Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Solved] Questions from newbie.

9 posts in this topic


I have some questions about TFC.


1) Straw grow again on same or random place in world?

2) Same question about crops, same or random?

3) Fruit trees or berry can grow again in world?

4) Wiki says: "Cloudberry and cranberry bushes only spawn on peat, making then extremely rare to find." But I found a lot of cranberry growing on dirt. Wiki outdated? There are nothing about it in change log.

5) When chunk are unload crops still grows?

6) Crops die if temperature are below 0 or there are some difference in dying temperature?

7) When crop die I lost all or I can get seeds back?

8) Gems are useless? I know about protection meter, but something more with a lot of difference gems?


P.s. I did not find planned content thread, it does not exist?


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  • Tall grass grows back randomly on grass blocks that are exposed to the sky.
  • Crops are generally the same, but not exactly.
  • No. You can get saplings from fruit trees though.
  • There's a big yellow box at the top of every page of the wiki saying a lot of information is outdated.
  • Yes.
  • It depends on the crop. Everything dies at 0, some tropical crops like jute or sugarcane die at higher temperatures.
  • The seeds will appear as a block on the ground just like the sticks and stones you find lying around. They will not despawn.
  • Gems are useless for everything but the protection meter.

There is no planned content thread, because not even the developers know what is planned until we actually start working on it.


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Kittychanley, thanks.


I have another question. 

Everyday I check temperature in one and the same place, and I find something kinda "Bug".

12 October at 12 p.m. temp is ~16°C Trees are green.

13 October at 12 p.m. temp is ~4°C Trees become orange/red.

14 October at 12 p.m  temp is ~16°C Trees are green.

So it is game mechanics or I must create bug report?


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The color of the leaves is entirely dependent on the current temperature and rainfall values, it does not care about the current time or date other than it not being spring.


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Kittychanley, thanks.


I have another question. 

Everyday I check temperature in one and the same place, and I find something kinda "Bug".

12 October at 12 p.m. temp is ~16°C Trees are green.

13 October at 12 p.m. temp is ~4°C Trees become orange/red.

14 October at 12 p.m  temp is ~16°C Trees are green.

So it is game mechanics or I must create bug report?


temperature also has a random component - these temperature changes aren't unexpected.


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8) Gems are useless? I know about protection meter, but something more with a lot of difference gems?

There is an addon that give uses to gems -among other things-, they can be placed on blocks, (any side) and generate some ammount of light, depending on the gem quality


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There is an addon that give uses to gems -among other things-, they can be placed on blocks, (any side) and generate some ammount of light, depending on the gem quality


Can you link it?

And they can be placed like metal sheets?


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Can you link it?

And they can be placed like metal sheets?


I believe the exact addon he's talking about is this one:


Note that the gem stuff in that addon does break gems for some other addons though.


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