Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Tfc Food Item Id#'s

36 posts in this topic

For NEI, I don't think there is a way to have it display unlocalized names, only numerical ID. Pretty sure it will only provide the unlocalized name in the Data dump. Using numerical IDs is unwise now as if you decide to add in another mod then it can completely destroy your configs as the IDs can shift. It also makes it so you can't really share your scripts as others will not have the same numerical IDs unless they have the exact same mods as you and even then it is possible to go weird.


For gems. I'm going to guess that you have decorations mod present. Go into the config and turn off the gem module. Basically it replaces TFC gems to give the placeable and light emitting them and many other mods seem to not support this.


As for the other tags you get with food. If you look at the link I gave in my second post on this thread you'll see that were trying the extra tags and are unable to get it to work properly.


As for texture, not sure what you could have done to cause that, but unless you can reproduce in a fresh install of TFC and the devs can replicate than it will be something you did.


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Ah, yes, I do have decorations mod. I'll try the reinstall now for the texture issue, thanks.Yes, I've had a look at the food post you made, but converting that to a format that mob properties understands is not something I can find a template for, though I think it may be possible. The ID for enchanted books looks similar in MT to the food IDs, so maybe the mod maker has allowed for that format of info to be enter in some way.

Edited by Krom

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Reinstalled the mods. The texture error is still there, but it seems to be confined to near the world spawn. There was another weird glitch  on that same island that stopped ice from melting in some areas. Nevermind though, its a small area and they are not serious problems. The fix with Decorations Mod seems to have worked, thanks. 

Edited by Krom

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The issue seems to be the timer. Hopefully it works when it is a dropped item. If you grab the NBTedit mod you can see the structure of the NBT data. Just take your item and place it in chest, look at chest and run /nbtedit. Expand out the data and you'll see the structure.

Edit: moving this to modpack discussion. This is the sort of troubleshooting that section was made for.


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The issue seems to be the timer. Hopefully it works when it is a dropped item. If you grab the NBTedit mod you can see the structure of the NBT data. Just take your item and place it in chest, look at chest and run /nbtedit. Expand out the data and you'll see the structure.Edit: moving this to modpack discussion. This is the sort of troubleshooting that section was made for.

Ah ok, I was unsure where to put it, I thought that section was only for existing modpacks. Cheers


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Well, now that we are in the right section, does anyone have a working template for Mob Properties that makes the mob drop TFC food? I just can't figure it out.Edit - Or how to give them an enchanted book, because that also uses that withTag function, which is the problem I am having with Mob Properties.A second issue I am having is how to give passive creatures thorns ability or item (or even better - change the AI they use) and how to increase the damage done by mobs that do not do a standard damage ie. poison. Either by adding another effect or by increasing the default.

Edited by Krom

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Update - Here's an improved template if anyone needs one (I'm using Ogre as it has the remove function which some people may need) 

  "_name": "MoCreatures.Ogre",
"drops": [{   "function": "default",
      "value": "true"
      "function": "remove",
      "id": "obsidian"
    "function": "add",
            "id": "terrafirmacraft:item.Diamond",
              "count": "0.5",
"damage": "0~2"
              "function": "add",
              "id": "terrafirmacraft:item.Small Ore",
              "count": "0.8",
"damage": "0~4"
              "function": "add",
              "id": "terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Mace",
"count": "0.05",
"damage": "0~2400"
              "function": "add",
              "id": "terrafirmacraft:StoneIgIn",
              "count": "0~8"
"pre_stats": [],
"stats": [{
              "function": "modifier",
              "attribute": "generic.maxHealth",
              "value": 120~140,
              "operator": 1
              "function": "modifier",
              "attribute": "generic.attackDamage",
              "value": 160~180,
              "operator": 1

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I had the same problem as the author, but i founded this   There is a description of the NBT.

So this is an example for cheese

terrafirmacraft:item.Cheese 1 0 {foodWeight:160.0f,foodDecay:-30000f,decayTimer:579}

/give @s terrafirmacraft:item.Cheese 1 0 {foodWeight:160.0f,foodDecay:-30000f,decayTimer:579}

(For some reason, unfortunately, the command works with @p, but not with @s)
Few minutes ago i tried, and it was working, without getting rot.

Edited by koenigstag
Edit: works with another food as well

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It's too bad this was never resolved, as I've gotten to a point where it would be incredibly useful for Block Properties sake, too bad that none of the CraftTweaker addons that control mob/block drops exist for MineTweaker in 1.7.10 as they would work by default with tags


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On 1/4/2019 at 11:20 PM, UnlimatedStone9 said:

It's too bad this was never resolved, as I've gotten to a point where it would be incredibly useful for Block Properties sake, too bad that none of the CraftTweaker addons that control mob/block drops exist for MineTweaker in 1.7.10 as they would work by default with tags

I got it to work properly. Here's a basic example for the et futurm rabbits:


  "_name": "etfuturum.rabbit",
  "drops": [
      "function": "add",
      "id": "4643",
      "count": "1",
      "item_stats": [
          "function": "nbt",
          "tags": [
              "function": "float",
              "name": "foodWeight",
              "value": "3.0"
					"function": "float",
					"name": "foodDecay",
					"value": "-24"
					"function": "float",
					"name": "decayTimer",
					"value": "15224"
  "pre_stats": [],
  "stats": [
      "_comment": "increase the cave rabbit's max health",
      "function": "modifier",
      "attribute": "generic.maxHealth",
      "value": 150,
      "override": true,
      "operator": 1



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I think I love you now!              : p
Thank you very much, I've been racking my head over it for ages and was nearly there too, I had gotten close to fixing it but not quite, I'm glad you could assist me and whoever else needs to use this

On ‎03‎/‎02‎/‎2019 at 1:51 AM, adalah217 said:

I got it to work properly. Here's a basic example for the et futurm rabbits:


  "_name": "etfuturum.rabbit",
  "drops": [
      "function": "add",
      "id": "4643",
      "count": "1",
      "item_stats": [
          "function": "nbt",
          "tags": [
              "function": "float",
              "name": "foodWeight",
              "value": "3.0"
					"function": "float",
					"name": "foodDecay",
					"value": "-24"
					"function": "float",
					"name": "decayTimer",
					"value": "15224"
  "pre_stats": [],
  "stats": [
      "_comment": "increase the cave rabbit's max health",
      "function": "modifier",
      "attribute": "generic.maxHealth",
      "value": 150,
      "override": true,
      "operator": 1



Edited by UnlimatedStone9

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