Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Mod support] Barrel inventories

6 posts in this topic



After playing with Terrafirma for a while (with the TechnoFirma modpack) I tried using TFC barrels with BC pipes. While it is possible to extract items, extracting fluids and inserting items and fluids does not work.


Would it be possible to add this kind of support to the barrels? Would increase usability and compatability between TFC and other mods a lot!


Thanks and regards, 






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The biggest issue with implementing this is the fact that it's essentially two inventories in one. For example. we have it set so that if you have items in more than one stack of the solid storage, you can no longer use the liquid storage, and we'd have to make it so the block would not accept liquids from pipes in just that case. We also make it so that once there's a single mB of liquid being stored, the solid storage section is locked, so we'd have to make it so it would not accept items from pipes after the input slot is full. There's also having to make the barrel block everything from pipes if it was sealed.


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Quite a difficult task :(


How about a "manual" method? A button in the gui (similar to the input/output) where you can switch "modes" of the barrel? Lock to items only, liquid storage + one item slot or default automatic detection.


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Manually switching to how it locks doesn't change the fact that it's two different types of containers in the same block. It's not like the manual switch would change the barrel to be a completely different block.


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This could help, this would still be difficult but it the sides are used for items and the top/bottom are used for fluids then that could help separate the two systems.


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The issue still exists. Where you pump in or out of doesn't solve that it has more than one item stack the pipes must see the fluid container as disabled. And so on.


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