Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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A Hard Lesson to Learn

24 posts in this topic

This was a one off topic, but why not change it to lessons we learned the hard way/creative deaths.

So today I learned a hard lesson. Fell to my death, in a rather silly way, at my tree farm. No worries I thought I slept at my workers shack just minutes ago. Get to my stuff and wonder, why is there fire.

Definitely not carrying lit torches in my pocket anymore. Goodbye to all I was carrying as the torches lit up a woodpile. Including half of my brand new first set of steel tools. Ouch.


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Ouch. In so many ways ouch.  Down side of the new torch fire starter mechanic right there. lol  Note to self don't die over a log pile.


Worst I've had so far was falling down my mineshaft, twice within seconds of each other which is more embarrassing than anything. How to ladder?! :blink:


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haha the new charcoal pit system  :lol:


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Ouch. In so many ways ouch.  Down side of the new torch fire starter mechanic right there. lol  Note to self don't die over a log pile.


Worst I've had so far was falling down my mineshaft, twice within seconds of each other which is more embarrassing than anything. How to ladder?! :blink:


HAhahahaahhaahahaha, That's never happened to me before... Why would you think that? ... ;)



@ Bunsan, Thank youse for sharing. It would be a terrible thing if something was to happen to your safety... Capish?


Seriously though, that is a good thing to keep in mind. Only takes one log pile and an errant torch to make s whole lot of people very sad.


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that's why I (now) always carry the torches in a vessel...


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Edit: changed OP to make this a continuing thread of lessons and death.

Ladders are hard.

Best mine death I had was stepping off top of ladder into a 1x1 hole. Ore stretched up near surface and I had forgotten I had a cave in of part of the surface. "Why am I falling?" Splat.


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Always keep a second pickaxe. I died a mere 100 blocks from my bed while caving. I'd been chased down by skeletons, and build a small little saferoom with cobble. Well, a lucky shot took me in the face. When I returned, I had no way of getting into my saferoom. My stuff vanished a second before I punched through the cobble.


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I once fell to death into a ravine just barely exposed. Sometimes i get blown up by creepers. If it's obvious i can't get my stuff back on time, i hop into creative mode to get it back xD


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I had this happen recently in a temporary shelter.  Planted a torch on the wall, expanded the shelter a bit and placed a new torch.  Went to remove the old torch, punched it and thought I picked it up... nope.  Burned my house down.


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Best death yet was in 78 build. I went about 2000-4000 blocks from my base always searching for sand. for some reason all my "beaches" were basically hills dropping into the water without sand. I crossed to ocean to find some other type of landscape in the hope for sand and finally also found it. got off my boat, took my shovel, removed a block of sand and the whole beach collapsed. I guess you remember the old ravines covered by a few layers of sand/earth/grass but no solid block underneath it? i found one of them, on my first beach, dropped right into it and died :D. I am really happy about the current landscape system, ravines are open and you can find sand easily.


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I will say this Bunsan without this thread it would have never occurred to me the horror of dying over a log pile with torches until it happened.


Ugh Hubertus that sucks, so close yet so far away. :(


Ladders are hard! And complicated with all that up and down and right round down down... B)


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The best death I has: I was mining and apparently I came just over the top of a ravine, and I don't know what was above me, but I caused a cave in into the ravine, and I ended up on top of a 40 block 1x1 cobblestone pillar. I was digging my way down when my pickaxe broke. My only choice was to break the pillar by hand. And as I was doing so, skeleton. Needless to say, that stuff was a pain to get back.


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I was playing a Hardcore world and lost one of the most aesthetically pleasing worlds that I had come across. 


As the sun had begun to set for the day I picked up my haul of quartzite and began to make my may back to my shelter. The beautiful quartzite mountains to my back as the sun faded behind them. I made the short journey back to my humble hut nearby. My thoughts drifting into the plans I had conceived for a terraced layering of the hillside before entering the mountains(watching youtube.) Suddenly I felt my footstep falter below me lay the ravine floor approaching with startling speed. My senses became acute as I saw the walls racing upward and the sky grew ever more distant. The moon at three quarters full danced in the night sky. I realized I had walked past my darkened shelter into the nearby ravine. It was then that I woke up sweating on the floor. I knew not of this place I had surely dreamed of I had not come across any quartzite mountains. Nor was my shelter near a ravine. It was instead near a small river that was overlooked by some comglomerate and schist hills. I suppose I will never find this place that I dreamt of(forgot to write the seed down.)


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This is why I always play with some sort of gravestone mod. Don't have to worry about my stuff falling on the ground and despawning, and I don't have to worry about a torch dropping as an item and lighting something on fire.


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I just find it easier to just not die ;)

... granted now I might have just jinxed myself lol


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All the gravestone mods I seem to find come with a bunch of other crap. Seriously does every mod need to add a dimension now? Which mod do you use? I'm tempted to toss in open blocks and just disable everything else.


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We're considering switching to open blocks, but the one I currently use is just called Gravestone Mod. You have to edit the configs to turn off all the mob spawning and extra world generation though, but it doesn't do anything with extra dimensions.


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On 11/30/2014 at 3:22 PM, Muju said:



Edited by tilhaedan

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That sound a bit like the Quest of Iranon or maybe even a bit like Celephaise. How did you end up playing minecraft in HPL's Dreamlands?

Haha. I sometimes like to roleplay or create a scenario to help with immersion into the game. Otherwise playing games becomes a fruitless endeavor for me. 


I haven't actually read those by the way or any HPL to be honest; unless one counts the Call of Cuthulu game books.


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And there it rose as though some fiendish sorcery had mashed my two greatest horrors together. I trembled in its presence as my sanity frayed along the edges of the long rent seams within my mind.





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I often die because I give new worlds a fighting chance before I delete them. I'm very picky about my starting base. I like an area with easy access to fresh water, flat terrain, trees, and a few different types of wild food, and preferrably in the range of 10k to 15k above the equator. This often leaves me running around really quickly, sometimes going into new chunks as fast as they generate, and sometimes a ravine will spawn right under me, causing me to fall to my demise.


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One of my "dumbest" deaths wasone i had when i re-log in TFC after i did a break and stopped playing since 1.5. i just relog and created my new world, made my stone tools and took A LOT of streach to make myself a little bit of a base were rest at night and wait inside untill daytime. I didn't know nor realise now streach blocks were transparent and mobs could go through. I'm just going to say arrow storm on me+ boom


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One of my "dumbest" deaths wasone i had when i re-log in TFC after i did a break and stopped playing since 1.5. i just relog and created my new world, made my stone tools and took A LOT of streach to make myself a little bit of a base were rest at night and wait inside untill daytime. I didn't know nor realise now streach blocks were transparent and mobs could go through. I'm just going to say arrow storm on me+ boom

exactly this was my first start with b79


By the Way, I build myself a wooden house coffered with earth, something like a lifing-hilll. I filled the ground with sand and gathered some clay when night fall, so i get home, closed the entrance, did some pottery and get boring ... i didn't want to wait until next day, a dig a hole in the sand, build and fired a pit Kiln - and wondered why the house shines so bride...


flamed and buried.


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