Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Purifying Water

6 posts in this topic

I think the drinking system could be improved. Early game the thirst system is extremely tedious and then after you get a jug, its not even a challenge anymore. So why not add the ability to purify water? This will allow players to drink from lakes and rivers faster, but they can now possibly get sick. When sick, your nutrition and hunger would start getting reduced slowly, this is to simulate the effects of throwing up from your sickness. However this does not mean to implement an animation where you literally throw up, I'm just explaining the reason for the negative effect. The sickness will eventually pass overtime and won't be lethal. While throwing up will also make you become dehydrated, for the sake of the game, that annoying concept shouldn't be added. To purify water you need to heat up a jug filled with water in a fire pit or a forge, after it's been heated it'll be purified forever even after it's cooled. Rainwater would always be purified, giving us a bigger reason to catch rain. Mixing impure water with rainwater will cause it to go impure.


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While I would agree water purification should be added to the game (i'm not sure how it should be implemented), I'd edit your suggestion to include a disclaimer stating you are suggesting mechanics that simulate the effects of vommitting, and not that you actually want to add vommitting to the game


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I made it a little easier to understand, thanks for the tip. I definitely don't believe we should have the actual act of throwing up in the game.


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Maybe just heating it over a firepit or a forge? I mean, a pit kiln is going to be hot enough to boil off all of that water, and leave you an empty jug. 


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I wouldn't use a forge for this. You want to boil the water for a several in game minutes (which would only really be ~10 real life seconds anyway)


Which would give the firepit a late game purpose instead of being completely obselete once you have a forge


Also I think the implementation of this would include the additions of ceramic and metal pots (or maybe just metal if the devs want to simulate the quality of life improvements with metal). You want the width of the pot to be greater than the height to increase the surface area of the bottom of the pot


Soups and stews are supposed to be added at some unknown point in the future. Maybe water boiling in a fire pit should be added to whatever item is required for soup/stew creation


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A cauldron could be very useful in this situation as well, as well as some sort of filtration system for late game. This suggestion can definitely flesh out.


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