Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Some fruit related ideas

17 posts in this topic

Personally (although knowing on my luck I am the only person in the world with this opinion) I think that despite the fact that TFC has a lot of food, some revisions could be made to the fruits category. Also some of them need tweaking. For example: the ability to grow multiple types of fruit on one tree could be added, and removing blooms from a tree could result in a higher fruit yield.

Fruit tree varieties: will update list with blooming time and other info


Asian pear














Bush suggestions:




Grapes (would grow as either a crop or a vines-like bush, placeable on fences and walls)

Aside from the soybean, the only source of protein is from meat products, and I think this should be balanced out. Some of the fruit higher in protein content, like apricots, avocados and coconuts, could be eaten for a relatively weak protein source. The same goes for calcium: the only way to obtain it is through milk and cheese, while some fruits and vegetables also contain a decent amount of calcium which could be used for this purpose. Also, if possible, they could simply mainly refill the fruit bar and also give Calcium/Protein in small amounts as a bonus.

Bark from a mature mulberry, birch or aspen tree could be harvested and crafted into paper.

Certain trees could possibly be grafted onto each other by placing a sapling onto another tree. These would decrease the fruit yield, but would give multiple seperate fruit types from one tree. Only fruits from related species could graft (pome fruits: red and green apples, Asian pears, pears and quinces, citrus fruits: oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits and kumquats, and other groups, such as peaches and apricots). Alternatively, one type of tree could produce multiple types of fruit. For example, one apple tree could mainly produce red apples but have a rare chance of producing a green apple, or vice versa. A similar rule would apply to other fruit, such as grapes (red or green).

Grape could also be used to create wine

After eating a fruit, you have a chance of getting a fruit seed. Depending on the fruit type, it can be rarer for example banana seeds, definite in the case of stone fruits like peaches and avocados, and certain fruits such as lemons may have multiple seeds. If you right click a block with this it will plant a sapling of the respective tree or a baby version of the bush which will grow into a normal one. The seed will only become a sapling if the climate is correct.

I will update this thread with more suggestions. Hope you like. (I've been thinking of lot of suggestions lately, and this was just one of them)

Edited by AwesoMan3000

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Don't expect responses for all posts. There is no need to bump this. The only reason I haven't yet responded is that I haven't had the time to find the threads this suggestion duplicates as this thread does break rule #1.


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I think the idea of more types of fruit on a tree is a bit… interesting. Everything else I would be more than happy with, although the developers probably have more important things on their mind. Things that haven't been implemented yet as opposed to variety. Either way I still love creating massive orchards!

Don't expect responses for all posts. There is no need to bump this. The only reason I haven't yet responded is that I haven't had the time to find the threads this suggestion duplicates as this thread does break rule #1.

XD Its okay we don't all get the privilege of a quick and speedy locked thread!


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The topic I was think of is lousy, so I won't lock this. However kitty's point is relevant.

Really? has 20 different fruits, 13 vegetables, 6 grains with multiple stages, 10 different proteins and two sources of dairy.This mod has more kinds of food than pretty much any mod out there other than ones that focus specifically on only adding food (such as Pam's Harvestcraft). If anything, we would add more vegetables, grains, or proteins because fruit already has the most diversity out of all of the categories.


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Good point. That was possibly the only problem I thought of, so I'll change the idea a bit


Added it. Can this be the main thread for the idea? It's too many suggestions to fit into one reply

Edited by AwesoMan3000

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Mulberry is actually not a bush. In fact, it can grow into a massive tree, though they are usually about 10-30 ft tall.

Dewberries are basically the same thing as blackberries, apricots look WAY too much like peaches, and we don't need two new types of citrus.

I do actually agree that a few new fruit trees should be added, but not tropical, a lot fewer players live in tropical zones anyway. The ones from Europe and the Middle East would suffice. That being said, more vegetables would need to be added to balance the fruit. TFC could definitely use more fruit and vegetable variation though, of course not TOO much...

All of the following are trees except grapes:

-Grapes would be added, for winemaking. They wouldn't be grown like either fruit trees or berry bushes. They grow more like crops, slowly spreading up and out along fences. This could create a neat hedge.

-Mulberries would be tri-purpose, being used for fruit, for silk (if a silk-growing process is ever added), and their bark can be used to make paper.

-Figs- intensely sweet, and the trees grow very quickly.

-Persimmons- have tiny, greenish-white flowers. You have to harvest in late autumn, or else the fruit will taste horrible. It is toxically sweet when ripe though, sweeter than the sweetest sugar. These are Asiatic, but so are peaches, oranges, lemons, and bananas!

-Dates- From the Middle East, North Africa, and far Southern Europe. They would not flower, and would look like a palm, with different bark like bananas.

-Quinces- golden, pear-shaped fruit. They grow on trees, but the tress would be short with no exposed trunk.

-Sorbs- Small, sour fruit, about the size of a large cherry. These were very common and widely grown throughout Northern Europe during the Middle Ages, as were quinces.

Edited by anonymous conservative

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Mulberry is actually not a bush. In fact, it can grow into a massive tree, though they are usually about 10-30 ft tall.Lots of other amazing ideas here

Great ideas, I'll add these


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Aside from the soybean, the only source of protein is from meat products, and I think this should be balanced out. Some of the fruit higher in protein content, like apricots, avocados and coconuts, could be eaten for a relatively weak protein source. The same goes for calcium: the only way to obtain it is through milk and cheese, while some fruits and vegetables also contain a decent amount of calcium which could be used for this purpose. Also, if possible, they could simply mainly refill the fruit bar and also give Calcium/Protein in small amounts as a bonus.


The food categories in TFC are culinary, not nutritional. All foods are only a member of a single group, so either it's a protein, or it's a fruit, but it cannot be both.


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I see. You basically can't play this game and get max health if you're playing as a vegan/lactose intolerance or something, so I think that a fruit with a high enough calcium content to contribute to the dairy section would make sense. Or we could just add soymilk


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If you make the decision to intentionally avoid dairy while playing the game, you have the alternative of just getting more XP if you want to make up for the loss in max health.


Edit: The way the nutritional system is setup completely depends on how you want to look at it. There's two explanations that can both be used.


  • The player starts out with a standard max health of 1,000 HP. Each category accounts for 20% of the max health.
  • (Which is listed on the wiki explicitly to get people to stop complaining about dairy) "The first four categories account for 25% of the player's max health, with the dairy bar giving an additional boost of up to 25% the possible max health. For example, a starting player with no levels has a possible max health of 800HP with all four of the first categories filled. If one of these categories are empty while the other three are full, the player will have a max health of 600HP. If the player has a full dairy bar in addition to all four of the main categories being full, they will have a max health of 1,000HP."
Edited by Kittychanley

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So, dairy is basically bonus?

It's still hard to get (I haven't found any cows, or breed able animals for that manner, in any of my worlds), so I'll make different thread for it. I do remember seeing a thread on making milk from soybeans, so I'll see if I can bump that.

I've considered the ability to extract citric acid from oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit and use it as a throwable weapon. I'm not sure about it though, since it isn't a weak acid


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If that's what makes players happy and stop complaining about lactose intolerance/veganism/etc. then yes, dairy is a bonus. If you are a player that doesn't care and realizes this is just a game and will consume milk/cheese while playing, then dairy is just another one of the categories you can use to increase max health.


Also, if you eat salads/sandwiches that are very tasty, you'll get a residual bonus to all of the food categories, even if they aren't actually included in the meal. So it's entirely possible to keep your dairy bar full without actually eating/drinking any dairy for extended periods of time.


If you're seriously considering suggesting a lemon grenade, don't bother.


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Wait, lemon grenades are a thing? :o

It was more of a novelty idea after all. Right now the only believable, non-ridiculous idea would be to add citrus juice to arrows to deal extra damage, or simply as a drink. It could possibly also be used for acidic applications in a barrel (as opposed to alkaline limewater) for processing certain items.


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I'll give a bit of a tip for putting forward a suggestion that is more likely to garner a positive response.


The first thing to realize is that currently development for TFC has in most ways stopped. Dev time is focused on TFC2 (all Bioxx at this time) and fixing bugs/refining somethings in TFC (Kitty primarily). There isn't the impetus to create or do major changes in TFC. So realize that suggestions, if considered will be for TFC2, long way off. Or you put in PR with a convincing reason on why to merge/convince someone who can code that your idea is brilliant and that they should write up code and PR it. The more likely way is to convince someone it would be fun and that they should make an add-on that does what you wish.


Second thing is the suggestion. More is not better. There are 20 different types of fruit in TFC, doubling that number does little for actual gameplay beyond a bit of eye candy/helping some people with immersion. It is unlikely that the devs will want to devote time to coding the generation, all the items, the art assets, etc. just to have another fruit that does what all the other fruit does. It is a substantial amount of work. Just adding in something the same isn't adding gameplay, it is just adding bulk. Suggesting a whole new (time period appropriate) method for processing fruit, which adds in interesting mechanics and gameplay or suggesting a slight change in a current mechanic that adds gameplay is far more effective. 


Think mechanics and balance. You suggest getting a seed when you eat a fruit. What is a single fruit in TFC? Food is by weight, so is it the final bite you take of any fruit pile? Each bite? You can't really delineate that it must be X size to start with because the size slowly decreases with decay and eating and could not easily/feasibly be tracked. How many seeds would you expect to get from each tree harvested? Right now you have to wait for a tree to grow the side branches and pray to RNGesus for a sapling. The most you could hope for from a fully mature tree is 4 saplings, but that is long odds.  Within a season could you turn 1 tree into 2, 10, 100 more trees?


Lastly remember the rules. You are sneaking in more and more suggestions into this thread, many of which have been touched on and responded to before. Please keep it to one suggestion per thread, try your best to determine if the suggestion has been made and try and keep it as a suggestion that is (I hate saying it because it is twisted to beat people with) believable. So try and determine if it was something that was available prior to the 14th century (or is it 15th?) and western culture. Yes that biases it, but the devs had to choose a historical timeline to base progression on and it was western not eastern.


Hope that helps a bit.


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I'll give a bit of a tip for putting forward a suggestion that is more likely to garner a positive response. The first thing to realize is that currently development for TFC has in most ways stopped. Dev time is focused on TFC2 (all Bioxx at this time) and fixing bugs/refining somethings in TFC (Kitty primarily). There isn't the impetus to create or do major changes in TFC. So realize that suggestions, if considered will be for TFC2, long way off. Or you put in PR with a convincing reason on why to merge/convince someone who can code that your idea is brilliant and that they should write up code and PR it. The more likely way is to convince someone it would be fun and that they should make an add-on that does what you wish. Second thing is the suggestion. More is not better. There are 20 different types of fruit in TFC, doubling that number does little for actual gameplay beyond a bit of eye candy/helping some people with immersion. It is unlikely that the devs will want to devote time to coding the generation, all the items, the art assets, etc. just to have another fruit that does what all the other fruit does. It is a substantial amount of work. Just adding in something the same isn't adding gameplay, it is just adding bulk. Suggesting a whole new (time period appropriate) method for processing fruit, which adds in interesting mechanics and gameplay or suggesting a slight change in a current mechanic that adds gameplay is far more effective.  Think mechanics and balance. You suggest getting a seed when you eat a fruit. What is a single fruit in TFC? Food is by weight, so is it the final bite you take of any fruit pile? Each bite? You can't really delineate that it must be X size to start with because the size slowly decreases with decay and eating and could not easily/feasibly be tracked. How many seeds would you expect to get from each tree harvested? Right now you have to wait for a tree to grow the side branches and pray to RNGesus for a sapling. The most you could hope for from a fully mature tree is 4 saplings, but that is long odds.  Within a season could you turn 1 tree into 2, 10, 100 more trees? Lastly remember the rules. You are sneaking in more and more suggestions into this thread, many of which have been touched on and responded to before. Please keep it to one suggestion per thread, try your best to determine if the suggestion has been made and try and keep it as a suggestion that is (I hate saying it because it is twisted to beat people with) believable. So try and determine if it was something that was available prior to the 14th century (or is it 15th?) and western culture. Yes that biases it, but the devs had to choose a historical timeline to base progression on and it was western not eastern. Hope that helps a bit.

What's a PR? And I have considered making addons, but I don't know anything about coding so I'll probably request it as you suggested.I was considering getting the seeds from every random bite. Although I do see your point. I was intending the seeds to be a slightly moe convenient way of planting trees, since cuttings rarely grow (from personal experience, only 1 in about 20 freshly cut maple branches actually survived planting, although I was more than probably doing something obviously wrong) and this is basically what saplings are, and I've made fruit tree saplings into a more believable and fairly easy act of grafting. Just a more realistic, believable suggestion.I understand, although if I'm suggesting to add a lot of fruit it would be a lot easier to compile the suggestions for their uses into single thread, where they could be accessed more easily. Also, since humans were believed to have first appeared in the Eastern hemisphere according both to religion and some scientific studies, travelling to the U.S. would need to have done by boat, and they would likely have taken Eastern plants that they liked right? It's hard to explain, but basically if you can travel over oceans in TFC (even by swimming) then you could basically just take plants from all over the world home

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PR stands for Pull Request. TFC is open source, and a pull request is when somebody submits an edited version of the code to be added to the game. If you'd like to make your suggestion for an addon, instead of for the base game, please post in the appropriate forum, or let a member of forum staff know if you would like this entire topic moved there:


The single suggestion per post rule is there because while you may think compiling all the suggestions into one area is helpful, in reality when it comes time to search for one specific suggestion that's included in a wall of text, it's not. We have put these rules in place for a reason, please follow them or accept that your topic may be deleted.


TFC is not Earth. The developers have decided that the game mimics western culture, and that in the TFC world players initially spawn in a world that mimics the western portion of earth. Intentionally disregarding this game-style decision will just result in your suggestion being ignored.


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