Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[TFC 0.79.29] Automated Bellows Addon - Pottery Kiln, Water Filter, Shields

85 posts in this topic

Automated Bellows:


Adds two blocks that are able to "push" a bellows automatically with configurable period. Requires fuel to work.

Right Click to a Boiler block with an empty hand  to get the Boiler status.
Steam Boiler can store up to 1000 bellows activations, requires to be filled with water only once, doesn't heat up or down, doesn't loose fuel, so if you fill it with 400 activations, you can use them any time.
1 log provides 40 activations, 1 coal (charcoal suits too) provides 200.
If Boiler fuel level will become 0 you'll need to fill it with fuel and light again.

The Steam Boiler has 4 delay modes and connected Bellow Driver will activate bellows once per 1, 3, 6 or 10 seconds.
To switch the delay, Right Click on the Steam Boiler block with any hammer in hand.

1. Craft two blocks: Bellows Driver and Steam Boiler.



2. Place a Bellows Driver block facing and next to the Bellows Block (a Bellows Driver block can be face to any side of tfc Bellows block, not to the back side necessarily)



3. place a Steam Boiler block next to the Bellows Driver block's back side (texture with black dot on it)

4. fill the Boiler with 1 (wooden) bucket of Fresh water, put fuel and light it with Firestarter or Flint n' Steel.
5. provide the Bellows Driver block with redstone signal to make it active.


Pottery Kiln:


A special device for hardening clay items with more fuel efficiency and capacity than a Pit Kiln. Uses 4 logs and cooks up to 8 clay items for one run.
Craft to blocks: Pottery Kiln and Pottery Kiln Chamber. Place the latter on top of the former.





Right Click on the Pottery Kiln block: the fuel inventory will be opened. Put 4 logs inside, 1 log on each slot.
Right Click on the Pottery Kiln Chamber block: the pottery inventory will be opened. Put at least one clay item inside.
Right Click on the Pottery Kiln block with a Fire Starter or a Flint N' Steel in hand, the pottery kiln will be lighted.
The pottery kiln requires about 8 ingame hours to fire all clay items.


Water Filter:


Water Filter block can filter hot water and output fresh clean water. Just place the block and make hot water to flow to one of the block's side with 8 holes (XX shape) - fresh water will flow from the opposite side.







Uses backslot, protects from the rear if on the back or from the front otherwise. Adds a chance to block that depends from the player action, his looking direction and type of attack. The player has the greatest chance if he is blocking (holding Right Mouse Button), looking directly to the source of attack, and the attack is projectile (arrow or javelin).


Shepherd Staff:



Simple tool that makes livestock (cows, pigs, horses, sheeps, chickens) to stand still and be silent on use. Use the staff on an animal to toggle effect.


Download link:




Lang file, NullPointer fixes
Back to Java 1.7

More shields
Shepherd Staff

Shield (only one)

Water Filter added
WAILA support

0.79.24 compatible

Pottery Kiln added
Steam boiled has 4 delay mods now



Feel free to include this in your modpack.

Edited by Sladki

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This looks really interesting, I may have to include this on my server!

Would save me from carpel tunnel when using the blast furnace.


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Updated post.


Feel free to include this in your modpack.


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This looks really interesting, I may have to include this on my server!

Would save me from carpel tunnel when using the blast furnace.


When using the Blast furnace you actually only need to blow the bellows 2 or 3 times... However the UI does not provide any feedback as to what's going on internally. Initially, like you, I was blowing the bellows all the time, burning through more charcoal than I could grow trees for. Then I looked at the code.


No spoilers I'm afraid. 


Nice idea but once you know how the BF works this becomes a little wasteful. Although I do wish you could access the bellows from within the BF and Forge UI, which this kinda does for you.


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Wow, great add on! Pity to hear it is 'wasteful'. A trade off for automation?


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Wow, great add on! Pity to hear it is 'wasteful'. A trade off for automation?


It's 'wasteful' because it's expensive recipes for adding automation to something that doesn't need to be automated. Why spend all those resources on something to pump the bellows when you yourself only have to pump it like 3 times?


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I actually meant that constantly pumping the bellows burns charcoal faster and you only need to pump the bellows to push the temperature over that of the burn temperature of the fuel. Test it in the forge, it plateau's at a point (burn temp of fuel) pumping the bellows pushes the temp up quite a bit, but then it drops quickly too... Pump it infrequently to maintain the high temperature.


Once you get to the plateaued temperature; Pump once to get the temp up, then wait, then pump again and wait and once more. That should be all you need in the blast furnace to smelt 4 iron ores (holds 4 per level of blast furnace).


IMPORTANT: The blast furnace needs to be up to max temperature, using the bellows while it's heating has no effect. It will use a small amount <1 charcoal getting up to temperature then 1 per iron smelted. If you pump like a mad man you'll use 3 or 4 getting it to temperature.


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Is anyone going to update this to 0.79.18?


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Steam Boiler block has 4 modes which allows to activate bellows once per 1, 3, 6 or 10 seconds.

Pottery Kiln added.


Shfit+Click in inventories will work in the next update.


Posted Image


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@Sladki did a little update work for you on this addon too. Check github.


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Actually, I really like the pottery kiln idea. It makes little sense that an individual who has progressed to furnaces and even blast furnaces still has to dig a pit, fill it with straw, and stack logs atop it to make a pit kiln to fire clay items just like he did back in the stone age. This is just about ideal.


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Love the mod, specially the Pottery Kiln.

Any chance we can bake bread in it?

As much as I know you cannot bake bread in a camp fire.

It would make so much more sense to bake bread in the Kiln.


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Actually, I really like the pottery kiln idea. It makes little sense that an individual who has progressed to furnaces and even blast furnaces still has to dig a pit, fill it with straw, and stack logs atop it to make a pit kiln to fire clay items just like he did back in the stone age. This is just about ideal.

In the real life furnaces for smelting metals and ores takes their origin from pottery kilns.



Love the mod, specially the Pottery Kiln.

Any chance we can bake bread in it?

As much as I know you cannot bake bread in a camp fire.

It would make so much more sense to bake bread in the Kiln.

It is possible to bake in a camp fire. I had an idea to make special oven for cooking.



An update will be soon (it seems that I've lost a code for correct work on shift+clicking).


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Updated your title as you repo indicates the mod was updated to 23


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Updated your title as you repo indicates the mod was updated to 23

Crash Report for version 1.01 in TFC


Was just your mod and TFC in a forge 1448 environment.

Jar file was not updated, but the repo.


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just a question, is this compatible with 79.24? The title says 79.22. 


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No. If the title does not say 23, 24, or 23/24+ it will not be compatible.


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The posts and the 23 commit on the repo suggested to me the title had not been updated. This was incorrect, the mod is not updated to 23/24


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Updated. Sorry for the long updating time.


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Sometimes hot water springs spawns on mountains and hills, so I decided to make them usable as usual water source for drinking, crafting and farmlands by "filtering" with new block. A reason to build aqueducts. Also added tips for WAILA.






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