Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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More Acheivements.

4 posts in this topic

Currently the achievement thread can be easily completed in the iron age providing achievement hunters like myself no real reason to continue. I recommend a few more achievements and achievement branches to reflect the progress the mod has made.


Maybe a Fishing branch with things like 'Your First Minnow(less than an once fish)' and 'Fish Dinner (20oz or more fish)'. Then continue the metal working branch out to steel at least and maybe a new cooking branch 'Jerky... This is tough', or even one for animal husbandry 'Here Chicki Chicki!'.


I really would like to see an entry point into all the things this mod has to offer.


Thanks for your time.




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I agree, we need an achievement system that'll give you a step by step guide of how to advance in the game. I've ran into plenty of road blocks, not knowing what I should do next. While the Wiki helps, it mainly just gives you a whole lot of information of things you aren’t even capable of doing yet. I mean it took me awhile to figure out how to get copper and how to convert it to liquid with pottery. That is something that should be found in the achievement system.


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I think that there should be a detailed achievement tree for each tool (time to mine, time to farm, time to stirke, ect.) from stone to the highest level possible, whatever that may be. i also thing that the tech level should extend to near or past the modern era (maybe give redstone its old uses or make a new ore that makes up for the slack) possibly even going so far as to making alternate inorganic forms of commuting places like multi-block planes, cars, and  boats similar to how the Archimedes Mod works. a possible and tech could be the beginnings of stellar vessels or even mechas. i know this will probably never get to the that level of extensiveness. lol, but the idea remains the same. the current achevement list is a bit lacking and kinds out of place in something that has such a vast difference from the mainstream.


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I'm curious: Do other people pay much or really any attention to the achievements? Both in unmodded Minecraft and now here in TFC, it always seemed to me that achievements were mostly very basic and rudimentary hints as to what one might want to do next in order to progress with, say, making tools. I see them as standing in place of the non-existing tutorial, as a pointer what one might try to do or research.


For me, the "actual" achievements in TFC, now that I feel I have some grasp of the mechanics and are playing my first long-time world, are things I set as my own goals. For instance, I figured out smithing in a basic way a few days ago, and yesterday I realised how to go about things systematically so I no longer use three hammers to make a pickaxe. That's an achievement whether or not there is a message on my screen telling me "wow, you made a pickaxe in under twenty seconds on the anvil".


For me, extensive lists of achievements (play mission X on Y difficulty in under A minutes without Z happening), particularly if they give you rewards that allow you to unlock game content, always seem like artificial busywork so people go on with a game that might otherwise bore them once they've played it through one. I don't think TFC really needs that.


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