Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Chisel: staircase corner and more

12 posts in this topic



I propose a change in the "Chisel : Stair mode" tool.
Allow removing large cubes.


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16 most common forms are combined in BlockStair.


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We click on each cube that we want to see disappear, if the result is not in the list of 16 above, we pass on the BlockDetailled.

And we can continue to use the tool.


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Example : 3 shot of chisel (stair mode)


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I would add that the code of this proposal exist, it's not just a dream.


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OMG THIS!!!  I would so love to have this it would make my staircases look a ton better! As it is right now I'm stuck making wide "square" (lol) ones that don't really flow very well in my base. Being able to chisel a corner stair would make things look nicer and reduce the size for me at least <3


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I made a suggestion a while ago

The basic idea was to continue using the chisel, but creating the items in the crafting grid and having them behaving the same as vanilla blocks, That would not change the mod balance, as it would require the chisel, but they would be actual blocks and easily handle by other mods.

minecraft already has the code for stairs and slabs, it would be just a question of adding the chisel to the recipe and creating the textures.


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Yes please. Even if it requires the same durability lost from doing that in detail mode this would be very helpful


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TFC 0.79.12 Changelog: Attack of the Pull Requests

  • [*]
Chiseling stairs now supports carving large sections out of a block instead of only allowing basic shaped stairs. Corner stairs are now a thing.


          .-'"""""'-.                .'           `.           /   .      .             :                 :       |    ________     |        :           /    :              `.____.'    /                    `.           .'               `-._____.-'        

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YAY STAIRS! that alone makes me wanna update right now.


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That was fast, It helps when creating stairs.

thank you to all the developers.

I still wish we had slabs and stairs as an actual block, available in creative mode. My issue is about when using Prism to repair griefing it cannot recognize chiseled blocks, the same goes for WorldEdit, If you try to copy a building it will ignore the chiseled blocks. I know detailed blocks will always be like that, but at least slabs and stair could be done.


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World edit should recognize this series.


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But much of the blocks information are in Tile Entity.

I do not know how WorldEdit reacts to it.


What is PRISM ?


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Prism is anti grief tool it allows you to investigate each block in the world and it will tell you who placed the block, it can tell you if someone destroy a block, also it has roll back of specific sections, so you can roll back just in a certain radius.

The problem is that it does not work for chiseled blocks.

The same happens with world edit. when you try to move a building it does not recognize chiseled blocks.

I understand that we can have microblocks, but  slabs and stairs are vanilla blocks so the way I see it would be just a question of requiring the chisel inside the crafting grid for the creation of slabs and stairs. It does not change gameplay or balance in any way. The diference is that when we break a slab or stair it would actually drop a block, that would also be available in creative mode.


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