Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Woven Clothes

18 posts in this topic

Seeing that body temperature will make it's way in the game, would be nice to have an easy way to get warm early game, without standing next to a firepit all day. Maybe we could put straw together to make a woven sheet and with the woven sheet we could turn it into a piece of clothing. Examples: Woven hat, woven shirt, woven shoes, ect.


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I do agree on clothes but I do not think it should be made of straw(straw hat though). I should probably be made with wool sheets and other textiles


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This is problably already planed, as the loom was introduced in the last version. I doubt that straw clothing will be included though, I think only such as wool, polibly linnen, and spider silk will be included, though you may be able to make raw hide clothing for warmth. Im sure that the creators already have many things planned to help out with warmth when body temperature is added.


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Wool and silk would be more mid game though. We need something for very early game.


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Leather seems to be a fairly early thing to get. Maybe for even earlier game, or if you spawn far from any flux rocks, there could be a way to turn hides into very basic cloth.


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For early game i would expect that you could just cover your self with any raw hide, the larger the warmer, same with sheep skin


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I've been playing for at least few days, couple of hours per day, and I still didn't even get a copper saw. Instead I invested in a copper pickaxe and a prospector's pick. I mean isn't that the proper thing to do once you get copper? Leather requires you to have a barrel, which means you need a saw, which I'm assuming you're not supposed to be getting early game unless I went down the wrong route. Therefore getting leather is pretty hard to get early game from what I've experienced. Also I'd rather use straw instead of raw hide for clothing...


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Leather does NOT require a barrel. You can make leather in the large ceramic pots that take up most of a block, the big ones. You can also turn jute into jute fibers, though you cannot turn the fibers into rope without a saw (expanded crafting table).


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Leather does NOT require a barrel. You can make leather in the large ceramic pots that take up most of a block, the big ones. You can also turn jute into jute fibers, though you cannot turn the fibers into rope without a saw (expanded crafting table).

Didn't know that, thanks for the tip. Though I always hated killing persistent mobs early game.


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(straw hat though)

That got me wondering if Bioxx plans to make overheating a thing too! like near the equator with all the deserts and jungles and stuff. a straw hat could keep that skull nice and coool when things get tropical!


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I like the idea of making a blanket and walking around with it over your shoulders. :3. That would bring in some realism. Blankets!


Oh, and LAYERing! I want to wear lots of thin shirts, with a heavy jacket overtop... and not just being a single item in itself. :3


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I like the idea of making a blanket and walking around with it over your shoulders. :3. That would bring in some realism. Blankets!


Oh, and LAYERing! I want to wear lots of thin shirts, with a heavy jacket overtop... and not just being a single item in itself. :3

i think cloaks would be more sensible than a blanket,

or more or less the same thing..


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i think cloaks would be more sensible than a blanket,

or more or less the same thing..

Step one: Make a cloak.

Step two: Make a blanket.

Step three: Put on blanket.

Step four: Remember you made cloak.

Step five: Wear cloak over blanket!!!

Step six: NINJAS.

Step seven: Rethink steps and go straight to step six!


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This is one topic that I'd like to elaborate on, when I had the time. yes, clothes would be a really good thing to have in the game, if not just as a cosmetic item. It gives players new challenges, and something extra to do as a side-quest.After all, barely anyone uses leather, so it'd be great if there was an extra incentive to use it, as well as cloth.Because cloth needs more uses


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Clothes from different materials for different external conditions are confirmed. Those will be added along with body temperature.


I'm sorry but I'm too tired to find appropriate Dunk's post.


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I really hope that cloth gets many more uses, but my best suggestion is, even if they don't implement the body heat mechanic, it would still be amazing to have clothing as a cosmetic item anyway. Cotton string (or silk) could be dyed, then woven to create patterns. These patterns would then be the pattern for the clothing. It would be neat to see what people come up with.

Also, this is just a thought, but with clothing, there could be minor benefits gained from general skill. For example, since these clothes won't be used for combat, and they're generally mid to late-game items, they would simply give utility, anything from fall damage reduction, faster movement speed, lesser water consumption to any of the vanilla potion effects. These benefits are minor, but add something to the game, if nothing more than something to tinker around with


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I believe this is planned for TFC2, you should discuss more about it in the corresponding section of the forums (TFC2 Discussion/Suggestions)


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