that you have about the same chance to get a bowl back after eating as the jug not breaking.

That would be believable enough and would remove the pain of firing new bowls for every four meals ...

I assume the reason to remove the much cheaper wooden bowls is, that we can not spam the new cooking skill, which I can understand, so let them have it :)

But I guess a reasonable chance to get your ceramic bowl back won't throw over the balance.


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Resurrecting this post because I'm so unutterably sick of firing clay bowls every few days with the corresponding cost in logs. It makes no sense whatsoever that ceramic bowls would be consumed when eating a salad.


Please tell me there's a way to change it somewhere.

Edited by Daeruin

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i see this as an interesting idea. lets see if the dev's think it should go anywhere. :P


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I'll give you guys three options:

  • The mechanic remains unchanged.
  • Bowls have a 25% chance of breaking on use, but you only get 1 bowl instead of 4 when forming them, so you'll have to use 20 clay to make 4 bowls instead of 5 clay.
  • Bowls have a 50% chance of breaking on use, but you only get 2 bowls instead of 4 when forming them, so you'll have to use 10 clay to make 4 bowls instead of 5 clay.


Edit: I've edited the topic to have a poll with these three options at the top, please cast your votes there.


Edit 2: Straw poll for those who do not have forum accounts but still want to vote:


Please cast your votes in both polls if possible. :)

Edited by Kittychanley

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ill vote the 25% chance. using 20 clay is imo a nice balance for the stupid amount collected and not used mid- to late-game.


edit, just noticed the poll above. XD *derped*

Edited by Mathias Ademar

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ill vote the 25% chance. using 20 clay is imo a nice balance for the stupid amount collected and not used mid- to late-game.

Just to clarify, statistically speaking all 3 options will use the same amount of clay over time. But the 25% breakage option means that 1 bowl will (hopefully) last four salads.  So that one bowl is the same as 4 current bowls, but will still only take one place in the pit kiln.  Which does make it the most efficient option in terms of pit kiln materials.  Just wanted to clarify that clay useage statistically won't be any different.


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I understand the gold pan breaking but I've never once broke a bowl eating a salad irl.


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This isn't an argument of reality, it's an argument of balanced gameplay.


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Out of the options given, I would vote for the first. I'm happy about the idea of using fewer materials for my pit kilns, at the very least.


I understand the gold pan breaking but I've never once broke a bowl eating a salad irl.

I've broken bowls before. Once in a blue moon they get dropped or knocked off the counter.



This isn't an argument of reality, it's an argument of balanced gameplay.


If you're concerned about balance, what are you balancing, exactly? I don't see it. Why would the bowl break any more often than the jug?


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Compare the benefits of using the two. With a jug, all you get is water portability, and saving a bit of time for how long it takes to fill your thirst bar. Jugs aren't a necessity, and while they are handy you can get the exact same end result of a quenched thirst bar without them. There aren't many benefits for using them, so it doesn't matter that they don't break very often.


Now consider the benefits of bowls, and specifically salads. With the exception of instead making sandwiches, bowls are the only way that you can give your player saturation, as well as guarantee that you aren't going to have issues with keeping your HP maxed out due to nutritional drain. If you just eat the individual ingredients of a salad, you get far less nutrition back than you would get if you had combined them into a salad and eaten that.


Once you have a quern, you never really have to make another ceramic bowl or salad again. While salads do have a larger capacity than sandwiches, it really doesn't matter since you can just keep all the ingredients on you, and make the food prep surface and new sandwiches on the fly while exploring. Plus you can eat sandwiches in a whole bite, therefore saving time on nibbling.


It is a game design choice to try and keep pottery part of the game throughout all of the tiers. Without bowls breaking, the players who make salads wouldn't really use new clay for pottery at all after the stone age, other than firing the occasional set of ingot molds, or the very rare jug because your current big stash of them finally ran out. As the game currently is, bowls are really one of the only reasons why players would still be firing pit kilns and consuming clay often even during the late game.


Edit: I'd also like to point out that while it hasn't gotten that many votes, the straw poll is showing a pretty much completely even split between the three options:


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