Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Micmastodon Season 2 - Build 79 Multiplayer Let's Play

29 posts in this topic

Posted episode 2. Doom and I explore, I learn about the new food mechanics in build 79, and Doom learns about ... well, everything.



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Here's episode 3 of this new series. Things get a little ugly on a very pretty beach when I go looking for a block of igneous stone:



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Try to stack and clean foods by pressing S- and D-key. Its much easier then the old method.


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Yeah, thanks for the reminder! I keep forgetting about those keys, especially the stack one. I sometimes remember when I'm not recording, because I'm actually thinking about what I'm doing, but when the recording is on I'm usually doing inventory by autopilot.  :P  It must be infuriating to see.


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Being reminded to stack food with S in the comment above really pays off in this latest episode because holy crap that's a lot of plums!



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A sobering reminder of the need for support beams or at least smoothing the stone or something in the latest version of TFC.



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Here's another episode and it's probably my favorite so far. Got some more friends to join us and suddenly ... Iron Age! Time to get building:



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Laying down a new farm for the new growing season - with help from Coach:



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Trying to go from untamed cows to cheese in one episode, plus a design for an open-air storehouse:



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Exploring with Jake - I'm looking for berry bushes and stuff to decorate with, while he's looking mostly for graphite:



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Got another episode for you guys! Catastrophy at the farm, but we install the awesome Lanterns plugin and turn things around.



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Redemtion for the farm, sheep wrangling, and trying to figure out my taste profile in this latest episode:



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Two more episodes for anyone following along. I try to tame a wolf, but she gets a little crazy. The path around the lake takes shape, lines with lanterns. Construction has started on my house!




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Here's another episode. In this one I try to find a male wolf to get some puppies around the place. I also realize my new house under construction has a fatal flaw: it's in TFC. Here's what I mean:



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In this latest episode, I make my first metal trap doors and try out the new TFC grill in a brand new kitchen set-up:



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Jake made red steel! He also shows off a pretty nifty way to mine in TFC that isn't super-efficient, but it is relatively quick, safe and gives you a good amount of natural stone blocks:



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Two more episodes for you guys! I installed and tried out the Cellars add-on for TFC, and did some serious building on my house:




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Time to post the latest two episodes! We've moved to the latest build and now we've got the Decorations add-on. That's a lot more options for designing the beach house.




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In these latest two episodes I play some more with the blocks and textures of the Decorations mod, expand the patio around the beach house, upgrade to blue steel lamps and breed a bunch of animals!




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Here's another episode! I turn to the interior of my house and with the help of the Decorations add-on textures, come up with a really nice ceiling. Although, the choice of materials is questionable. Let me know what you think of what I've done!



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In this latest episode, I gather ores and start smelting and making steel, tame a horse named Ashy, and add a nice showpiece to the beach house:



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Should I work on the beach house? Or should I finish making blue steel?



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It's time for a TFC vacation, but first some improvements around the house:



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I was a tiny bit bummed when you stopped saying "...and I'm out" at the end of your videos.


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