Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[DISCONTINUED][TFC 0.79.29][0.13.0]TerraMisc - Misc, Magic, and More!

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TerraMisc (0.8.0) Released! Crossbow Update! :D Check changelog for more details.


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TerraMisc (0.8.0) Released! Crossbow Update! :D Check changelog for more details.

Just downloaded to try this out, and I can't a) figure out how to load the xbow and it has a no texture box (checked thingy) when I do the draw animation.


Also just a heads up, but if you have TerraMisc and Leather Watersac installed the deer don't drop tendons, may be something to do with the fact that the deer now drop bladders for the watersac addon.






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The LeatherWaterSac is just adding the bladder to the list of items that are already being dropped, nothing gets deleted. Must be something else why tendons don't drop.


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The LeatherWaterSac is just adding the bladder to the list of items that are already being dropped, nothing gets deleted. Must be something else why tendons don't drop.


Odd as I had both installed, and killed 6 deer, and no tendons dropped. Removed leather water sac and repeated the process and got 6 tendons. As far as I am aware tendons are a 100% drop chance.


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Ok, I'll do some checking on the mob drops.


About the crossbow so are you saying it has no texture at all, like the purple/black pattern is appearing? Is it invisible? Or are you having trouble telling when its loaded? The loaded texture places the tip of the bolt behind the front of the crossbow. Everything worked fine in eclipse but sometimes things get screwy once its exported.


Edit: I see what you mean about the texture, I'll check it out this afternoon when I get back from school.

Edited by Powerman913717

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I'll think about this, I want to make sure that TFC maintains its normal progression with my addon. This addon is intended to provide additional cool things to TFC that don't altar the balance of the core mod.



Sure, it should be part of the next release. :)

Hmm, how about the half logs can be split in to rough planks, which can only be used for very basic wood-work? IE; Fences and fence gates, nest-boxes and sluices?

Also, how about making half-logs splitable in to quarters, for fires and carving with a knife to produce sticks?


Also, using the knife as a crude chisel, with a random chance of making too many chips (2-5 extra around the area targeted) would be fun, if infuriating when you come to completing something XD - Stone knives should only be usable on wood, dirt and other materials softer than the tool's stone.


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Ok, I'll do some checking on the mob drops.


About the crossbow so are you saying it has no texture at all, like the purple/black pattern is appearing? Is it invisible? Or are you having trouble telling when its loaded? The loaded texture places the tip of the bolt behind the front of the crossbow. Everything worked fine in eclipse but sometimes things get screwy once its exported.


Edit: I see what you mean about the texture, I'll check it out this afternoon when I get back from school.


Yeah the purple and black pattern for the texture. Obviously couldn't tell if it was loaded as the texture was all borked, but the tool tip was saying unloaded. I am assuming you just right click to reload?






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I'm testing a fix right now, if it works a new version will be out in a few moments.


Edit: The mob drops are working correctly with leather water sack installed now, still having issues with the textures but I have narrowed down the source of the problem.

Edited by Powerman913717

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The sorts of things that would really get me excited would be Thatch/Jute slings, which are the second most plausable early game missile weapon (After the obvious thrown sharpened stick.) This might be that I do a little bit of slinging practice, and find the art of embeding stone/clay objects in trees on accident to be very interesting. Course, lead would be the strongest slinging material... (It would actually be nice to see lead be useful.)


The good news is that the proper posture for slinging, and throwing an object don't actually happen to be too different from one another. The whole dramatic "Spin it over your head" thing is kinda just an invention of modern imagination/film.


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I've tried out the config option for the draw speed of the Longbow. It seems like it only accepts integer values because when I type in 0.5 it resets to 1 after game launch. So I can't reduce the draw time (except if I set it to 0).


Also the animation isn't synchronised with the actual draw time. For example when I set the draw time to 10 I can fully draw the bow with normal draw speed. When I release the arrow right after the full animation no Arrow gets shot. When I wait a little longer before I let the arrow go the arrow gets shot.

Fun fact: I can set the value to 0 and can rapid fire arrows with full power without draw animation (almost like in Minecraft beta 1.7 and earlier) xD.


Looking forward to the fixed version of Terramisc, I'm really loving the Longbow, but the draw time is a bit too long :D.


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The sorts of things that would really get me excited would be Thatch/Jute slings, which are the second most plausable early game missile weapon (After the obvious thrown sharpened stick.) This might be that I do a little bit of slinging practice, and find the art of embeding stone/clay objects in trees on accident to be very interesting. Course, lead would be the strongest slinging material... (It would actually be nice to see lead be useful.)


The good news is that the proper posture for slinging, and throwing an object don't actually happen to be too different from one another. The whole dramatic "Spin it over your head" thing is kinda just an invention of modern imagination/film.


I won't say no cause I can always get bored and could end up coding something, I would push back the tier requirements on the crossbow, and longbow if slings were introduced and have slings has a low or mid tier at or below the normal bow. I think for the most part I've introduced plenty of weapon options for now, so this would be at the end of my list of things to do.


I've tried out the config option for the draw speed of the Longbow. It seems like it only accepts integer values because when I type in 0.5 it resets to 1 after game launch. So I can't reduce the draw time (except if I set it to 0).


Also the animation isn't synchronised with the actual draw time. For example when I set the draw time to 10 I can fully draw the bow with normal draw speed. When I release the arrow right after the full animation no Arrow gets shot. When I wait a little longer before I let the arrow go the arrow gets shot.

Fun fact: I can set the value to 0 and can rapid fire arrows with full power without draw animation (almost like in Minecraft beta 1.7 and earlier) xD.


Looking forward to the fixed version of Terramisc, I'm really loving the Longbow, but the draw time is a bit too long :D.


Already fixed for the next update, thanks for reporting it. :P The longbow will be getting a revamp soonish though, not so much draw speed but something a bit more interesting.

Edited by Powerman913717

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I won't say no cause I can always get bored and could end up coding something, I would push back the tier requirements on the crossbow, and longbow if slings were introduced and have slings has a low or mid tier at or below the normal bow. I think for the most part I've introduced plenty of weapon options for now, so this would be at the end of my list of things to do.


Understandable. If you made ranged weapons skill based, there would be way more sense to having an abundance of ranged weapons with different tech levels of introduction/skill requirements, but for now, a sling would be a convinient excuse for a crushing/untyped damage causing ranged weapon. (Of course, pellet crossbows would be an equally convinient excuse that could reuse assets.)


Well, that, and maybe if pheasants were more common and cowardly, this would also add merit to the idea of a sling being an early game hunting weapon as well.


Or shields.... Slings/javelins can be used with shiel...


Regardless, I guess my point is, there would be a lot of concessions to making slings really interesting in TFC, most of which would probably be applicable to PVP servers. Might be a bit much given this is simply the requests of some random sling-nut who came to these forums out of nowhere.


Of course.... If we were going the "Ranged weapons as a skill," thing... Practice targets would also be a nice addition.


Probably a thatch block with a medium raw-hide on it, could use painted leather in an upgrade. Either way, the target-hide breaks after getting shot up enough.....

Edited by WalrusJones

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Already fixed for the next update, thanks for reporting it. :P The longbow will be getting a revamp soonish though, not so much draw speed but something a bit more interesting.


Sounds awesome :D. Getting totally excited to see what you are up to, can't wait xD.


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TerraMisc(0.8.1) Released! Everything should be fully functional now, check change log for additional details.


Please note if you have already crafted a crossbow in an older version you need to either craft a new one, or use the repair recipe to update it.


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Longbow bug report again :P (assuming this is a bug). The draw time seems to change the arrow speed. For example when I change the draw time to 0.2 the arrow drops down as the bow would have barely drawn. If I set the draw time to 0 the arrow just drops down to my feet. I'm not entirely sure if longer draw times than 1 increase the arrow speed over the normal limits, but it seems that way.


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I'll get that fixed, O_o I'm not use to doing these config things...some many things one number can affect! :P


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TerraMisc(0.8.2) Released! Check change log for additional details.


Please note if you have a longbow you need to either craft a new one, or use the repair recipe to update it. This prevents crashes, as either of these two methods will update the nbt data on the item.


Edit: Btw the longbow is no longer compatible with the quiver, except for when your using normal stone arrows.

Edited by Powerman913717

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(Daily) Longbow bug report :rolleyes::

Bug1: The longbow doesn't take regular stone arrows from the quiver.

Bug2: You can draw the longbow if you don't have any arrows available (or stone arrows only in the quiver(bug1)), but it doesn't shoot the arrow.

Bug3: If you draw the longbow without any arrows available and pick some arrows up (without a quiver equipped, so the arrows aren't usable by the longbow(Bug1)) before releasing it the game crashes. (Nullpointer exception)


Terrafirmacraft, Terramisc 0.8.2


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(Daily) Longbow bug report :rolleyes::

Bug1: The longbow doesn't take regular stone arrows from the quiver.

Bug2: You can draw the longbow if you don't have any arrows available (or stone arrows only in the quiver(bug1)), but it doesn't shoot the arrow.

Bug3: If you draw the longbow without any arrows available and pick some arrows up (without a quiver equipped, so the arrows aren't usable by the longbow(Bug1)) before releasing it the game crashes. (Nullpointer exception)


Terrafirmacraft, Terramisc 0.8.2


Bug1: I'm just going to remove compatibility with the quiver all together, no sense in it supporting stone arrows when it doesn't support the tiered ones.

Bug2: I'm adding a simple check to make sure you can't draw it without arrows in your inventory.

Bug3: The fix for bug 2 should also fix this.


I'm thinking about maybe a test team to test new features before releases to try and limit the amount of bugs that are in the full released versions, as its hard for me to anticipate where there could be errors as I test things under ideal conditions.

TerraMisc(0.8.3) Released! Check changelog for more details.


Regarding the release testing team thing, I'll put something more official together if people are interested in it.


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Bug1: I'm just going to remove compatibility with the quiver all together, no sense in it supporting stone arrows when it doesn't support the tiered ones.

Bug2: I'm adding a simple check to make sure you can't draw it without arrows in your inventory.

Bug3: The fix for bug 2 should also fix this.


I'm thinking about maybe a test team to test new features before releases to try and limit the amount of bugs that are in the full released versions, as its hard for me to anticipate where there could be errors as I test things under ideal conditions.


It's a shame that Quiver support will be dropped, I really like the quiver. Isn't there an API wich lets you add your own arrows to the quiver? Or could you make your own quiver with support for all your arrows (and the normal stone ones) and bolts for use with your Longbow and your crossbow? Or even specialised quivers (One for the normal bow, wich already exists, one for the longbow and one for the crossbow)? I'm getting too many ideas here :D.


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Most likely this is a temporary fix, I haven't really dug into the quiver code yet as I'm on limited time during the week, it may or maynot be possible for me to add my arrows to it. As for bolts ideally I would create a separate bolt bag of sorts for the crossbow.


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longbows are crashing the client when you try to use them. v0.8.3

this is without a quiver and with a newly crafted longbow.


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I have a support section in the main post with the format for proper crash reports, please fill this out. I can't track down a bug like this without additional information including what version of TFC, Forge, and the crash report itself.


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I need some help, The crossbow doesn't appear and when I read my logs when minecraft is launching - Error, CrossBow_loaded.png and other crossbow textures don't get loaded - ingame the crossbow doesn't apper, I use Minecraft Forge10.13.4.1481 , TerraMisc-0.6.8. , TerraFirmaCraft- ,  (and some mods when I play that do not cause the bug and I am sure) now the log when it happens and I have no idea how, but I see the textures - they are in the mod, but do not get loaded for some errors (this is while my minecraft is loading textures and loading the crossbow texture):


[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]: +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=

[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]: The following texture errors were found.
[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]: ==================================================
[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]:   DOMAIN tfcm
[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]: --------------------------------------------------
[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]:   domain tfcm is missing 4 textures
[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]:     domain tfcm has 1 location:
[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]:       mod tfcm resources at C:\Documents and Settings\Almantas\Application Data\.minecraft\mods\[1.7.10]TerraMisc-0.6.8.jar
[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]: -------------------------
[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]:     The missing resources for domain tfcm are:
[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]:       textures/items/CrossBow_loaded.png
[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]:       textures/items/CrossBow_loading_0.png
[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]:       textures/items/CrossBow_loading_1.png
[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]:       textures/items/CrossBow_loading_2.png
[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]: -------------------------
[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]:     No other errors exist for domain tfcm
[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]: ==================================================
[14:36:44] [Client thread/ERROR] [TEXTURE ERRORS]: +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
Edited by Exer

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Try a the newer version of TerraMisc, the crossbow was not completely implemented in 6.8, it was added in the 8.0 versions.

Edited by Powerman913717

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