Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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TFC and The End

11 posts in this topic

So I know that TFC doesn't support other dimensions and I'm not looking for any, but I have a couple of questions. When I cheat in an end portal and travel to the end I end up in a world identical to overworld, except with the end sky. Interestingly it also resets the spawn point to Dimension 1. So the only way back to overworld is to edit the level.dat. Is this on purpose? Or just an accidental side effect? I know that the nether generates normally, except mobs. I assume that this is due to the Hell biome in TFC code.

Not a huge deal for my little project if the end is impossible, just curious.


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Honestly it's a side effect. The last I checked, entering any non-overworld dimension actually crashed the game.


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I've sort of figured out the Nether. You could enter it for the first time without a crash most of the time. Occasionally you'd get a crash due to it having issue querying the rainfall and other environmental variables. This is a crash that will occasionally happen, but seems to only happen when first entering and generating all new chunks or teleporting within nether and generating or reloading a large number of chunks. I don't have skillset to sort that instability out, but it isn't game breaking outside a server context.

Leaving the nether always crashed with a Ticking Entity, which was fire. Setting gamerule doFireTick to false fixed this and as of yet I've not found any problems being caused by this. I emphasise yet.

Other interesting quirk. TFC Flint and steel only creates 1 portal block. Because of way they work you can only start fire in world by targeting side of block this means only 2 wide portals are possible. Oh an the single portal block is of course functional.


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If the fire tick is an issue this makes me wonder about single dimensions on servers with chunks that go out of range, or fires that spread beyond current range.


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I think it is a consequence of fire specifically on netherrack, but haven't actually tested a burning piece of netherrack in overworld.


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So playing with the nether a bit more. I think the environmental variable crash might be due to to the fog feature. So since this is always on and creates a crash loop it is as it always been, the nether is a no go.


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Bunsan, you might be on to something. I'm wondering if adding some dimension 0 specifications to the environmental variables could solve some of these problems


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I've been going through the code base (I have a basic understanding of Java but it is mostly puzzled out). TFC has a dedicated WorldChunkManager for the Hell Biome. I don't know the base code well enough to know what all the parameters are or where they are assigned, but I do wonder if hard coding the environmental variables would solve the crash or if it is the query of the variables is the issue. If it is the query then I think a biome if/else would work to bypass it in Hell biome only.

My digging also answered my initial question. TFC has 3 generation types Unknown is Ocean, Flat is Hell and Default, which is everything else. Because there is no End Biome in TFC it uses default/unknown, which is why it is same as overworld. I'm guessing that there is a line of code that sets world spawn upon generation and that is why world spawn is changed to Dim 1.

Back to reading.


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I was wondering if you found anything else on the nether, I was going to begin to read into the code late this week and figure out why my mod won't generate the ores i made for the nether. Also weird side note...I get overworld mobs in the nether for some reason...quite perplexing on what is causing that.


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Basically the nether is still unviable in TFC. I can get it to generate initially and with /gamerule doFireTick false you can leave without crashing, usually. However inevitably you will crash re-entering the nether. There seems to be an issue with it trying to get the environmental variables (rainfall etc.) and crashes. Even if you move the player back to overworld or delete the player.dat it still crashes and the world is lost. I don't have a known solution or the Java skills to test any theories.

As for overworld mobs in nether, yeah there are. Although if you look carefully at some of the zombies you will see they have gold swords. These are TFC pig zombies. I have had vanilla pig zombies and magma cubes spawn in fortresses and the blaze spawners are vanilla.


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If this helps, there used to be a lot of discussion concerning the possible use of the Nether, and more recently The End, in TerraFirmaCraft, or even replace these dimensions entirely with some newer, and certainly more hostile, ones. Found some links to old threads that could help you:


A few threads to start with, but keep in mind that most of these are one-two years old. Consider it a gift from an old Tier-3 vet, ;).


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