Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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ProPick Change

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8 posts in this topic

I want to suggest a change to the prospecting pick. As it is right now the propick spits out a text message in the chat how high the concentration of an ore is which is quite boring - I want to improve this:

If you use the propick it opens a GNU user interface (GUI) and the player has to search him or herself for the ore. Now here comes the main problem: TFC would have to generate this with some sort of noise texture and intersperse the ore pixels depending on the concentration of ore. I'm not a (minecraft) coder so i'm not sure if this is even possible and if you want to make all the effort to do this. But it is just an idea.

I made some examples in 128x128 pixels. (It's a bit small here and would be ingame nearly fullscreen of course.)



Posted Image


Medium Amount

Posted Image


Very Large Amount:

Posted Image


The rock around the ore would be the same color(s) as of the stone layer(s) in the area.


Current problems that would be solved by this suggestion:

 - Chat spam

 - Prospecting as a boring practice

 - Ore conflicts


Another thing that would have to be changed is how the skill influences this.

Some ideas:

 - If your skill rises, at the bottom of the screen there will be displayed what kind of ore it is.

 - If your skill rises even further and you hover over the name it will highlight all ore of the kind in the picture.

 - If your skill reaches maximum there will be displayed the exact amount of ore you have found.

 - or: The higher your skill is the larger the picture will be (from 16x16 to 128x128)


Let's hope my english is understandable and

feel free to post your opinion (but pls don't rage :-))




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The team has already announced that they're not changing the propick at the moment, and they even have it as a forum rule. So there's that. Don't expect your suggestion to get any positive reviews, as this horse has been beaten dead.

On that note, I've always thought it would make more sense to prospect by scraping at the rock, but that's just my two cents.


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This suggestion doesn't actually violate the suggestion in the do not post thread


noname_42 isn't suggesting a more accurate propick. It seems to be entirely a visual change.


Its certainly a different implementation that I can't imagine a dev would ever consider implementing, but it not more accurate than the current propick


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On that note, I've always thought it would make more sense to prospect by scraping at the rock, but that's just my two cents.


That's actually what the current mechanic is supposed to be simulating, except for the fact that you can use the propick on any block instead of just stone. By right clicking on a block, you are scraping it and the chat message is giving a reading dependent on those scrapings.


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I hate to bring up an old topic, but I don't want to create a new thread. I also hope that I'm not breaking the rule by suggesting "changes" to the propick.
Well, more like... quality of life improvements. Mostly because it's another one of those things that has always been a game feature, but hasn't seen much change

What I'm suggesting is to remove the propick chat messages. Having the chat console fill with prospecting results not only disrupts gameplay, but it breaks immersion, obstructs the player's view, and is not very mechanically interesting.


In lieu of console spam, there would be: particles from the block clicked on, a swinging animation, the mining sound, and a slight delay. (basicly, emulating tapping the block) After which, there would be a visual indicator on the block that was clicked on, showing the prospecting results. (think thaumcraft UI, floating text/images in world)

Possible layout could indicate the ore name (a "?" if skill is too low), the image of the ore, scaled to indicate the sample size, or a quicker prospecting delay depending on the size of the sample.
For example, prospecting a very large sample would return a result in much less time than if it were only traces

This would achieve several things. One of them is feedback to the player, not only through world interaction, but through pacing, mechanical, and visual feedback. The player would be more engaged in the environment, and it would eliminate the obstructive elements with current prospecting, as well as make an appealing method to display things quicker and easier than in text

Remember, this isn't a suggestion to change how prospecting is done, but a way to make it more engaging to the player


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but kitty, the idea of not knowing what type of ores you have found and only showing them at LV2 is a nice idea!


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but kitty, the idea of not knowing what type of ores you have found and only showing them at LV2 is a nice idea!

This is where previous knowledge comes in. You'd see the picture of the ore, and you would know which one it is from your own experience, but the text wouldn't show the name of the ore


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i like, it expand the propick possibilities, but its a lot of work


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