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Including Ships and Boats Mod by cuchaz

58 posts in this topic

The API which Cuchaz plans to make sounds very promising. I think I'll show him this thread so that he can consider if he's willing to put that up higher in this to-do list.


Thank you for config. I noticed that all the weight values are set to 1. Is that intentionall, or did you simply leave that for end-user to config?


Another question - since the water is configed in, does it mean that ships from Cuchaz mod generates appropriate water type when sailing? (meaning that if you sail in sea, does it replace salt water blocks with salt water blocks, not vanilla water blocks?)


Maybe it's possible to change recipies so that burlap cloth can be used as sails? It doesn't have lots of uses right now. Actually, if both burlap and wool cloths could be placeable, it would be easy to make Cuchaz mod recognize them. And I'm sure there would be a lot of other uses for that in TFC.


That is for end-user config. The proper water will be replaced depending on your location. As for wool, I know of no way to add other blocks as "sails"


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That is for end-user config. The proper water will be replaced depending on your location. As for wool, I know of no way to add other blocks as "sails"


Maybe I just need to ask Cuchaz to make sail blocks configurable (so you can choose any block/blocks as sail blocks).


In the config you provided, are detailed blocks listed? Because I can't seem to find them. Kittychanley said that slabbed, staired and chiseled blocks each have their own ID, although it is not tied to the original material of the block. So, is it in the config you gave me, and if not, how can I add these 3 types of detailed blocks?


P.S. Can anyone help with this? I have tried Terrafirmacraft:Stair, Terrafirmacraft:Slab and Terrafirmacraft:Detailed, but it seems these are not correct ID's for chiseled blocks. What are the right ones?


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Unlocalized names are case-sensitive. If you have inventory tweaks installed, you can do F3+H to show the unlocalized names. Or if you have NEI installed, it can do a data dump of all the unlocalized names. Either way, they are all going to start with 




So what you have won't work no matter what because you used a capital T. For stairs, slabs and detailed blocks, their unlocalized names are






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Unlocalized names are case-sensitive. If you have inventory tweaks installed, you can do F3+H to show the unlocalized names. Or if you have NEI installed, it can do a data dump of all the unlocalized names. Either way, they are all going to start with 




So what you have won't work no matter what because you used a capital T. For stairs, slabs and detailed blocks, their unlocalized names are






Thank you very much. I managed to get it working. Where were these specific ID's listed? I couldn't find them on Wiki.


I will now start working on recepies.


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You can find them in the code, or like I said you will have to use inventory tweaks or NEI to display them.


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You can find them in the code, or like I said you will have to use inventory tweaks or NEI to display them.


Yeah, well these are entities, so I couldn't find them with NEI (searched for "stairs", "detailed" and so on).


By the way, what do you think of my idea to make cloth placeable (like blocks, just narrower).


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No, they are not entities, they are blocks. A tile entity is still a block, it is just a block with more information stored on it. If you did an NEI data dump, they show up in the file.


We already have placeable cloth, it's called carpets.


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No, they are not entities, they are blocks. A tile entity is still a block, it is just a block with more information stored on it. If you did an NEI data dump, they show up in the file.


We already have placeable cloth, it's called carpets.


Ok, thanks for clarification!


Well, I meant vertically. So that sails can be made. They look terribly thick with full-sized wool blocks.


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All right, I've worked for a while, and it seems to work. Here is the shipBlockProperties.cfg, which should be added to cfg folder. I chose approximate weight values. Didn't understand some of these ID's, so correct me if their properties are wrong.




Also, I created recipes with TFC materials for Cuchaz Ships' blocks. Made everything cheaper, as I really don't know if it's worth complicating it at this stage. This is Crafting.zs file which should be placed in scriptsMineTweakerRecipeMakerscripts. It requires MineTweaker to be installed, as it seems it won't run without it. I'm not sure how can I change these recipes without having MineTweaker installed every time I need to use those recipes - if anyone could advise, it would be great. Also, I don't know how to draw these recipes as in Wiki - hopefully you can understand them from this code:


// File generated by MineTweakerRecipeMaker//                     READ THIS HEADER BEFORE EDITING ANYTHING// ================================================================================//     This file is read and changed by the mod.//     If you remove/edit any of the markers, IT WILL STOP WORKING!//     If you want to make manual edits, make a backup of this file!//     Markers look like this: "//#MARKER something"//     They indicate where calls should be placed, so that MineTweaker does them in the correct order.//     Removes come first, then stuff is added.// ================================================================================//// ================================================================================//#MARKER REMOVE// ================================================================================//#MARKER REMOVE SHAPELESS// ================================================================================//#MARKER REMOVE SHAPED// ================================================================================//#MARKER ADD// ================================================================================//#MARKER ADD SHAPELESS// ================================================================================//#MARKER ADD SHAPEDrecipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:berth>, [[<ore:materialCloth>, <ore:materialCloth>, <ore:materialCloth>], [<ore:stickWood>, <ore:stickWood>, <ore:stickWood>]]);recipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:blockHelm>, [[null, <ore:stickWood>, null], [<ore:stickWood>, null, <ore:stickWood>], [<ore:stickWood>, <ore:stickWood>, <ore:stickWood>]]);recipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:paddle>, [[null, <ore:stickWood>, <ore:stickWood>], [null, <ore:stickWood>, <ore:stickWood>], [<ore:stickWood>, null, null]]);recipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:blockShip:6>, [[<minecraft:wool:12>, <minecraft:wool:12>, <minecraft:wool:12>], [<minecraft:wool:12>, <ore:stickWood>, <minecraft:wool:12>], [<minecraft:wool:12>, <ore:stickWood>, <minecraft:wool:12>]]);recipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:blockShip:5>, [[<minecraft:wool:12>, <minecraft:wool:12>, <minecraft:wool:12>], [<minecraft:wool:12>, <ore:stickWood>, <minecraft:wool:12>], [<minecraft:wool:12>, <ore:stickWood>, null]]);recipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:blockShip:4>, [[<minecraft:wool:12>, <minecraft:wool:12>, <minecraft:wool:12>], [<minecraft:wool:12>, <ore:stickWood>, null], [<minecraft:wool:12>, <ore:stickWood>, null]]);recipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:blockShip:3>, [[<minecraft:wool:12>, <minecraft:wool:12>], [<minecraft:wool:12>, <ore:stickWood>], [<minecraft:wool:12>, <ore:stickWood>]]);recipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:blockShip:2>, [[<minecraft:wool:12>, null], [<minecraft:wool:12>, <ore:stickWood>], [<minecraft:wool:12>, <ore:stickWood>]]);recipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:blockShip:1>, [[<minecraft:wool:12>, <ore:stickWood>], [<minecraft:wool:12>, <ore:stickWood>]]);recipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:blockShip>, [[null, <ore:stickWood>], [<minecraft:wool:12>, <ore:stickWood>]]);recipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:blockShip:6>, [[<minecraft:wool>, <minecraft:wool>, <minecraft:wool>], [<minecraft:wool>, <ore:stickWood>, <minecraft:wool>], [<minecraft:wool>, <ore:stickWood>, <minecraft:wool>]]);recipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:blockShip:5>, [[<minecraft:wool>, <minecraft:wool>, <minecraft:wool>], [<minecraft:wool>, <ore:stickWood>, <minecraft:wool>], [<minecraft:wool>, <ore:stickWood>, null]]);recipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:blockShip:4>, [[<minecraft:wool>, <minecraft:wool>, <minecraft:wool>], [<minecraft:wool>, <ore:stickWood>, null], [<minecraft:wool>, <ore:stickWood>, null]]);recipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:blockShip:3>, [[<minecraft:wool>, <minecraft:wool>], [<minecraft:wool>, <ore:stickWood>], [<minecraft:wool>, <ore:stickWood>]]);recipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:blockShip:2>, [[<minecraft:wool>, null], [<minecraft:wool>, <ore:stickWood>], [<minecraft:wool>, <ore:stickWood>]]);recipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:blockShip:1>, [[<minecraft:wool>, <ore:stickWood>], [<minecraft:wool>, <ore:stickWood>]]);recipes.addShaped(<cuchaz.ships:blockShip>, [[null, <ore:stickWood>], [<minecraft:wool>, <ore:stickWood>]]);recipes.addShaped(<minecraft:wool:12>, [[<terrafirmacraft:item.BurlapCloth>, <terrafirmacraft:item.BurlapCloth>], [<terrafirmacraft:item.BurlapCloth>, <terrafirmacraft:item.BurlapCloth>]]);recipes.addShaped(<minecraft:wool>, [[<terrafirmacraft:item.WoolCloth>, <ore:materialCloth>], [<ore:materialCloth>, <ore:materialCloth>]]);


Most things seem to work, although I haven't tested everything yet. Chests don't work, as expected. Kittychanley, would you be so kind to comment on my work and tell what else is needed to make TFC and Cuchaz's mod work together?

Edited by Kittychanley
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Minetweaker changes the recipes after they are registered by their respective mods. So if you want to use altered recipes you will always need minetweaker in the instance. Minetweaker also interfaces with NEI, so the new recipes will show up there.


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Minetweaker changes the recipes after they are registered by their respective mods. So if you want to use altered recipes you will always need minetweaker in the instance. Minetweaker also interfaces with NEI, so the new recipes will show up there.


Thanks for clarification. That is not a big problem.


So, again, what else needs to be done to make TFC and Cuchaz Ships compatible? (except the chests)


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They are compatible, We use it in our server. Just got there and check it out.


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They are compatible, We use it in our server. Just got there and check it out.


Well, what about chests? How did you manage to get them working?


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He means the mods are compatible. Why don't you test yourself and find where the issues are. Test with other mods. Do vanilla chest cause same crash? Better storage or iron chest, do they crash? Do othe inventories, barrels, vessels, molds on ground, ingot piles, log piles etc. Instead of asking, test and report findings.m


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He means the mods are compatible. Why don't you test yourself and find where the issues are. Test with other mods. Do vanilla chest cause same crash? Better storage or iron chest, do they crash? Do othe inventories, barrels, vessels, molds on ground, ingot piles, log piles etc. Instead of asking, test and report findings.m


I'm sorry if I offended you. But it doesn't make sense to re-invent the wheel if someone else has already found the solution, that's why I'm asking. I tested enough to see that the problem exists, but I know too little of modding to determine why. So what's wrong with asking?


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I was not offended.

My point was that if you are the one who wants the close compatibility so that is why I suggested doing the testing. The devs don't use the mod and aren't likely to go testing compatibility. The server owners who use it said the few issues they have, but they will have a lot of thing to manage and maintain with their servers with limited time. As such they aren't likely to do extensive bug testing. They'll just deal with problems as they happen.

You are passionate about this, so properly bug test to identify the issue, how consistently repeoduce the issue and supply the crash reports. Consistent information from one source with all needed info is much more valuable than antidotal info gathered from multiple sources. Good testers are hard to find and devs really appreciate it. You don't need to be able to code to do that.

Talk to the ship mod dev. If they don't know why the chests are crashing on ships then do testing. So take the ship mod. Individually add in any mod you can think of that adds storage inventory blocks (chests, barrels, etc.). Test them on ships. Gather crash reports and submit a clear bug report.

For TFC specifically. Just do things and try and break it. Put a bloomery on a ship. Put an active bloomery on ship. Put metal sheets on ship. Put forge on ship. So on and so on. Until some one plays with it with intent to break it the incompatibilities are unknown.


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I was not offended.My point was that if you are the one who wants the close compatibility so that is why I suggested doing the testing. The devs don't use the mod and aren't likely to go testing compatibility. The server owners who use it said the few issues they have, but they will have a lot of thing to manage and maintain with their servers with limited time. As such they aren't likely to do extensive bug testing. They'll just deal with problems as they happen.You are passionate about this, so properly bug test to identify the issue, how consistently repeoduce the issue and supply the crash reports. Consistent information from one source with all needed info is much more valuable than antidotal info gathered from multiple sources. Good testers are hard to find and devs really appreciate it. You don't need to be able to code to do that.Talk to the ship mod dev. If they don't know why the chests are crashing on ships then do testing. So take the ship mod. Individually add in any mod you can think of that adds storage inventory blocks (chests, barrels, etc.). Test them on ships. Gather crash reports and submit a clear bug report.For TFC specifically. Just do things and try and break it. Put a bloomery on a ship. Put an active bloomery on ship. Put metal sheets on ship. Put forge on ship. So on and so on. Until some one plays with it with intent to break it the incompatibilities are unknown.


Your point is sound. I wasn't asking of server owners nor devs to test this compatibility - just thought I'd ask how (if) they solved already known problems.


I will try testing it as you suggested. Not sure where can I submit crash and incompatibility reports, though. Officially, no one is working on this compatibility, so, no one is interested to check it out.


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Your point is sound. I wasn't asking of server owners nor devs to test this compatibility - just thought I'd ask how (if) they solved already known problems.


I will try testing it as you suggested. Not sure where can I submit crash and incompatibility reports, though. Officially, no one is working on this compatibility, so, no one is interested to check it out.


On something like this I'd typically start with cuchaz (ships dev), but it looks like kev12east has already talked to him, and anything with a non-vanilla GUI is known to cause problems (see quote below). It's apparently on the long term to-do list, but doesn't look like it'll be fixed any time soon.


The reason you crash when opening a chest on a boat is due to the interactive blocks being used. Ships mod only intercepts vanilla GUI/tile entity code. I asked him if he would add support for TFC, but he said that he would not, due to the amount of work it would take to add compatibility of this one feature for every mod. He did, however, say that he would one day make an API, at which point the TFC devs, if they wanted to, could add compatibility for ships mod. 


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I would never expect a mod to be developed that makes two mods compatible. It is rare, especially when the incompatibilities are minor and fixable with current tools.

The chest issue is likely a larger issue with all or just non-vanilla Tile Entities, inventories or GUIs. This would be an issue for the ship mod itself. It's repo with issue tracker is Here. Most issues you have should be first reported here. With a good bug report they will be able to tell you if you need to talk to another dev.


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I would never expect a mod to be developed that makes two mods compatible. It is rare, especially when the incompatibilities are minor and fixable with current tools.The chest issue is likely a larger issue with all or just non-vanilla Tile Entities, inventories or GUIs. This would be an issue for the ship mod itself. It's repo with issue tracker is Here. Most issues you have should be first reported here. With a good bug report they will be able to tell you if you need to talk to another dev.


So, you're basically saying that no one would work on compatibility of those two mods. After all, both are gonna be updated sometime, and new bugs will arise, with no one to fix them again.


Maybe this is a lost cause? Maybe it's better to wait for TFC devs to implement movable ships, as this feature is in high demand (I gathered that much from browsing this forum)?


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No I'm saying it is the responsibility of the mods themselves and it mostly falls on cuchaz. His mod is not a total conversion mod and so is very very likely to be used in a multi mod environment. So it needs to be coded to be as compatible as possible for all forge mods with assumption of vanilla base. Any none vanilla base can be compensated for with secondary tools, like recipes tweaks. If the crash was only caused by TFC chests and was due to a method TFC could change to fix, it would be on them to fix, if they wanted. No compatibility mod is going to fix issues like the chest bug as that is a fundemental error in the ship mod.


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No I'm saying it is the responsibility of the mods themselves and it mostly falls on cuchaz. His mod is not a total conversion mod and so is very very likely to be used in a multi mod environment. So it needs to be coded to be as compatible as possible for all forge mods with assumption of vanilla base. Any none vanilla base can be compensated for with secondary tools, like recipes tweaks. If the crash was only caused by TFC chests and was due to a method TFC could change to fix, it would be on them to fix, if they wanted. No compatibility mod is going to fix issues like the chest bug as that is a fundemental error in the ship mod.


All right. I'll test as much as I can and forward reports to Cuchaz. Hopefully, he will cooperate. Thank you again.


If anyone else has something do add, please do!


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Hi there. Seems like I should join this discussion.


As a general rule, I don't like spending time to add compatibility with one specific mod. Since there are zillions of mods out there, that path leads to a never-ending pile of work and no new features.


However, I don't mind working on an API that many mods can use to enable compatibility. It also helps share the compatibility workload among multiple modders instead of making one modder do all the work.


I'm looking at adding an API to the next release of Ships Mod to let other mod's entities and tile entities know they're on ships if they ask. Ships Mod works pretty hard to emulate a World environment for each ship so hopefully blocks never even know they're on ships. This generally works until blocks with tile entities have to interact with entities in the real world. Then we have to start doing coordinate transformations and the World illusion breaks down.


What kinds of features do you think would be useful for this API?


At a minimum, I'm planning to add query functions like isOnShip() and getShipWorld() for entities.


For tile entities, some kind of hook into the physics properties system would be useful too. I'm thinking a get/setMass(), get/setDisplacement(), get/setIsWater(), etc...


Is there anything else you would find useful?


EDIT: oh, and there's already an API to add new propulsion systems, but I haven't advertized it yet. =P


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Is it possible to add something that allows to add support for custom containers?

For example the main problem (as for me) of compatibility Ships mod with TFC is that TFC's chests, barrels and etc are crashing when player is trying to open it on the ship.

When I looked to the stack trace - then I saw that crash for the chest was because of "Tile Entity" field was NULL.

I'm guessing thats because of Ships mod is using reflection and considering that all containers have the same consrtuctors as vanilla containers, but that incorrect for TFC containers.

Maybe it would be possible to add some kind of function which allows to add "my factory object" (which for ex. is implementing IShipContainer) and so it is possible to control how to create container object and etc?

EDIT: One more suggestion - it would be nice to have:

1) either disabled by default all "non-supported" containers - so game is not crashed if player tries to open non-supported container

2) or add one more function which allows to mark container as "disabled" on the ship


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For example the main problem (as for me) of compatibility Ships mod with TFC is that TFC's chests, barrels and etc are crashing when player is trying to open it on the ship.When I looked to the stack trace - then I saw that crash for the chest was because of "Tile Entity" field was NULL.


Post your crash report or it didn't happen. =P


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