Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Help for those Adding Ores with TFCOres.cfg

4 posts in this topic

This is a bit of information to help you troubleshoot problems with adding other mod's blocks into worldgen with TFCOre.cfg. It may be very context and system dependent, but this is what I've learned on my system, which is a iMac running fully updated OS X, Java 1.7.0u71


So I've been bashing my head against this again, which was frustrating considering that I had solved it before. Basically I would crash with a


Description: Exception in server tick loop

java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception in server tick loop
Long story short what I discovered is that the order that mods load matters. Because TFC starts with [1.7.10] for it's jar it is listed at top of alphabetical list and would go through pre-initilization, initialization and post-initialization stages before the mod (PFAA) who's blocks I was generating with the TFCOre.cfg. This resulted in the crash. If I dropped the [1.7.10] from TFC such that it was after the mod in alphabetical list everything worked as it should.  I sorted that out previously, but recently despite this I started getting the crash again. Turns out add-ons, at least the Decorations add-on (who's jar not only starts with [1.7.10] but even without this would appear before PFAA in my alphabetical list) also needed to be loaded after the mod whose blocks you are adding.
Now I will say this may be context dependent or a Mac/Unix issue. I have encountered a problem in past that was unique to Mac/Unix Java, in which it mattered if the mod started with a lower or upper case letter for the order they loaded and hence effected the detection of dependencies. I've not extensively tested adding blocks from lots of different mods, so I would only suggest taking these steps if you are having issue of the ores not spawning or crashes.
Hope this helps a bit.

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In the next hotfix, the crash report will display the name of the ore entry that caused the crash, so hopefully that will help as well.


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Personally, I think something similar to this should be implemented, especially with the whole load order problem and the fact that you cannot prospect for ores added in the config


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Yeah I added 2 suggestions that were influenced partly by your idea.


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