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Magma forges

140 posts in this topic

Brave, brave Sir Forum, brave Sir Forum ran away. He bravely ran away, away, o brave Sir Forum. When Python reared it's awesome head he bravely turned his tail and fled. Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Forum.

(and they killed and did eat Brave Sir Forum's minstrels and there was much rejoicing in the land)


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Bring me... a shrubbery! But make sure it's nice, and not too expensive.


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Bring me... a shrubbery! But make sure it's nice, and not too expensive.

we are no longer the knights who say NI! we are now the knights who say

ikke ikke ikke, patang zooboing a!!!!!

you must bring us ANOTHER SHRUBBERY!!!

and, you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forst, with, A HERRING!!!!!


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On topic, as a DF player who recently found magma for the first time I totally support Magma forges, especially if DF-style opportunities for FUN exist.


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On topic, as a DF player who recently found magma for the first time I totally support Magma forges, especially if DF-style opportunities for FUN exist.

awwww you killed our Monty Python-fest

but yeah thanks for pulling us back on topic


-confetti- -streamers- -more confetti- :lol:


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awwww you killed our Monty Python-fest

but yeah thanks for pulling us back on topic


-confetti- -streamers- -more confetti- :lol:

Thanks! I like this forum already.


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Thanks! I like this forum already.

glad you do ^_^

so um yeah back to what we were talking about before, dragons scale armor!


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glad you do ^_^

so um yeah back to what we were talking about before, dragons scale armor!

Clearly, this needs to be introduced with Dragons, which I think should be introduced after armor becomes gem-enchantable. Or however enchanting ends up working. Namely, I think it should be so incredibly awesome that you need to be seriously prepared before you even think about going for the dragon. Unlike the wimperdragon in Vanilla.


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Clearly, this needs to be introduced with Dragons, which I think should be introduced after armor becomes gem-enchantable. Or however enchanting ends up working. Namely, I think it should be so incredibly awesome that you need to be seriously prepared before you even think about going for the dragon. Unlike the wimperdragon in Vanilla.

Goddamnit why does everyone want to kill dragons?!?


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Goddamnit why does everyone want to kill dragons?!?

I don't... i rather like the idea of trading with them, who knows, maybe if they REALLY trust you, you can get one of their scales to make armor/weaponry out of, something similar to eragon in those respects.


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that, is where you are wrong. the most evil animal in the world is and always will be

the bunny




Ahhh, I love this forum :3

Anyways, how about this banger, magma forges can only be made in the nether! :o

I think the nether should contain all the magical stuff. Like you need stuff from the nether to make a enchanting table to enchant your gems that you put in your tools/armor (then move the enchanted gem when the armor breaks) dragons. Friendly dragons, bad dragons, more dragons, wyrms, dragons and oh did I mention dragons? (WITH FANGS LIKE THIS!)


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Goddamnit why does everyone want to kill dragons?!?

because TFC is going to have dragons only in the nether

and nether dragons just seem like they would be inherently evil,so either you kill them or they kill you

but yeah if we did have overworld dragons, which we wont, i think they would be reasonable, but you still wouldnt waltz right into their caves, you would still have to be careful


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This one is connfused as to how the addition of dragons goes with the unofficial theme that has begun to take hold., which is that of a realistic late stone age to middle ages survival mod. Now i know that this isn't what bioxx intended for it to become, but this is the case nonetheless. Now dont get me wrong dragons are great, but they arn't real...... But neither is enchanting so...... Never mind


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This one is connfused as to how the addition of dragons goes with the unofficial theme that has begun to take hold., which is that of a realistic late stone age to middle ages survival mod. Now i know that this isn't what bioxx intended for it to become, but this is the case nonetheless. Now dont get me wrong dragons are great, but they arn't real...... But neither is enchanting so...... Never mind

It depends on perspective. Dragons are giant lizards or as culture in more recent times have dubbed dinosaur (giant lizard). Reptiles don't stop growing as long as they can find enough food to maintian and further their body size. Are dragons real? Yes! Are you likely to EVER see one in your life time? No. As far as enchanting, I'm not sure; however, there are many strange and unexplainable things that happen on this for me to be bold enough to give you a flat-out no.

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Hey guys the concept of magma forging or lava forging has already been hashed and rehashed.. After I closed the other more up to date post this one was zombied from beyond and has run its course I think when I am on the last page reading about monty python and dragons :)

Soo, going to lock this.


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