Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Jutetown (Darkagecraft Server)

8 posts in this topic


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Jutetown is a quaint little settlement just directly south of Spawn, on the west coast of Jute Lake. To the east along the lake coast you can also find Hermitville, and then a little to the east of that is Swamptown, an outpost of the Roman Republic. Jutetown and Hermitville are currently both independant towns, not part of any nation.


Jutetown lies close enough to the waters of Jute Lake to allow for easy farming while being far enough away to avoid seasonal floods. The area surrounding Jutetown is prolific with many natural crops, including rice grain, soybeans, greenbeans, and of course prolific amounts of jute, with more crops not too far away. To the east just south of the lake are many lava pools and basalt plains. 


Currently Jutetown contains a comfy rest stop, the Andesite Inn, as well as a single home dwelling, bakery/kitchen, a decent farmland, a fantastic smithery and metalworking shop, and basic temple to Dia'mand, god of the rocks. Jutetown also has a nice collection of piggies and sheeps, with wool being one of the main exports. The Jutetown town limits are pretty sizable so we have a good amount of area to build on.


Jute town currently has one active resident (me, Kurzninja). We had more, but they apparently have stopped playing. So, I am looking for more recruits to help terraform, do some farming, and building some more residences and town buildings. Things planned for building are a town hall, bigger/better Dia'mand temple, storage barn, better animal pens, stone masonry shop, tailorshop (for wool making), and more. I would also like to work with Swamptown, Hermitville, and Avalon to build some connecting roads. 


If you'd like to join Jutetown (and you should :) ), simply come visit, say hi, and let's talk. :)


Moar pictures available here.


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Awesome, it'd be great to have you! I know I haven't been online much lately what with the holidays and all but I'll try to be more active soon. If you sign on and I'm not there, just send me a message on Skype and I'll add you to the town.


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Same as my username here.


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