Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Magma forges

140 posts in this topic

Lol sorry. I know how yall feel i just had to get it out. My basic ideas can be summed up in this: magma forge=bloomery+forge but with no need for coal, the lower it is the better, should be made out of smooth stone or stone bricks. To work near lava you need to wear leather that has been taned on a tanning rack, which is like an anvil but with leather and a knife instead of metal and a hammer. 4 new metals and a change to one, creating three new tiers. Green steel which is tier 6 when mixed with red and blue steel creates the tier seven metal white steel. Black steel is now also tier 7. Heat the two together in a magma forge to get burning steel. Heat burning, white, black, red, green, and blue steel in a magma forge to get holy steel. Ratio is one of each ingot in the magma forge to one of weak holysteel. Holy steel is now the est metal in the game, looks like white steel, which is oBviously white, but with patterns and stuff. I think its power is balanced out by the complexity of crafting it. Also the leather must be boiled and cured, and heat damage should increase in metal armor.

Complexity of crafting never balances anything. Ic2 qsuit is op. period

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I would but im doing this on my iPad. When i hit enter it posts instead of creating a new paragraph.


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dude who the fuck buys apple shite ?

your idea: i dont know about the magma/lava forge beeing a bloomery

but how about its the only forge ,where creating holy steel is possbile (if my idea of making the margma forge a world gen object is still in the play)

or you could only create holy steel if you do it in the flame of a dying dragon (kill dragon, rightclick it with a hightier sword, forge gui opens for 1 maybe 2 processes)


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dude who the fuck buys apple shite ?

your idea: i dont know about the magma/lava forge beeing a bloomery

but how about its the only forge ,where creating holy steel is possbile (if my idea of making the margma forge a world gen object is still in the play)

or you could only create holy steel if you do it in the flame of a dying dragon (kill dragon, rightclick it with a hightier sword, forge gui opens for 1 maybe 2 processes)

I don't like the term -holy steel- personally... :

And for the dragon thing, as awesome as that sounds, i'm not sure it's the best direction the devs could take TFC to... a little too fantastical ._. -although i myself suggested cave dragons a while ago...-


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I don't like the term -holy steel- personally... :

And for the dragon thing, as awesome as that sounds, i'm not sure it's the best direction the devs could take TFC to... a little too fantastical ._. -although i myself suggested cave dragons a while ago...-

agree'd with both things

holy steel could be taken as a religous refference and i dont know how well that would go over

ps your sig thing is starting to get just a tad annoying


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agree'd with both things

holy steel could be taken as a religous refference and i dont know how well that would go over

ps your sig thing is starting to get just a tad annoying

It is annoying? read the sig B)

Nah, joking :P i'm gonna take it out, it annoyes me too


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It is annoying? read the sig B)

Nah, joking :P i'm gonna take it out, it annoyes me too

mk -hehe now to put an annyoing .gif as my sig-

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i just took the name from the dude before

we could use as name valyrian steel (game of thrones ftw)

or dragon steel if the suggestion below is accepted

why has forging in a dying dragon´s flame to be mythical, can´t it just be epic? (the real meaning, not the internez version)


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Ahhhhh i do see theproblem with the name holy steel. Perhaps shining steel. The dragon steel thing is cool, (i just know im going to get yelled at for this) but i think it ventures away from TFC and towards skyrim. I do love the concept of valyrian steel because i love game of thrones, buuuut in my mind shining/holy/whateverthehellyawannacallit steel is basically the same idea: a metal that is stronger and sharper than no other. Plus the name valyrian steel is already taken.


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Dragon steel and holy steel? I'm sorry, but have you seen one item themed as such in this mod? i'm not saying it's a bad idea per-say, but just doesn't seem to fit with the mod...


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Hmm yes i see the mistake with these fancy names now. They sound more like something out of wow or skyrim than from TFC. Also i am seeing an overuse of the word steel. At the beginning I had considered titanium but it was replaced with holy steel. I need to stop overimagining.


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K so howsabout we agree on a few common ideas regarding the concept of magma forges and leave the discussion of new metals for another thread?


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In all proceeding discussion regarding a new "best metal" i think it would be best to simply call it the uber metal and once again leave the naming for another thread.


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*Ahem* please refrain from TRIPLE POSTING, use the edit button at the bottom right of your post, it really keeps down on the clutter man.


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so what do you think about the lava forge (it is on the surface, since you dont swim in a magma chamber, and it sounds better) beeing a generated thing rather then beeing crafted/placed

also why is useing a dead dragon as dragon forge not tfc style ? you need to kill spiders or destroy their nets to get string so, i dont see what the problem is


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so what do you think about the lava forge (it is on the surface, since you dont swim in a magma chamber, and it sounds better) beeing a generated thing rather then beeing crafted/placed

also why is useing a dead dragon as dragon forge not tfc style ? you need to kill spiders or destroy their nets to get string so, i dont see what the problem is

Magma forges themselves don't need to be generated, since magma is already generated and can't be moved

And it's not TFC style because TFC is not a sword-and-sorcery style mod. This simulates the life of a peasant more accurately than that of a knight


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then why implement dragons ?


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... who said dragons were being implemented? o.o


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Nobody. Although apparently srgnoodles suggested them a while back.


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Nobody. Although apparently srgnoodles suggested them a while back.


oh i think i said something about them in the nether but definitely not in the overworld. the worst you'll be getting there is wolves and bears and stuff like that on the surface, and zambies and skrellingtons in ancient crypts underground kinda like the drauger in skryim correct me if im wrong

but the nether is gonna be much more fun, with lava rivers and volcanoes and massive fissures and tons of monsters for you do play with -again correct me if i'm wrong-

and we're still not quite sure about the end, but it's gonna be amazing whatever it is


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Nobody. Although apparently Just_Another_Guy suggested them a while back.



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ah well i see several people have suggested dragons, well like i said, maybe in the nether, but definitely not i the overworld

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In fact i suggested them in the overworld. In caverns near to the lava level, but in the overworld ._. They would be like the bosses of those crypts... that is, if the crypt is in fact connected to it's cave. It could as well live in a totally separated cave...

derailment FTW


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In fact i suggested them in the overworld. In caverns near to the lava level, but in the overworld ._. They would be like the bosses of those crypts... that is, if the crypt is in fact connected to it's cave. It could as well live in a totally separated cave...

derailment FTW

eh wouldnt dragons be a little too big to fit in those little caves?

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