Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Offline][0.79.15] Hosting small server. 6 - 12 people (Whitelisted)

49 posts in this topic

Hello im looking for a few people to start a small server. I'm looking for people that are mature enough not to grief and raid each other but like to have fun, are 15 or over and know the basics of tfc.







Why you want to join:

What skills you would bring to the server:

How often would you play:



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Name: Daniel

Ign: DH45mph

Age: 19

Why you want to join: Hi, I love TFC and been playing it for some time now, and I am Looking for serves to play on, and this would suit me well. 

What skills you would bring to the server: I enjoy helping people and love team play! I am a "I do what ever needs to be done" person, so i think I could be an asset to a small server. Hope you'll have room for me^^

How often would you play: I play for like 3 hours every day, and maybe 6-7 hours on weekends.

Skype: daniel-helland


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Name: Just call me Jer, it's close enough to my name (May I keep my real name private? Ill edit if I can't)

Ign: Jerea

Age: 13  Yes, I understand that I am slightly underage. But trust me, I am very mature, and you may be surprised if you give me a chance.

Why you want to join: I want to join a peaceful server where I can enjoy the multiplayer life. Iv'e been trying to find that server that just clicks, you know? I think this may be the one.

What skills you would bring to the server: I am pretty decent with building, and I know a bit about economy and government, so I can start up some cities. ( I love to make Minecraft cities )

How often would you play: I would try to go for daily, but sometimes I can't be on because school is starting soon. Probably 5-6 days out of a week I could play?

Skype: jerea123


I hope I will be able to see you soon.


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Raymond Souza



I really want to be a blacksmith or a miner in a community of people, i am very good at doing the tedious melting ores and such. i also like to scout out for mines and set up mines as well. above all, i LOVE SMITHING! sorry i know its repedative i just love doing it. i hope you will be bale to see this soon so i can join you guys in your soon to be settlement!

i am very proficient at smithing and can make a wide variety of tools off the top of my head. Theres alot of things i could list here im just my greatest at metal works.

i would play all day almost everyday except for the days i am at school

my skype is Raymond Souza (the one located in livermore, california)


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Name: cantsay

Ign: leo_valdes

Age:cant say

Why you want to join: i love small servers and want to have fun and talk to people

What skills you would bring to the server: i cant say i have Skills but i dont help out and love to be helpfull to people

How often would you play: once a day or once every two days

Skype:ill pm you it


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If you cant say your age then i cant allow you onto the server, sorry.


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Name: Zack

Ign: i_am_zerg

Age: 20

Why you want to join: I want to play with some new people and I enjoy TFC

What skills you would bring to the server: I am good at mining/foraging and grinding

How often would you play: 4-5 times a week a few hours at a time

Skype: i_am_cowhearmemoo


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Name: Kyle

IGN: akushner11

Age:: 18

Why you want to join: Well first of all I want to join, because playing Terrafirmacraft in a community is so much better than on your own, secondly because the server I used to play, no one goes on and there's loads of lag issues and I refuse to return to Singleplayer.

What skills could you bring to the server: First of all I'm great mining, I don't mine because I need to, it's just a hobby, secondly I'm good with numbers so smelting is easy I have about 6 months experience on terrafirmacraft so I don't need much help and finally I'm a great builder

How often would you play: pretty much everyday from 4-9 hours unless I'm away.

Skype: fusionvibez


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Name: Zack

Ign: i_am_zerg

Age: 20

Why you want to join: I want to play with some new people and I enjoy TFC

What skills you would bring to the server: I am good at mining/foraging and grinding

How often would you play: 4-5 times a week a few hours at a time

Skype: i_am_cowhearmemoo




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Why you want to join: my brother asked me if I wanted to, and it sounds like fun

Skills: I am a developer

How often would you play: probably a bit every day

Skype: I don't give it out publicly


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Name: Phillip

Ign: phillipcurl

Age: 18

Why you want to join: Looking for something to do in my downtime, since the server I usually play on is down indefinitely. 

What skills you would bring to the server: If it were vanilla, I'd say redstone. In terrafirmacraft, I have a knack for mining and metalworking (I actually blacksmith IRL, not that it means anything) and farming. Been playing terrafirmacraft on and off for a year or so, so I really am not bad at anything...

How often would you play: Couple times a week, for anywhere between 30 minutes to like 2 or 3 hours at a time.

Skype: PM me. 


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Name: Juan-Pablo

Ign: EpicScrub03


Why I want to join: I want to have fun with other players and make friends

What skills would you bring to server: I would make stuff people need or want to help them

How often do you play:Maybe 2-4 depends

Skype :EpicScrub88


I dont like to grief other people cause i think there is no point to it


Please give me a chance


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Name: Juan-Pablo

Ign: EpicScrub03


Why I want to join: I want to have fun with other players and make friends

What skills would you bring to server: I would make stuff people need or want to help them

How often do you play:Maybe 2-4 depends

Skype :EpicScrub88


I dont like to grief other people cause i think there is no point to it


Please give me a chance

Sorry i can not, you are way too young


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Name: Greg

Ign: dragonrule4

Age: 18

Why you want to join: I'm looking to play on a server instead of singleplayer. it gets quite boring without people.

What skills you would bring to the server: im a very good builder, and know the physics behind TFC, so i'm very cometant in what i'm doing.

How often would you play: once a day for a couple hours atleast.

Skype: van.dicus


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Name : TerrelMC User Name : SamuiKasaiIgn : I dunno what this is...Age : 14Why I want to join : I really like Terrafirma and I am sick of playing by myself so I want a peaceful server where everyone is friendly and supportive.Skills : I am a good builder, I am a team player. If I am given something I swear to give something in equal value back.How often I play : Pretty much everyday. Skype : A Certain Cold Fire(The picture I use is as follows) 



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Name: Zachery , Ticonderoga (He was named after a fort)


Ign: zacktothemax789 , thekingguy


Age: 14 , 16


Why you want to join: We both have been looking for new TFC servers that bring what we want to the table, also I've so far like the looks of those who have applied and feel like they are generally nice sounding guys.


What skills you would bring to the server: I prefer to blacksmith and things like it. Generally anything with minerals and their refining. Tic prefers to mess around with farming and animal husbandry.

How often would you play: I would most likely be able to play for 2-5 hours every day,8 hours maximum during the weekends and breaks. I not so sure how long tic could play per day, but generally when i'm on he's on.


Skype: Would prefer to send you that in a private message.


Extra information:

We both have been playing TFC on and off for 2 months, mainly because we haven't found a server that fits our fancy.

We both have played minecraft since late alpha.



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Names: Mark ; Maggie

IGN: DrJangles ; lemonfreezer226

ages 20 and 21

why join? DrJangles: i want to join because i have been out of the terrafirma game for awhile and it look so much better already (last played in build 76) and for lemonfreezer she is my girlfriend that im introducing to terra, and she really wants to play it over vanilla minecraft because she really likes how much more believable it is.

DrJangles skills: i experiment alot with the new food and have always been a really good blacksmith

Lemonfreezer skills: noobishness (ill be teaching her)

We both would send our skype via message

DrJangles: just started a few days ago so i am caught up and refreshed on all the new things and plan on teaching lemonfreezer the game.

(also if you dont have room for both of us just add DrJangles, i can teach her the game from my computer)


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Names: Mark ; Maggie

IGN: DrJangles ; lemonfreezer226

ages 20 and 21

why join? DrJangles: i want to join because i have been out of the terrafirma game for awhile and it look so much better already (last played in build 76) and for lemonfreezer she is my girlfriend that im introducing to terra, and she really wants to play it over vanilla minecraft because she really likes how much more believable it is.

DrJangles skills: i experiment alot with the new food and have always been a really good blacksmith

Lemonfreezer skills: noobishness (ill be teaching her)

We both would send our skype via message

DrJangles: just started a few days ago so i am caught up and refreshed on all the new things and plan on teaching lemonfreezer the game.

(also if you dont have room for both of us just add DrJangles, i can teach her the game from my computer)

accepted what is your skype name?


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Raymondlll is administrator of the server and will be accepting whilelists from now on.


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Name: Is this really relevant? Privacy and shizz, yo. Maybe later.

Ign: IlriTyrmitore

Age: 21

Why you want to join: Bit lonely on SSP, would love to join a small community with a bit of diversity.

What skills you would bring to the server:Agriculture and stuff... also someone to talk to! =D

How often would you play: Probably daily if I ain't alone every time.

Skype: This will be supplied in a PM after acceptance, don't want lots of randoms adding me.


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