Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[TFC 0.79.23+] Decorations Addon for TFC

107 posts in this topic

Check the config file for the server. That's what is set to have debugmode enabled, not your client.

Thanks but I checked on my server too: # Set this to true if you want to turn on debug mode which is useful for bug hunting. [default: false]

Same in config for the client. I know I never enabled it and why does it go away as soon as I take out the decorations mod? If I put it back, the text is on top again.
Also, even odder, if I create a single player world, no text up top. Join back into my multiplayer world, text again...
I even went as far as getting a fresh copy of the .minecraft. No luck. I took out the weather mod thinking it was that since it was all weather readouts, no luck. I take out the decorations mod and it goes away. I also deleted my player profile from the server and logged in with a new player, still have the text. It is almost as if the decorations mod is triggering the debug mode despite it not being on.
Edited by crazz2323

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Any other advice please? That text is driving me crazy and debug mode is not set in server or player config :(

I even went back to a previous setup with minimal mods and DecoCraft still causes the text up top. I hate not to use Decocraft and no one else seems to have this issue so its not a known bug correct?

Edited by crazz2323

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Decocraft or decorations addon? They are very different things.


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Sorry, its in the original post i made.. [1.7.10]Decorations-1.0.20


I had to take the mod out, it also was causing crashing a null pointer error when right clicking with a stone in hand. This mod is not usable with  TFC 0.79.24816. Too bad.

Edited by crazz2323

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This is really cool!


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Seems like the latest version has a minor naming error on one file.

The AlabasterLight_blue.png is not found when the mod is loaded the file is currently named AlabasterLightBlue.png

I copied and added the file back into the jar as AlabasterLight_blue.png and it works now. Caps and lowercase had to be exact for the error to clear up.


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Due to a bug in how forge handles substitution aliases, which are used for gems in this addon, this addon partly breaks ore dictionary. The newest version of forge for 1.7.10 fixes this issue. Be aware not all mod/addons are compatible with newer versions of forge.

So either disable gem module in config, update forge or live with some recipe issues.

Edited by Bunsan

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Seems like the latest version has a minor naming error on one file.

The AlabasterLight_blue.png is not found when the mod is loaded the file is currently named AlabasterLightBlue.png

I copied and added the file back into the jar as AlabasterLight_blue.png and it works now. Caps and lowercase had to be exact for the error to clear up.


I have noticed there is a similar issue with the Rock Salt Mud Brick, though I do not know how to change it myself


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Anybody know what names should I put in the Dynamic Lights config file for the lanterns and gems to work?


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Anybody know what names should I put in the Dynamic Lights config file for the lanterns and gems to work?


If you install NEI and go to the in-game menu options, click on an option labled Data Dump, which downloads an Excel Sheet of all the item information, modded or vanilla. It's found in the new "data dumps" folder of your ".minecraft" folder. You can then plug those names into Dynamic Lighting's config options


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Just a quick question:

Is it correct for me to assume, that since the Deco mod is still in .79.23, it won't be compatible for .79.26?


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It still works in 26. 23 update had changed that broke addons.


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Having a slight issue. Gems appear to change to the Stone Button skin. I have tried with only TFC And Decorations, without all my mods, and still replicating the issue. Don't know if its maybe to do with more recent TFC updates causing the Gems to go obsolete. Any Ideas?


Edit: I have now found it works sometimes. Othertimes i get the button. Takes about 10 tries to get the actually gem to be on the wall and not the button.

Edited by Saiden

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Whenever I launch the game with this mod active it instantly closes, any help? :(


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Crashlog or it didn't happen. 


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Hey, I can't get it to work in my tfc server?

I'm using forge-1.7.10-

tfc: [1.7.10]TerraFirmaCraft-

tried to use the 0.79.23 version too but didn't work at all. what am I doing wrong?


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Have you turned it off and on?

If you don't provide a crashlog or console log there is no way for anyone to know that is wrong. It does work as it is in both our packs and has worked fine. 


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A question about the lanterns: Do they run out of fuel like the TFC lamps do?


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On 27/11/2016 at 2:15 PM, ReignDance said:

A question about the lanterns: Do they run out of fuel like the TFC lamps do?



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You can also change config and decrease light emitted by these lantern. Light level similar to the redstone torch is a good choice IMHO.


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Do you never have to refill the lanterns? (If so, how do you do that?) 


Edit: I'm sorry, ignore this. I searched for refill instead of reading all the posts and missed that you already answered this. Thank you, sorry for missing that. 



Edited by rohan
Didn't read all the posts and didn't know my question was answered.

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