Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Taeo's WIP addons - TerraThaumcraft, TTFCAPI, TTFCMat

722 posts in this topic

WARNING: This mod is incomplete, and development has ceased. I'm leaving this up as a reference only. Thank you for your interest, and sorry. Nobody wanted this addon more than I did, but I lost the fight for spare time.

Hi there everyone. As I develop and update a server for my friends and myself, I've been developing some compatibility patches for various mods. I'll be sharing the ones that are based on open source code.

There are also a few supporting mods to allow TerraThaumcraft and my other mods to function.

  • TTFCAPI (Taeo's TerraFirmaCraft API)
    • A mod focused on expanding and bugfixing TFC, as TFC is no longer in development. 
    • Its a prerequisite for all my other mods
    • Unfortunately, it will most likely be incompatible with many TFC modpacks that also alter how TFC functions. I've done my best to maintain compatibility with other addons, but there is only so much I can do. I welcome DM's from other addon devs or concerned players to address incompatibilities where they arise
    • Features include
      • Added potential treasure drops from fishing. Included is a registry to add more items. Loot is weighted and changes based on enchantment of fishing rod.
      • Breaks cap on magical damage, balances and fixes enchantments/potions. Config options are available to adjust values
      • Climate based ore generation option for addons (ie only generate your ore in volcanic areas with a pine forest)
      • API for easily adding more wood types (WIP)
      • Moss stone (this probably should go into TTFCMat)
      • Registry for items that should not fit in chests
      • Added an interface for generating surface debris for addon ores
      • Fixed tree generation to properly generate trees (config option available to ignore my fix)
      • SmartMoving AND multiplayer capability for back items. Other players can now see the barrel on your back, and it follow you properly if you have smart moving instead of hovering in one spot
      • Fixed the ProPick to properly report addon ores with multiple metadatas
      • Javelins and arrows can now hold enchantments. Javelins will also retain their enchantment when picked up
      • Added capability for desert plant types
      • fixed some crashes from being in other dimensions. Still working on fixing the inventory desync
  • TTFCMat (Taeo's TerraFirmaCraft Materials)
    • A Mod focused on adding world generation for other mods
    • prerequisite for many of my mods
    • Features include
      • Smeltable redstone dust (for those mods that have redstone alloys)
      • Applied Energistics 2 world generation (Meteors and certus quartz)
      • Big Reactors world generation (Yellorite)
      • Project Red world Generation (Electrotine ore)
      • Tinkers' Construct world generation (cobalt and ardite ore)
      • Tungsten and Bauxite ore generation
      • nether quartz generation in the main world
      • tfc style ingots for all previously mentioned mods (smeltable, stackable)
      • nuggets for all metal types  and nugget moulds (amount of metal per nugget is configurable)
      • fixed a crash when some types of TFC metals were poured into a crucible
  • TerraThaumcraft


Major Milestones

  • Thaumic Devices
    • Status: 90%
    • Description: Add TFC features to TC, make TC devices work as expected with TFC components
    • Progress Details:
      • Thaumic Anvil
        • Status: COMPLETE
        • Description: A new anvil type that can work thaumium and other magic components. Has a wand slot for recipes that require Vis. Otherwise functions as a Wrought Iron Anvil.
      • Crucible
        • Status : COMPLETE
        • Description : Thaumcraft Crucible capable of being heated by forge/firepit and of being filled by TFC Fresh Water. Also allows player to interact with forge/firepit if they click between the crucible's legs. Does not function as TFC crucible
      • Arcane Furnace
        • Status: COMPLETE
        • Description: Heats metal items (that can be heated) to **Danger** level, Melts unshaped ingots, cooks food random amount and flavour profile.
      • Lamps
        • Status: 50%
        • Description: Lamp of Growth and lamp of Fertility should work as intended with TFC crops/livestock
        • Progress Details: Lamp of Growth now works, but the Lamp of Fertility conceptually doesn't work with TFC. A new purpose for it will have to be imagined.
  • Equipment
    • Status: 20%
    • Description: Thaumcraft weapons/wands/armor ported over to TFC damage system and provided magic anvil recipes
    • Progress Details:
      • Thaumium Equipment: COMPLETE
      • Void Metal Equipment: 0%
      • Elemental Equipment: 0%
      • Wand Caps: COMPLETE
      • Wand Foci : 0%
      • Fortress/Crimson Armors: 0%
  • Mobs
    • Status: 95%
    • Description: Eldritch guardians, cultists and bosses have their armor/damage output adjusted
    • Progress Details: All mobs are implemented to do/recieve TFC typed damage and have adjust HP. Armor ratings and damage output still need to be adjusted.
  • Aspects
    • Status: 90%
    • Description: Scanning TFC blocks/items with Thaumometer or destroying them for essentia  yields proper results
    • Progress Details: Food and unshaped metal now provide aspects based on their mass. All TFC items and blocks have assigned aspects, and weapon aspects have been rebalanced. Still needs aspects for my items/blocks, and some testing
  • Golems
    • Status: 75%
    • Description: Golems that interact properly with various TFC Blocks and entities
    • Progress Details:
      • Alchemy: ALREADY WORKS
      • Butcher: 99% - Requires Balancing
      • Chop: COMPLETE
      • Decanting: 0%
      • Empty: 50%
      • Fill: 50%
      • Fishing: COMPLETE
      • Gather: 50%
      • Guard: 99% - Requires Balancing
      • Harvest: COMPLETE
      • Use: ALREADY WORKS
      • Sorting: 50%
      • Balance Golem HP/attack damage/upgrades: 50%
      • Advanced Golem advanced features: 0%
  • WorldGen
    • Status: 95%
    • Description: Make Thaumcraft biomes/dimensions available (Magic, Taint, Eldritch), and ores/plants/structures spawn
    • Progress Details: Only thing missing is wizard villagers and their houses. No vanilla villages, afterall. Also, elemental ores currently spawn everywhere, until I can devise a good method to test the climate based generation code

Minor Milestones

  • Taint Effects -
    • COMPLETE Magic biomes now properly color the grass/foliage. Taint poison damage has been rebalanced, and TFC mobs that die create tainted mobs.
  • Enchantments -
    • COMPLETE All enchantments have been balanced and generally made work with the other tools.
  • Potions -
    • COMPLETE Potions and related magic effects have been balanced. 
  • Status Effects -
    • COMPLETE Damage and healing has been adjusted for various status effects/potions. Both Vanilla and Thaumcraft ones. Alcohol poisoning currently causes wither damage instead of bleeding.
  • Recipes -
    • 50% adjust recipes, both in-game and in-thaumonomicon to require TFC items (ie sheets instead of ingots, full blocks unstead of slabs, etc)
  • Wood -
    • 99% Thaumcraft's Trees, (the silverwood and greatwood) interact like TFC trees. (ie axe can fell the whole thing at once, logs and lumber like TFC wood). Currently cannot bash into sticks or be used as a leather rack, or be used as fuel in a fire.
  • Wood Products -
    • COMPLETE Armor stands, tool racks, doors, looms, lumber, support beams, barrels, chests, fences and fence gates can all be made from silverwood/greatwood.
  • Nether Components -
    • 75% Need to add alternative recipes/items to replace things normally brought from the nether. Nether stars, wither skulls are currently unattainable, quartz can be found in the overworld, soulsand, netherbricks and glowstone can currently be made through alchemy, blaze rods and magma cream can be collected, and netherwart can be grown as a crop
  • Hungry Nodes -
    • COMPLETE Damage has been balanced
  • Damage Types/Resistance -
    • 50% Runic shielding has been balanced, Champion mobs haven't been touched yet
  • Chisel Support -
    • 0% Make a selection of TC blocks chiselable. Intention is arcane stones, eldritch stone, and silverwood/greatwood planks. Also should make sure you can't chisel through magically protected blocks
  • Config File -
    • 10% Some config options available. Intend to give options to change heal/damage ratios on effects, amount of aspects per oz of food, etc.
  • SmartMoving Support -
    • 99% All the 3D armors work with SmartMoving, but conflicts with the magic boots haven't been touched.


  • The main goal isn't just to smush these two mods together so they "work", I want to be able to maintain some semblance of balance.
    • What does this mean? - Golems wont gain skill, Thaumcraft weapons won't be overpowered, Thaumcraft items will be difficult to craft if an equivalent TFC item is etc
  • I also don't want to add features that neither mod possesses.
    • What does this mean? - Adding a thaumium anvil, Good. Adding a glass blowing mechanic to make essentia bottles and wand foci, Bad. (Although don't be surprised to see that feature in a separate addon)
  • Other compatibility patches in the works
    • Witchery
    • Forestry (w/ magicbees and extrabees support)
    • Mekanism
    • Immersive Engineering
    • Tinkers' Construct
    • Thaumcraft 5 backport
    • Mine & Blade Battlegear
    • BetterStorage
    • IronChests
    • Special Mobs
    • Mo'Creatures
    • Artifice
    • Ye Gamol Chattels
    • RailCraft



WARNING: This code is in an Alpha state. This means the code is buggy, incomplete, and liable to change. Future versions could corrupt your older saves. Please only use this for testing purposes.

Use at your own risk.

    In order to use this addon you need the Newest versions of TFC and Thaumcraft 4 as well as Forge 1.7.10-1558 or newer. You will also need TerraThaumcraft, TTFCAPI and TMaterials. Downloading the newest versions of each is recommended

     You're free to use this in any modpack you choose, given that you understand the warning above. If possible, please link back to this thread. This mod is currently closed source, but will be opened in the future.



Edited by TaeoG

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I Think with world gen based on how TFC does it, it would not so much be biomes but adding the spawning temps and altitudes to the trees. But, I'm not an expert. The dimension from thaumcraft should still be viable as long as the altar to open the portal spawns correcting in TFC. However reducing the spawn rate would be good; in my experience with TC they spawn everywhere compared to how much land gets explored in TFC worlds.


As far as the wand caps it is a progression thing and working gold and silver is more available at a lower stage. Being that the thaumium anvil is used to craft your metal stuff I would suggest adding lower tier anvil plans, like adding the gold and silver wand caps to the standard anvil system. I know that with the anvil api you can control which tier of anvil you can craft a recipe on. Also void metal is a higher tier later on in thaumcraft so maybe having a void metal anvil would help balance things.


The crucible is really nice from thaumcraft, but lacks tiers like the anvil system in TFC, so maybe have tiered crucible system would help balance. I know that would mean coding a large new system that separates the recipes.


This sounds really good and I'm really looking forward to see this, I hope this gives you some ideas and helps. :D


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hmm, that's one thing that didn't occur to me before. Gold and Silver wand caps need vis to craft, but you'll typically have them before you make thaumium, so needing a thaumium anvil won't work. I think I'll make "inert" gold and silver wand caps as lower tier anvil recipes that need to be completed on an Arcane Workbench, and leave the magic anvil recipes allowing you to make them in one shot for the magic anvil.


But now I have to think of what other thaumcraft items are

  • metal
  • require vis for crafting
  • typically are crafted before thaumium is abundant.

I guess the question really is: How hard is it to make thaumium? In vanilla thaumcraft it's just iron and praecantatio, how hard is it to get that?


As for a Void Anvil, I've been thinking about it, for sure. Just not really sure it's worth the extra implementation time to have multiple tiers of magic anvils. In Thaumcraft the cost of acquiring the raw components already plays a large part in balancing it. Could use more opinions either way on that one.

Edited by TaeoG

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Well as far as how hard it will be to get thaumium will be based on what aspects are applied to the TFC items, I think that chiseled sandstone was the prefered method for praecantatio in vanila, but that is unobtainable in TFC and doesn't make much since. One way to make thaumium tougher is for the crucible to yield an unusable ingot that needs to be worked on an anvil before using it. Like how red/blue steel require working of their ingots to become usable.


Also what about the shards, they will need to be added to the ore generation system. I think binding fire shards to igneous rock, earth to metamorphic, and water to sedimentary would be a start but that leaves air, order, and entropy. Of course maybe being more selective of the rock types rather than using just all from a specific set.


I know from messing around with resource packs that the shard ore image is overlaid on the rock like how TFC puts ore over the rock so some of what you need is already there.


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That's an interesting take on shard generation. I was thinking more climate/biome/ylevel based distribution.


airshards up high in the mountains or in dry biomes,

water in wet biomes and under the oceans


But I haven't put much thought into it yet, as WorldGen is an enigma to me at the moment.


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All of my yes.  I love this mod in vanilla, it would be awesome to combine it with TFC.


One thing: should it be accessible from the beginning of the playthrough, or should it be a late-game thing?  I was personally thinking at least some aspects of it should be accessible early on. If you could cast wand caps in ceramic molds (if you wanted to start out that early) and begin gathering magical materials and vis, that could work.


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Personally I'd like to keep it as a mid to late game thing, gives people something to work towards, but I'm open to suggestions. If someone really wanted to get golems going early on he could, however golems won't produce as much food as a player with high agriculture skill, so it would likely be wasteful.


 Anything in thaumcraft that relies on thaumium, and therefore iron, will be at least mid game, or late game if I make it a steel product instead. 


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Steel seems a bit too extreme to me, as it is an entirely new stage of metallurgy that usually takes players a lot longer to reach than iron.  However, if we use reaching the iron age as a liftoff point, we could perhaps make more and more magical items from there (maybe a thaumium blast furnace?)


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Steel seems a bit too extreme to me, as it is an entirely new stage of metallurgy that usually takes players a lot longer to reach than iron.  However, if we use reaching the iron age as a liftoff point, we could perhaps make more and more magical items from there (maybe a thaumium blast furnace?)

Steel would make it late-game, for sure. Some ideas I've been rolling around are 

  • Having thaumium AND thaumium Steel. The steel tools being required to make the higher-end elemental and possibly void equipment
  • Thaumic Steel anvil could potentially use ignis centi-vis to maintain the heat of your working materials. I don't want to give this ability to an Iron-tier anvil, but once we're up around the colored steels I think it would be a nice addition

What would a thaumium blast furnace do that a normal blast furnace does not?


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Golems can now harvest berry bushes and fruit trees. They are too short for the trees though, so you'll need to build something for them.


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Golems can now Fish. Keep in mind fish can only be caught during certain hours, and doing so will lower the fish population in the area, leading to less fish caught over time.


Stronger Golems can catch larger amount of fish, but a skilled player will be able to catch a lot bigger fish than even the strongest golem.

Golems with the ignis upgrade produce fish cooked to a perfect Medium, yum.

Edited by TaeoG

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Golems can now butcher animals, and can do TFC level and type of damage to animals, monsters and players.


Butcher Golems will butcher an animal if:

  • It is not pregnant
  • It is an adult
  • There is another adult animal in visual range of the same species and sex, with higher or the same familiarity

What this means is the butcher golems should leave you with only your highest familiarity animal of each sex and species, sparing the children and pregnant females. So keep them away from your chicken coop and milk cows.


I'm not marking them as complete yet, as I haven't decided on the proper damage level on guards or amount of food yield on butchering. Currently they do a flat 20x their vanilla damage, as "Generic" damage, and butchers yield the same amount of meat as a player with a skill rating of 1.


They will also attempt to butcher wolves. I haven't decided if that's a feature yet

Edited by TaeoG

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The Lamp of Growth now recognizes TFC Crops. However, I'm uncertain as to HOW the Lamp should affect crops.


Currently they vastly increase the growth speed of the plants, however that leaves the soil quickly and completely drained of nutrients. While this does have a retarding effect on the growth of any further plants, with the multiplier given by the lamp it's hardly noticeable. I think, for balance reasons, the Lamp shouldn't work on crops that don't have the nutrients they need. However, conceptually that doesn't make a lot of sense, as the lamp is essentially providing those nutrients in a magical form, to improve growth. So I'm left at an impasse. 


Should Arcane Lamps of Growth:

  • increase crop growth rate directly, but only as long as there are nutrients available
  • simply keep the area fertilized, and maybe increase the growth rate directly by a much smaller amount
  • Instantly grow the crops, leaving gravel where the farmland used to be
  • some other option? Keep in mind I want something that isn't overpowered, but is still noticeable, while making sense conceptually

Any opinions?


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Instead of effecting growth how about the lamp increases nutrients in the soil over time. The rate could be such that is equivalent to use, so there could be incentive to rotate, but not a need.


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I like that, it could provide the fertilizer nutrient type as well, but in small amounts.


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If you're saying what I think, the lamp would essentially negate nutrient loss in the soil, as it replenishes it at about the rate that it is used by the plants. It seems fair enough, the player doesn't get more food than anyone else, they just don't have to mess around rotating their crops. 


But... Would that be noticeable to the end user? It certainly would disappointing for those who expected their plants to shoot right up like vanilla ones do


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If it provide the fertilizer nutrient they would grow a little bit faster, enough to be noticeable but not overpowered.


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Growth speed is determined by the current levels of nutrients, as well as any fertilizer. When a plant has the fertilizer nutrient + full other nutrients, it does grow about 1.15 times faster than a crop that has a full plot of nutrients with no fertilizer. Compared to an unfertilized plot that is only half-full of nutrients, a full nutrient+fertilizer plot will grow 1.68 times faster. So by making it so the lamp keeps crops fertilized and with full nutrients, the vanilla boost will happen. It also means that the crops are always going to grow at that same maximum speed, instead of slowing down growth as they drain more and more nutrients.


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ya, I think this will work. I'm gonna have to put some tricky stuff in to avoid abuse of the mechanic, but having it restore nutrients and fertilizer should be sufficient.


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The Lamp of Growth now properly handles TFC crops, at a rate of approx 1.5 herba per plant per day, with a range of 6 blocks from the lamp in all directions.


The Lamp:

  • Fertilizes occupied farmland and maxes out the nutrient the plant present requires
  • Boosts the plant's growth 10%, on top of the boost already provided by the high nutrients
  • Does not affect wild plants, or empty farmland
  • Will continue to run while the chunk is unloaded or player character is asleep, as long as there is enough essentia in a connected container.

Due to limitations on how Thaumcraft's tubes handle the transfer of essentia, it is possible that some Essentia Containers in the same pipe system as the lamp may be drawn from or ignored when not appropriate, if the pipe system is particularly complex. This is a potential bug that I will endeavor to fix if it crops up, but it hasn't yet in testing.

Edited by TaeoG

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In the beginning stages of collaboration with user vidaj. He's already found ways to make other dimensions (including the nether and the eldritch) play with TFC. It's exciting stuff. Some testing is required, and it will take a bit of work to properly merge our code, but worldgen is likely the largest hurdle to cross on this project and he's already made good headway. Greatwood trees and silverwood trees and the few thaumcraft plants and ores are all partially working as well through his implementation. I'll update the OP with a proper estimate of progress once we've gotten the code settled in.


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Finished the rendering of the various TFC ores, working on their generation code now.

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Still working on Ore Generation.

  • fire stone appears in deserts and areas with volcanic activity
  • water stone appears under oceans and lakes
  • earth stone appears in jungle biomes
  • order stone appears in tall mountains
  • Entropy appears in swamps
  • Air stone appears in plains

This all works fine, but I also added some trace amounts of all stones that can appear anywhere. This is causing some really strange behaviour out of the ore gen code, so it's taking me a while to debug it. 

Edited by TaeoG

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Wow, this is just awesome! My two favourite mods working together, I've been waiting a lot for this!


Now I hope I'm not too late to give some help. I'll start by answering to the questions in the OP.


  • How strong should the mobs be, especially the bosses? Both in offense and defense. Currently I'm using a 1000hp character in wrought iron armor with a wrought iron weapon vs a vanilla character in iron armor with an iron weapon as the baseline, and basing power levels off that. IE vanilla thaumium tools are identical to iron, except they last twice as long and have special enchanting properties, so I made the ported ones the same as wrought iron with twice the durability and special enchanting options. Good approach or no? 

A thing TFC does is make everything harder, so I was thinking that a 20% more strenght on mobs would be right, 30% for bosses. Due to the fact that TC is a middle game mod that you unlock way later compared to vanilla, it would be good to increase difficulty a bit, as you'll probably have gained more experience (not the exp used for enchanting, but the player's exp, such as knowledge of the game mechanics, predicting how mobs react...) and you'll also be more prepared due to the time you had. Also, let's not forget that if you unlock TC with a lot of exp and full food bars, you have more than the base life, another reason why mobs should be harder.

  • I was thinking fire wands do slash damage, lightning does piercing, and ice does blunt. That way you have a reason to craft all three, and a single one doesn't end up replacing all your weapons

Yeah, that's just perfect, I can't come up with anything better. Does this also apply to the bone bow arrows?

  • Should gold/silver wand caps be made with gold/silver or rosegold/sterlingsilver, or some other combination? I'm afraid if they're harder to make than thaumium, people won't even consider making them

This right here. I thought about this a bit and realized that back to when I played TC in vanilla, I often remained without gold due to the amulets and caps and the fact that when I died, sometimes I had the bad luck of losing everything and I had to redo everything, so I would propose to go with rosegold and sterling silver, due to them being a bit easier to get. I hate OP things, so I won't try to suggest OP things at all, I just feel like this could be needed. Also, rose gold and sterling silver have a more magical feel.

  • Currently thaumium is made from wroughtiron, and all my balance assumptions are based off that. I think that puts thaumcraft in the "extra functionality but not too powerful" tier when it compares to TFC. However I also considered making Thaumium a type of "purple steel", putting it at a higher progression level, but also making it a little overpowered. Suggestions?

Thaumium shouldn't really be overpowered, it should be your first experiment with magical metals, so it should be halfway between iron and steel. You tried to improve iron with magic, and you managed to get something good, but iron can only go so far with its resistance, not even magic can make it good as some of the best steel types. Instead, void metal isn't an experiment made by you, that is pure eldritch stuff, that should deserve to be on the top tier for sure.

  • I've been considering golem upgrades that increase their yield from farming/butchery and make them smart enough to only replant seeds on plots that have enough nutrients left. However this could lead to them making player characters obsolete. How smart/powerful should golems get, compared to the player?

This is a really hard question. It's not something to undervalue. Hmm, is there a way to only unlock a certain research when the player has reached a certain level? Such as unlocking a golem upgrade research when a player has reached a certain level in farming, or even better unlock the effect that the upgrade has on the core, that would be to distinguish the various nutrients.

  • Should the arcane furnace spit out Weldable ingots, or simply workable? Or maybe just cold ingots?

The arcane furnace directly duplicates ores, and this is a great bonus already, so I'd say that it should spit out cold ingots. Possible explanations? Simple, the arcane furnace is a powerful magical construct that with the help of magic can smelt ores and cool them down to ease the handling of ingots.

A question about the furnace. Can it smelt every ore, or just vessel-smeltable ores? I'd suggest to restrict the use of the furnace to those vessel ores, because otherwise it would risk to completely replace the bloomery and blast furnace.


Also, I know how hard it can be to make these two mods work together, they risk to create something OP, because they have different progressions, anyway the time where thaumcraft is located (magic steampunk) can easily be located right at the end of the TFC ages.

In general, TC would come after TFC, so it's a bit unavoidable to make TC mostly middle to late game. The hard thing is to make the player feel like he/she still needs TFC, even when they've reached the TC age.


EDIT: Oh yeah, I had this question. Do the crystal shards too generate in a TFC style? So veins, loose ores on the surface and so on? 

Edited by LordOfWolves

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i wish this to be finished i enjoy the thaum craft mod so much! is there thaumic meter where you have to research everything stable?


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