Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Offline][0.79.15] Hosting small server. 6 - 12 people (Whitelisted)

49 posts in this topic

Name: Kyle

ING: kster5210

Age: 15

Why you want to join: Playing tfc alone is boring and trading for materials is like the old days

What skills would you bring to the server: I am an all around type i like to build, farm, mine, smith, and gather

How often would you play: I would play for a long time each day unless im gone doing something

Skype: Dont like to give it away


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Name: Max

Ign: TheUltraGnom

Age: 15

Why you want to join: cuz multyplayer is more fun that singleplayer .

What skills you would bring to the server: idk , i am new to the mod so i am only good at farming ... but i will learn more things .

How often would you play: 2 hours a day or so for 5 day a week or so .

Skype: TheUltraGnom


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Name: Ian

Ign: Ian_Panda

Age: 16

Why you want to join: I've been bored of playing singleplayer and wanted to try playing with others.

What skills you would bring to the server: Smithing and Animal Breeding, two of the most tedious tasks people despise.

How often would you play: 2 or 3 hours a session. I can play a few times in the week. but more frequently during the weekend

Skype: Ian Manta


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Why you want to join: i <3 multiplayer with this mod. very challenging

What skills you would bring to the server: expert in math=alloy making

How often would you play:as often as i can

Skype: nope


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Name: KyleING: kster5210Age: 15Why you want to join: Playing tfc alone is boring and trading for materials is like the old daysWhat skills would you bring to the server: I am an all around type i like to build, farm, mine, smith, and gatherHow often would you play: I would play for a long time each day unless im gone doing somethingSkype: Dont like to give it away

Sorry you don't meet age requirements

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Name:BenIgn:341derpsAge:12Why you want to join: i <3 multiplayer with this mod. very challengingWhat skills you would bring to the server: expert in math=alloy makingHow often would you play:as often as i canSkype: nope

Sorry you don't meet age requirements. And there is more too alloy making then math

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Name: IanIgn: Ian_PandaAge: 16Why you want to join: I've been bored of playing singleplayer and wanted to try playing with others.What skills you would bring to the server: Smithing and Animal Breeding, two of the most tedious tasks people despise.How often would you play: 2 or 3 hours a session. I can play a few times in the week. but more frequently during the weekendSkype: Ian Manta

Accepted however I am busy these next few days but I will add you to list on Wednesday afternoon

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Name: Is this really relevant? Privacy and shizz, yo. Maybe later.Ign: IlriTyrmitoreAge: 21Why you want to join: Bit lonely on SSP, would love to join a small community with a bit of diversity.What skills you would bring to the server:Agriculture and stuff... also someone to talk to! =DHow often would you play: Probably daily if I ain't alone every time.Skype: This will be supplied in a PM after acceptance, don't want lots of randoms adding me.

Accepted you will be added on Wednesday afternoon for I am busy the next couple of days

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Name: MaxIgn: TheUltraGnomAge: 15Why you want to join: cuz multyplayer is more fun that singleplayer .What skills you would bring to the server: idk , i am new to the mod so i am only good at farming ... but i will learn more things .How often would you play: 2 hours a day or so for 5 day a week or so .Skype: TheUltraGnom

Sorry you don't meet the age requirements.

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Please either update your topic title to include the version of TFC that you are running, or respond with the version that you are running and I will update the title for you.


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Please either update your topic title to include the version of TFC that you are running, or respond with the version that you are running and I will update the title for you.

Owner of this thread told me I was in charge for he has been busy, if you insist on changing it for yourself we would greatly appreciate it. The version or server is in 78.15. Thanks!

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OwOwner of this thread told me I was in charge for he has been busy, if you insist on changing it for yourself we would greatly appreciate it. The version or server is in 78.15


78.15 or 79.15? 78.15 is a very old version.


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78.15 or 79.15? 78.15 is a very old version.

no the recent version it ends in .15 yea sorry 79.15

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Name: Spencer

Ign: Mitzuki_Tsukashi

Age: 17

Why you want to join: I have been looking for some good friends to enjoy a common activity with for some time; I hope to find that here.

What skills you would bring to the server: I am a talented builder, with experience in a variety of mods/modpacks as well as vanilla. I am talented in logic and coordination, and         have good planning skills.

How often would you play: From 5-25 hours a week, with an expected average of 15 hours a week. It will depend on my schedule.

Skype: Available through private contact


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Name: SpencerIgn: Mitzuki_TsukashiAge: 17Why you want to join: I have been looking for some good friends to enjoy a common activity with for some time; I hope to find that here.What skills you would bring to the server: I am a talented builder, with experience in a variety of mods/modpacks as well as vanilla. I am talented in logic and coordination, and         have good planning skills.How often would you play: From 5-25 hours a week, with an expected average of 15 hours a week. It will depend on my schedule.Skype: Available through private contact

Accepted will add you (and a lot of others on wednesday) for reasons I've stated above

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Why you want to join: Minecraft is so much more fun when you sign in, and can see all the cool stuff people are working on :) Gotta play with people that like to show off their cool stuff! :D

What skills you would bring to the server: Mature, Polite player, used to dealing with all sorts of personalities. Pretty experienced and love to learn and hang out. So much more fun when you can talk and share what you're working on, right? 

How often would you play: I play more when it's with people, right now, I play about 2-6 hours a day...sometimes with days off, as I'm not playing with anyone. When I have people to play with...probably every day :)

Skype: rybott1 (my picture is a bearded redhead :P 


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Application Name:RyanIgn:humblered88Age:26Why you want to join: Minecraft is so much more fun when you sign in, and can see all the cool stuff people are working on :) Gotta play with people that like to show off their cool stuff! :DWhat skills you would bring to the server: Mature, Polite player, used to dealing with all sorts of personalities. Pretty experienced and love to learn and hang out. So much more fun when you can talk and share what you're working on, right? How often would you play: I play more when it's with people, right now, I play about 2-6 hours a day...sometimes with days off, as I'm not playing with anyone. When I have people to play with...probably every day :)Skype: rybott1 (my picture is a bearded redhead :P

Accepted you will be added this afternoon. Around 2 pm pacific standard time

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Name: Noosh

Ign: kianoosh34

Age: 15

Why you want to join: I want to experience multiplayer. It might be hariesier to do it together

What skills you would bring to the server: Making things in general, even adding fantasy or something to it.

How often would you play: every day to once a week

Skype: kianoosh.fathi


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In Game name: Qaz2wsx321


skills :Very Good At smithing and im Good at mineing. and i know The most in the game 


age :i am 14 ill be 15 To the Summer


im From Sweden


Skype:[email protected]             (got a dog as pic)


Real name:Erik


i am looking for a peacful Friendly server There i Can play im tired of playing on the other server and alone..

i play Kinda often and if i get accepted ill play even more.


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Name: Emerson

Ign: Ninjaape0023

Age: 21

Why you want to join: Looking for a TFC server to play on with my buddy.

What skills you would bring to the server: Well, I have been playing Minecraft since alpha, and host a vanilla server of my own for my friends, so I know a good deal about the vanilla game. As for Terrafirma craft, I played it a lot about a year ago and formed a strong community and trading network on that server (R.I.P.) and would love to try and do the same here! 

How often would you play: Probably a few hours 3-4 days a week.

Skype: lets talk about this later once we are in the server.



Ign: Heck134

Age: 20

Why you want to join: Same as Emerson

What skills you would bring to the server: Same as Emerson, we will basically be joined at the hip in-game, working together to build a trade network.

How often would you play: A few hours 3-4 days a week

Skype: later


Addendum: By the way we both have our own style of aesthetically pleasing buildings and don't mind building lots of roads!


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sorry everyone our server has shut down. we thank all who participated


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Name: João Vitor Fröhlich

Ign: NerdNota10

Age: 15

Why I want to joy: I want to have a real multiplayer life, that one helps other.

What skills I would bring to the server: I can mine very well, especially in the tfc system, and explore the map.

How often I would play: I would try to play every day, but, sometimes, I wouldn't can play because my school is all day long.

Skype: joaoskyrim

Edited by joaok

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Why you want to join: To possible play on a server with a friend eventually. 

What skills you would bring to the server: I like to build. 

How often would you play: Depends on weather I am accepted or not. 

Skype: darknhallowed


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