Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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[Offline][] TechnodeFirmacraft Whitelisted Server

19 posts in this topic

Hello all!This is a server for those who like TechNodeFirmacraft and want to play in a community!Mining together. having a pro smith, giant factories run by actual people and not machines, its all possible as long as the players want it to be possible!Thats why this server is whitelisted, if you want to join you should really first have some TFC experience and some TNF (TechNodeFirmacraft).Also I and I hope you to, would like all builds to be realistic, it stays TFC ofcourse, AND FIX YOUR CREEPER HOLES!TNF:


Server:24/7EU hostedCreeperhost Zombie (not the best but luckly this isnt a heavy pack)Interested:If you'd like to join please react to this post or send me a private message or send an mail to: [email protected] containing the answers to the following questions:What is your IGN?What is your real name?Do you have skype, and if you do what is your name? (please do, you have a better chance of being accepted)What is your TFC Experience?What is your TNF experience?Why you? (promote yourself)What are your specialties? (Mining, Farming, Building, Smithing, Making those nice machines)I would be glad to see you soon on this TNF fan made server!-Itsa me Stephen


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1. TemporalAnomaly

2. For the sake of personal privacy and paranoia, let's go with J. Smith

3. Yes, TheTemporalAnomaly

4. I have been playing TFC since 1.3 I believe, so about 3 years. Fluent in recipes, smithing, pottery, etc.

5. I have not played this pack specifically, but i have played TerraFirmaTech and TechnoFirmaCraft for about 20 hours each. (I was really looking forward to TechnoFirma, what with the GregTech integration and all, but sadly after about 20 hours in the early game it wasn't possible to progress into metals.) I spend most of my time on the FTB forums looking for cool packs, and the TFC ones (although buggy) are always some of the best. It's always interesting to see how pack devs incorporate TFC while still making the other mods playable.

6. I like to think that I am a relatively mature and chill person, although i have been known to geek out occasionally. High school AP student, West Coast US, somewhat antisocial in the real life. TFC is one of my favorite hobbies, but others include Model Trains, chemistry, and Music. Overall, a relatively well-rounded individual.

7. I enjoy mining in TFC, trying not to get all of my precious ores crushed and whatnot. Also, I enjoy Mekanism automation, and building pretty bases using all of those cool chiseled blocks.


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1. ijevinator

2. Well I'd rather not give away my full name, Liam is my first.

3. I am unable to call, though my name is the same as my ign.

4. Though I've only been playing since about December, I've gotten to know most of the mod and the way it works.

5. I've only found out about TNF about two months ago, so I know some early game stuff, though not much.

6. Though I'd rather not talk about myself, as I prefer others to build up their own opinion of me, I'd like to say that I'm quite laid back and humorous, I've always thought of myself as quiet, and not so talkative unless I can get to know a person. I'm a freshman at high school, and I live in Atlantic Canada. I enjoy gaming, as you might be able to infer and listening to music. I prefer working in a team, rather than alone, and am quite productive when in the mood. I'm currently taking lessons in the piano, though it would be a stretch so say I'm good.

7. I'd like to say I'm relatively accustomed to smithing and farming, I have a large distaste towards mining, though I am able to do it. I enjoy building using different types of stone.

Edited by ijevinator

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Both J.smith and Liam are accepted, but i will wait for more players first before we start out, aldo I think we will live in villages it gives more of an fair start!


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On a side note, do you have a rough estimate of when the server will be starting?


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Today im a bit bussy, but tomorrow 6/7 PM CET it will be online


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What is your IGN?    IGN stands for in game name? If yes - Scintille

What is your real name?    If you are realy interested - Oleg Kuzmin, but i prefer minecraft name

Do you have skype, and if you do what is your name? (please do, you have a better chance of being accepted)  yeas, i have skype, but im not going to use it. most likely.

What is your TFC Experience?  I dont remember version, but i started, when second terrafirmacrack was happening

What is your TNF experience? This is the first time i heard about this modpack, but i played a lot with modded minecraft. (but im downloading the pack right now, going to try it out)

Why you? (promote yourself) Because im normal, sane persone, im not going to grief, im going to respect admins and other people (if they respect me)

The only problem is - i cant be on every day. I can be pretty busy in real life, i can be busy in Eve online. But i will play a lot on your server (like 4-5 hours in a day, but not every day)

PS - second liitle problem is - English is not my native language (so i dont want to use skype), i can make little mistakes

What are your specialties? (Mining, Farming, Building, Smithing, Making those nice machines)  Honestly, i enjoy stone age (or early copper age), so i cant answer. I can do almost everything - im decent smith, builder, im good at farming. But i suck at mining with new cave-ins system


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Well my sir, you are accepted, we are not going to call or anything, but incase of problems a thing like skype is something usefull. Server will be up soon! actually working on it right now!


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Well my sir, you are accepted, we are not going to call or anything, but incase of problems a thing like skype is something usefull. Server will be up soon! actually working on it right now!


Oh, ok, i will install skyoe then. I just dont feel comfortable talking. Will you send me server details? Btw, what mods i need to install?

This mods will work?

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Edited by Scintille

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Yep, that will work out just fine!


Crash seems to be caused by bibliocraft, alde need to update that, ill send a download link

Edited by stephenossel

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Al fixed in the new updated pack, use 1.4.1 to join

Edited by stephenossel

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Sorry about that. Lazy pack dev. Please let me know any thoughts, criticism or suggestions you have in pack thread.


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Callum ill send you the Ip in privateI dont mind being the big miners guy btw, i loooooove mining :D, and other people reading this we still need new people!

Edited by stephenossel

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Sounds good! Just to clarify, we are all working together, correct?Also, thank you tons for making this server,Stephon!


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As far as i know er are working together yes


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this party still going?


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