Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Water From Seaweed

6 posts in this topic

I find it extremely annoying when I spawn by an ocean. There's usually no food or fresh water and you die of thirst and hunger way too often. Then seaweed was introduced as a food item! This made oceans and beaches more enjoyable. But I still died of thrist often. If seaweed refilled your thirst bar as well as your hunger bar, it would make up for the low yield and difficult harvesting. The way I see it, you use seaweed as an early source of water or as a last resort. As I said earlier, I died way too many times from spawining near an ocean without water. Adding seaweed as a source of water would would make spawning near the ocean much more enjoyable!


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First of all, you cannot die of thirst unless you are in an area that has a temperature higher than 35, which is a fairly short range of spawnable latitudes during only specific seasons. So unless you are talking about an indirect death because the thirst slowed you down, and you couldn't run away from mobs, the fact that you died of thirst on a brand new world only means that you got extremely unlucky in your world seed.


Secondly, it is intentional that not all spawns are going to be an "easy start" and contain all of the materials you are looking for including an abundance of food, fresh water, clay, trees, etc. This is a side-effect of the fact that Minecraft uses procedural generation, and not only would it be fairly difficult to "fix" there are actually reasons why we do not want to "fix" it.


Believe it or not, there are actually players who enjoy a challenging start. Even in vanilla Minecraft, you see seed posts of "survival island" or other similar themes. While you may wish for things to be easier, and have everything required right at spawn, there are players who if they spawned on a world, and everything was handed to them right around spawn, they would actually delete the world and generate a new one. We cannot please one style of play without alienating the players of the other style.


TL;DR - If you want an easy start, and your world doesn't have everything at the start, then start a new world with a different world seed.


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Have you ever had seaweed even? That stuff is salty. If anything it should negate thirst...speaking of which, why not? Imo it would be really neat if seaweed, salted meats and other certain foods gave a tiny decrease to your thirst bar, and then things like peaches etc would add a tiny bit. Nothing to big, only noticeable if you were eating it plain for whole day.


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Have you ever had seaweed even? That stuff is salty. If anything it should negate thirst...speaking of which, why not? Imo it would be really neat if seaweed, salted meats and other certain foods gave a tiny decrease to your thirst bar, and then things like peaches etc would add a tiny bit. Nothing to big, only noticeable if you were eating it plain for whole day.

I was thinking the same thing. If foods starting doing this, then when soups or stews get implemented, their purpose would be to replenish both your hunger and your thirst.


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Put one barrel (or more) and execute rain-dance! (or pray) :)

For food fish is fine i think.

it's hard to live like this, "is", it is not what u want to use a more EasyStart-friendly seed.



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I actually didn't know about not dying of thirst below 35 degrees. I understand the why this wouldn't be a good idea. Thanks for the input ;)


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