Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[TFC 0.79.14] Advanced Blueprint [v0.3]

5 posts in this topic

ВНИМАНИЕ! This is alpha release. It's mean there is no all planed functionality, only basics.


The main purpose of this add-on is to make blueprint item more flexible.



[*]Editable blueprint;

[*]Intuitive blueprint data rotating (instead what I commit to TFC with Eulers angles);

[*]Intuitive chiseling (starts from hit side).

Planned features:

[*]Combining blueprint's;

[*]Blueprint editor table (when this will be done, you will can't edit blueprint in your hand, only rotate);

[*]Edit's will require some resource.


Posted Image

Saved block with "F, B, L, R, T, D" char on all sides.

Posted Image

reflected vertically

Posted Image

right side of the block

Posted Image

the same right side of the block, but last layer.

Posted Image

recipe. It will be changed, when will be added edit cost.


How to use Item:

To save existed block to your clear Blueprint just Right Click it on the front side (any side), than gui will be opened.

To chisel block with Blueprint, Right Click on block on the side you want to be front side.

Top and bottom sides can't be front sides (until you rotate block in gui). Instead clicking on them will make front side opposite to were are you looking. And clicking on the bottom side will make your Blueprint reflect vertically.

How to use GUI:

In the middle of the screen is a Blueprint Widget. It shows distance from current layer on current facing side (the side you are looking at) to the nearest sub-block. If there is sub-block on this layer, it will be showed as strikethrough square. If there is sub-block underneath this layer, it will be square circled by a dash line.


Widget mouse control:

[*]On Left Click placing block at current layer;

[*]On Right Click delete block on current layer, if there isn't block already delete blocks on all layers;

[*]On Shift + Left Click shift nearest block to you;

[*]On Shift + Right Click shift nearest block from you.

On the left side of the Blueprint Widget is Facing side chooser.

Changing it will not rotate block, it's just allow you to look at the block from all sides.


On the right side of the Blueprint Widget is layer chooser.

I think you can handle it without my help.


Under the Blueprint Widget is turn actions. You can turn block to right or left, flip top or bottom, rotate counter- or clockwise, reflect horizontally or vertically.

All this manipulates will touch whole block, not only side you are looking at.


v0.3 - build with MC 1.7.10, Forge, TFC 0.79.14

v0.2 - build with MC 1.7.10, TFC 0.79.14, Forge

v0.1 - build with MC 1.7.10, TFC 0.79.14, Forge

Source files.


Changelog: on GitHub repository


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Update 0.2

  • [*]New Blueprint Widget control:
    • [*]On Left Click placing block at current layer; [*]On Right Click delete block on current layer, if there isn't block already delete blocks on all layers; [*]On Shift + Left Click shift nearest block to you; [*]On Shift + Right Click shift nearest block from you.

Bug Fixes:

  • [*]Fixed wrong turn angle for Blueprint, when clicking on the block from WEST and EAST sides; [*]Fixed Blueprint Viewer buttons states; [*]Fixed Server crash on creating Advanced Blueprint data without Detailed block.

v0.2 - build with MC 1.7.10, TFC 0.79.14, Forge


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Version 0.3. Completed Blueprint Editor.



  • [*]Reworked architecture of gui classes. [*]Added UndoRedo functions. [*]Changed widget control:
    • [*]Left(Right) Click place(delete) block on this layer; [*]Shift + Left(Right) Click place(delete) all blocks from this layer to the last layer (all blocks you can see on current Blueprint projection);

[*]Added texture indexes generator C++ program.

Fixed all known problems with item using.


v0.3 - build with MC 1.7.10, Forge, TFC 0.79.14


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