Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[DISCONTINUED][TFC 0.79.29][0.13.0]TerraMisc - Misc, Magic, and More!

292 posts in this topic

16 minutes ago, Henning said:

Hi Powerman,


I have found something. I am not sure it is a real issue, but I thought I'd mention it: When you make coils in an anvil and after finishing the two coils you don't take them out off the anvil, but continue to make the chain links, you will lose one of the coils.

Thanks for this awsome mod btw. I really like it. It adds a lot of good things to TFC :D



What version of TerraMisc are you using? In 0.13.0 it should only be producing one coil at a time, from a single ingot; instead of the older double ingot for two coils method.


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Version: 0.10.0 (filename: [1.7.10]terramisc-0.10.0.jar) run on the ATLauncher in their TerrafirmaPack

The coils were made from wrought iron (although I would assume that the same mechanic applies to all metals). It was done on a wrought iron anvil.

As a suggestion, maybe use the same mechanic as is used for splitting refined blooms, where the resulting blooms are popping out as items when they are finished.



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On 11/9/2016 at 5:35 PM, Henning said:

Version: 0.10.0 (filename: [1.7.10]terramisc-0.10.0.jar) run on the ATLauncher in their TerrafirmaPack

The coils were made from wrought iron (although I would assume that the same mechanic applies to all metals). It was done on a wrought iron anvil.

As a suggestion, maybe use the same mechanic as is used for splitting refined blooms, where the resulting blooms are popping out as items when they are finished.



The issue has already been addressed, so I don't feel the need to change anything at this time. You can manually update TerraMisc through ATLauncher, it is fairly simple, and I'll contact the TerraFirmaPack people to get it updated officially to the correct version.


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On 11/8/2016 at 7:38 AM, Powerman913717 said:

In 0.13.0 it should only be producing one coil at a time, from a single ingot; instead of the older double ingot for two coils method.



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So, I absolutely love this mod, but I'm having a small issue. I've been trying to use the vanilla recipe for pistons (configurable in the TFCCrafting config file) instead of the TerraMisc one, but I don't seem to be able. I have "pistonRecipe=true" in the TFCCrafting config file, and "enableCraftingPiston=false" in the TerraMisc config file, but still the only way to make a piston is with the tuyere+sheet recipe. I would really like to enable the vanilla recipe, since it's 1 iron ingot versus 6 iron ingots! Haha I have tried starting a new world leaving everything as right now, but removing the TerraMisc mod, and it does work, so I'm guessing that it has something to do with TerraMisc.

Hope you can look into this, love the mod!


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10 hours ago, ElJere2706 said:

So, I absolutely love this mod, but I'm having a small issue. I've been trying to use the vanilla recipe for pistons (configurable in the TFCCrafting config file) instead of the TerraMisc one, but I don't seem to be able. I have "pistonRecipe=true" in the TFCCrafting config file, and "enableCraftingPiston=false" in the TerraMisc config file, but still the only way to make a piston is with the tuyere+sheet recipe. I would really like to enable the vanilla recipe, since it's 1 iron ingot versus 6 iron ingots! Haha I have tried starting a new world leaving everything as right now, but removing the TerraMisc mod, and it does work, so I'm guessing that it has something to do with TerraMisc.

Hope you can look into this, love the mod!


I'll look into when I have time, about to go on holiday. Likely an issue with the True/False method as that depends if it removes other recipes and implements my recipes. Please confirm that you are playing on (0.13.0) of TerraMisc, and I'll get back to you when I have a fix.


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On 22/11/2016 at 11:50 PM, Powerman913717 said:

I'll look into when I have time, about to go on holiday. Likely an issue with the True/False method as that depends if it removes other recipes and implements my recipes. Please confirm that you are playing on (0.13.0) of TerraMisc, and I'll get back to you when I have a fix.

Yes, I'm playing on 0.13.0. However, I already had the issue back when I was playing on 0.11, if that is of any help. I don't know if there whas a problem before, since I dind't try to craft pistons before that.

Edited by ElJere2706
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I managed to revive my forum account to bring up a question I've hunted through the entire thread on, and that is a lack of a basic FAQ on how some of the mechanics work.

So far I've managed to derp my way along making two double copper plates, before realizing the evaporation pan used two normal plates, then I figured out I actually needed to smith the damned thing. (haha)
Afterward, my lacking of fireclay proved to rob me of potential hot spring fertilizer (oh well), And now I'm trying to figure out how much soy paste goes into making soymilk, and if soymilk can end up curdling like standard milk or do any other milk-like things.

I hope you don't take my short statements here as an amount of irritation, honestly I love this mod, even if either my inability to find information or small bugs like the TFC's standard Quiver not working with the Longbow (To my understanding there's another quiver?) keeps bringing me back to this thread with limited fruition.

So is there some reference guide to the mod's mechanics?


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14 hours ago, Codaisthisguy said:


Afterward, my lacking of fireclay proved to rob me of potential hot spring fertilizer (oh well), And now I'm trying to figure out how much soy paste goes into making soymilk, and if soymilk can end up curdling like standard milk or do any other milk-like things.
So is there some reference guide to the mod's mechanics?

Hot spring fertilizer? Probably you are talking about different mod (Udary mod).

Generally, I strongly advise to use NEI with Recipe mode and additionally NEI TFC plugin, if you are playing with many mods, for easy checking  how to make something or how something can be used.




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On 12/17/2016 at 3:59 AM, Codaisthisguy said:

I managed to revive my forum account to bring up a question I've hunted through the entire thread on, and that is a lack of a basic FAQ on how some of the mechanics work.

So far I've managed to derp my way along making two double copper plates, before realizing the evaporation pan used two normal plates, then I figured out I actually needed to smith the damned thing. (haha)
Afterward, my lacking of fireclay proved to rob me of potential hot spring fertilizer (oh well), And now I'm trying to figure out how much soy paste goes into making soymilk, and if soymilk can end up curdling like standard milk or do any other milk-like things.

I hope you don't take my short statements here as an amount of irritation, honestly I love this mod, even if either my inability to find information or small bugs like the TFC's standard Quiver not working with the Longbow (To my understanding there's another quiver?) keeps bringing me back to this thread with limited fruition.

So is there some reference guide to the mod's mechanics?

The evaporation pan, and whatnot are not part of my addon.


Soy milk, if I remember correctly it is made at the same ratio as what the alcohol recipes use. Again, NEI and the the plugin for TFC should clarify all of that. Soy milk functions the same as the actual milk in TFC, can be used to make cheese, etc.

There is a quiver specific to TerraMisc, just place the standard quiver in your crafting grid and it gets converted.


P.S. I looked into the config option bugs, and honestly it looks to be a systemic problem with almost my entire config system. Based on the testing I did, so my conclusion is that it won't be fixed. This addon likely won't go much further, so if I ever come back to it, I'll fixed it. The system that sets up my config files wasn't even originally written by me, so it would be an intense process to find the issue.


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Powerman your mod seems to crash when adding it to technodefirmacraft 3.1, which is a shame because I really like your mod and older versions of the pack and mod worked together just fine.

The error seems to be a null pointer in the fluid registry. Crashlog:

I hope you can find the issue


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I seem to be having a crashing issue, every time I try to load TFC with your Mod it crashes, is there a fix or it some other mod I'm playing with possibly causing the problem?


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On 3/26/2017 at 5:09 PM, Cori1989 said:

I seem to be having a crashing issue, every time I try to load TFC with your Mod it crashes, is there a fix or it some other mod I'm playing with possibly causing the problem?

I need a mod list, and a crash report to start with...there is an entire section on the OP about reporting bugs; check it out.


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When you say we need hot water to make tallow, do you mean hot water from springs or what?


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49 minutes ago, Sharnuo said:

When you say we need hot water to make tallow, do you mean hot water from springs or what?

No, put bucket with fresh water into fire pit or forge.


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27 minutes ago, ciekma said:

No, put bucket with fresh water into fire pit or forge.

You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you very much.


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The bow crafting recipe with knife dupes the knife...does anyone else have the same problem?


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3 hours ago, wormzjl said:

The bow crafting recipe with knife dupes the knife...does anyone else have the same problem?

I did not observed such bugs, neither for TFCMisc or Udary mod. Maybe you have other buggy mod which interfere? Or just lag which show fake duplicates.


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8 hours ago, wormzjl said:

The bow crafting recipe with knife dupes the knife...does anyone else have the same problem?

Is this on a Thermos server, single player or vanilla server? I am discovering that Thermos causes things to work in a different way than expected.


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I'd also ask if you added this mod to TechNodefirmacraft pack. We have a custom TFC fork and rewrote the tool code to use the normal forge methods. This would result in tool duplication. 


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11 hours ago, StrayWolfe said:

Is this on a Thermos server, single player or vanilla server? I am discovering that Thermos causes things to work in a different way than expected.

It's on single player, probably there is some interference from other addons...


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Hi ! Very interesting mod, but... I modified the standard texture of mod ( from 16x16 to 64x64 pixels ) and mod is not loaded. Can this be solved ?
P.S  Sorry for my English...



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On 11/4/2017 at 10:06 AM, Vlk said:

Hi ! Very interesting mod, but... I modified the standard texture of mod ( from 16x16 to 64x64 pixels ) and mod is not loaded. Can this be solved ?
P.S  Sorry for my English...


Did you use a resource pack? Or did you edit files within the mod itself?


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