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Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Including Ships and Boats Mod by cuchaz

58 posts in this topic

This is stack trace for TFC chest: is crash report for chest from Iron Chests mod (stack trace is shorter): let me know if you need more info or help in testing.

Your second crash doesn't appear to have anything to do with Ships Mod. The stack trace looks purely vanilla. It doesn't look like it's related to mods at all.


Your first crash looks like a crash in TFC. I can't do anything about it though unless I can look at the TFC source. I can't seem to find the source online anywhere. I'm guessing it's not open source?


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Your second crash doesn't appear to have anything to do with Ships Mod. The stack trace looks purely vanilla. It doesn't look like it's related to mods at all.


Your first crash looks like a crash in TFC. I can't do anything about it though unless I can look at the TFC source. I can't seem to find the source online anywhere. I'm guessing it's not open source?


On the Hub:


/Deadrik/TFCraft/tree/master/srcis what you are looking for? (Loving the mod btw)


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The TFC crash report is showing it doing an NPE on the vanilla chest tile entity's adjacentChestXNeg value when trying to initialize a TFC chest. So both stack traces are showing vanilla issues.


With the stack traces given, there isn't much either of us can do to try and fix the problem. If you provided a bunch of complete crash reports, then we might be able to help a bit more. Especially since some of the line numbers in the stack traces do not properly line up to our dev environment, and the TFC stack trace does not provide any version numbers for us to go back and check the code at that version.


If I had to take a shot in the dark, there is the possibility that cuchaz isn't saving the chest data properly when making it part of the boat, but at this point we really can't point fingers because there isn't enough information.


TFC's source code:


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Your second crash doesn't appear to have anything to do with Ships Mod. The stack trace looks purely vanilla. It doesn't look like it's related to mods at all.

But thats what happened if I'm trying to open chest (from Iron Chests mod) which is placed on the "launched" ship.I've tried to demonstrate that problem is not related to just TFC containers.How to reproduce this bug:1) Make sure Iron Chests mod is installed2) Build 4 x 4 raft from oak wood planks3) Place "Iron Chest" on the raft4) Place "Tiny Ship" block on the raft5) Right click "Tiny Ship" block and click "Launch Ship" button6) Right click "Iron Chest" to open it - game will crash 

Your first crash looks like a crash in TFC. I can't do anything about it though unless I can look at the TFC source. I can't seem to find the source online anywhere. I'm guessing it's not open source?

Link to the sources already was provided but I will do some comments which maybe could help to determine problem without investigating TFC code: you can see from sources - error happened on the line "if (chest.adjacentChestXNeg != null)" because of variable "chest" is NULL. 

If you provided a bunch of complete crash reports, then we might be able to help a bit more.

In case for TFC chest game didn't really crashed - it just exited from the game to the "Main Menu" screen when I've tried to interact with chest.Full log file (todays) is here: 

Especially since some of the line numbers in the stack traces do not properly line up to our dev environment, and the TFC stack trace does not provide any version numbers for us to go back and check the code at that version.

I've used official TerraFirmaCraft- from bug with Iron Chests was reproduced using Forge 1272 and 1291, bug with TFC chest was reproduced using Forge 1272

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Hey guys, I also get the same crash with the TFC containers, and with CustomNPC (listed error is from CustomNPC's) containers.

Edited by Krom

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I should add though, that the items do save, and can be accessed from TFC chests (mine had water in it) and CustomNPC's chests (mine had TFC ores and wood in it), but only when the ship is docked. Items are still there after ships is launched and docked again, it is only when trying to access the containers in a launched ship that the game crashes. 


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Also, on this subject, I customized the Ships Mods recipes on my server to use brass instead of redstone, as brass is needed for many essential nautical components (except for the tiny boat, which you can use gold for - gold has similar properties to brass, and is fairly easy to find in a newly generated world, or by panning). The other parts I changed to single or double sheets of metal, starting at copper and ending with iron for the largest ships. I also added the Sails Add-on for Ships Mod, and added a recipe to turn 9x jute fibre to be turned into 3x grey sails, and the helm is now 2 brass and 4 planks.
I use custom NPC's to add recipes (thanks Etho! :) )

Edited by Krom

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