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Boats and Ships

77 posts in this topic

To be honest I would prefer if it was possible to fix the boats. 

It would feel more natural and immersive. 

I guess that with the magic in TFC2, it will feel immersive, because magic is supposed to exist there. And the portal could even look like natural ruins, nobody said yet that it will look like the nether portal, right?

However you gave me an interesting idea here. What if to travel north/south we didn't have to activate portals everytime but we just had to build a pier/dock that works similar to your description, teleporting the player north but in a more immersive way? Also, from east to west portals would still be required, because difficulty increases, but in north/south direction, docks coul work just fine.

Or, if there are problems detecting if the players built docks right, they could come as pregenerated structures.


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I like the idea of pre-generated structures of all kinds.

The Dev's could even let players submit creations to be included in the game. That would create some buz in this low season. The honor of having the name included in the credits would be enough to attract many different designs.


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Well you guys have actually touched on something I've been mulling over but haven't really had a firm purpose for up until now. As some may have guessed, the no NPCs rule from TFC1 no longer applies to TFC2. Mostly because I want to expand my horizons a bit and do new things. 


Now, that said, building a dock and having a schematic based ship appear there is exactly something that I've been thinking about. In my idea, a ship with an NPC would appear and you could do some kind of trading with them. This would be a sort of alternate game mode for players that want to be traders and don't really want to go fighting. That said, I haven't given this an enormous amount of thought yet as to how it integrates with the rest of the game, but it wouldn't be out of the question to have this same system work as a ferry type of thing for pre-established settlements.


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That idea is quite bold and impressive Bioxx, I would love to see more things to do besides forage, mine, and beat crap up. Lol. Anything to make the lonely worlds seem more social I welcome whole heartedly. Especially since i usually play SSP due to lack of reliable internet. Lol.


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From a game designer's perspective, there can be quite a lot of good in actually making your player travel between islands.


Let's look at the single most profitable game of all time: WoW. The flight routes were 'shortcuts' to get from one place to the other, but also the devs deliberately made it take time, not just to immerse yourself in the game but also to give you a bit of a break where you can be assured that nothing is really going to kill you.


Automated boat routes that run on a script is probably going to be a heck of a lot easier on the game than the way boats currently are. You can set up docks that you can launch the boats from that follow predetermined routes to the next island.


There can also be interesting things that can happen on routes as well. See also: Legend of Zelda: Windwaker. Part of the ocean is narrative distance, part of it is huge expanses that do have small pieces of treasure if you have the charts to point you to it. After all, you've got all that space to play around in, it would be a shame if it was never utilized.


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Portals or a ferry to quickly cross oceans is a great idea imo. As long as I can still explore the coast with my boat, im ok with this.


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Like CorpseDrop says, ferries and/or portals sound good, but I think it'd still be good to have the vanilla boats available.  Portals for every island crossing seems a bit overkill to me though.  If coastal setpieces are easy to set up,  I'd say use ferries for single-ocean jumps.  Save the portals for longer distances, make them more mystical and important.


As for ferries, I don't think they need to be manned by npcs.  Perhaps the player has to find a 'navigation chart' before they can use any given ferry.  Though the naming of those charts, since they'd be tied to a specific side of a specific island, might be a bit cumbersome (island B6 chart north, island E -8 chart south?)  The player simply slaps the chart on some block in the boat, and it's there permanently, making the boat usable. This also means the player would need a way to determine which island they are on exactly.

Further instruments could even be required - a sextant, compass, telescope.  These could be found on the island in mob treasure chests, or the pc could smith them himself.  The pc could take them along to use on each ship, but will likely want to make a kit for each ship so they don't have to carry around yet more gear.  So possibly 1 of each per island in chests.  The player either carries them around, or makes more themselves, if they want to go multiple directions from 1 island.  These instruments could have durability, used each trip, with copper ones having very extra-low durability.  Also, ferries aren't usable in rain (or just thunderstorms?).  Just to make rain even more annoying!


Portals: There could be one portal per island, in the main keep.  If they actually take you to a nether-like realm, they could simply have a cost of activation every time, so you activate the tier 1 'real world' portal with some item, and then you make the trek to the tier 5 portal in the nether, for instance, and that take a much more expensive item(s) to activate.  You have to pay the item cost every time you go through them.

Depending on if magic is meant to be something every player uses, or just the truly dedicated, might influence how the cost works.  Offhand it sounds like a good way to use up gems, silver, gold, and platinum at the very least.  Either in raw form, or smithed jewelry form.  Maybe that's the 'muggle' way to do it, but true magicians can create magical foci with set numbers of uses, that are on the balance cheaper than using muggle methods. Different tiers of foci could work at their tier or below, and take an appropriate number of charges, so maybe a tier 5 foci has 100 charges, and using a tier 1 gate takes 1 charge, while using a tier 5 gate takes 5.  Or those numbers might need to be scaled up to allow for fractional cost reduction. Perhaps gems are part of the foci, and having certain qualities of gems has benefits, including charges, so a foci that has 2 perfect gems means that foci uses tier 0 portal at no cost, while having 14 perfect gems means tier 6 portals and below are at no cost.  If my gemology suggestion were adopted the carat weight of the gems and number of flaws could play into the charges granted/gates usable.  If jewelry were part of the equation, the skill of the smith might influence the quality of the jewelry.  In this way, 3 different trades could be brought to influence foci - smithing, gemology, and magic.

Perhaps magicians can even improve the portal itself so the cost is reduced for everyone, which would be useful for multiplayer servers.  That should probably be an extremely expensive recipe, again involving multiple trades.


Now if there's no nether, and the portal directly teleports to another portal in the real world, it would be more complicated than just a cost, although I think the cost should remain.  I liked the previous suggestion of it being direction based, so you pick a direction, and then pay a cost depending on how many portals that way you want to go, with the cost increasing, perhaps exponentially, or at least non-linearly, the further you go.  Although if the portals were all in the same room facing different directions, there would need to be a way to incline towards paying that increased cost, rather than just taking a single jump, walking across the room, another single jump, etc.  There could be a 'cool down' time on the portal room perhaps.


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while I'm unaware of the newer versions of minecraft. I have indeed in the past run TFC and the small boats mod together on multiplayer without an ounce of issue [older version of TFC, don't know about the newer versions.] 


I have thought of some ideas on this subject. mainly how to keep smaller in-land boats and larger sea going boats out of each others way and to their respective areas. I'm not sure how the newer TFC2 handles water, but if its at least kept to the basic "fresh water" "sea water" stance. I could possibly see a way, to have smaller inland boats be able to be placed only on fresh water sources and move around on them..


also in another example. fresh water boats can be moved around VIA the player [one river to another?] but once sea going boats where created they can only be de-constructed. neither would have player collision affect the actual movement. and for the smaller freshwater stuff lillys wouldn't clip the boat, you could just float through them. but Ice would effect the boats, and with some "specialized" slots [using metal] outfitted to a larger ship, you could smash through the ice, but lose like %85 of you speed while traveling through it. 


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I'm going to add information to this thread in which Mojang will add in 1.9 boats with paddles


As can be seen here in generikb's video featuring the new snapshot


The interesting part is that the new boat might be able to carry another person/object, as evidenced by the squid that got "stuck" in the second seat of the boat there in the video. I think this mechanic alone can add depth to TFC2 because if we perhaps can place chests within boats, island hopping will become so much easier, and the new mechanics in boats may as well improve the shortcomings of the old boat.


Otherwise though, the dynamic movement of the boat with its new mechanics also shows up what the new rendering and basic mechanics in MC can do, the paddle moving independently etc. might make it possible to have carts with moving wheels for example, and if the item or character attachment is true in the new boats, then perhaps a large-ish version of it can be made for TFC2 so that people can cross the seas with it.

Edited by eccentrus

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Beautiful, to actually row the boat is really amazing. To be able to carry a passenger is astounding. Now the most important thing for me. Will it be breaking on a whim like the old one? Because all the upgrades ion the world would not compare with a boat that just does not break because it hit a lilypad or a squid. 


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as long as the video went, it didn't, although it was in SSP so we cant conmment on its performance in SMP yet


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On my game, I've thought about building decorative ports with ships, and sticking command blocks into them with teleporting coords to a ship on another island.

Since vanilla has nether portals, it shouldn't be too alien to the game to have a portal, but I think it would benefit for the player to have to build their own, but having them spawn in the wild would be awesome.

Oh, and by the way, an idea for the portals: Having a gem required to make them would balance things out nicely


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One nice solution that I remember from an old server was to have the player go into the ship and down, then the player clicks on a sign and gets teleported to an identical ship on the destination. It really helps with the immersion.


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perhaps the devs can peek a bit at vanilla villager and like we have to buy a ticket from a villager NPC to get on board, give it to the captain on the ship, and then get transported to the identical ship


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If portals are added, I would love to see them added as monument-stonehenge sort of things, that the player has to build(wouldn't be very hard though), and activate using gems and the "useless metals/minerals". If possible, portals would be used sparingly, and if boats are not an option.


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activate using gems and the "useless metals/minerals".


Because so many players are constantly complaining about giving uses to useless items, it is greatly more likely that they will just not exist in TFC2. This obsession with giving items a use for no reason other than them not being useless without putting any thought into how it might contribute to a balanced, believable game is just pointless.


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Just gonna debunk all the "LOLTELEPORTATION AND BOATS" bullshit right fucking here.

>make compatibility patch for Archimedes' Ships

The dude who made it stopped making it and pretty much left it to another guy, I say that the idea fits best with something like TFC; Hyper hardcore survival.

You build your boat out of real blocks, then this mod makes them into an entity and replaces the blocks it is over (if over water at x level) with water, EG it's like auto/movecraft but it creates entities rather than direct block translation.

Go find the dude on the MC forums or whatever, talk to him about some sort of convergence or integration, he's actually pretty fucking sharp considering the amount of work he can put in. I personally think that it's a perfect solution that keeps realism real. Of course, helm blocks should instead come in some new flavor, limiting the size of the craft, or the survivability of the boat/raft over time, I'm thinking the system could be nice if rivers were expanded upon as well.

>Raft: Wood/Planks
>Galley: Wood/Wool/Planks
>Galleas: Wood/Small amounts of bronze or iron/ Planks and wool for sails
>Caravel: Wood/Iron/Magnetite (Compass)/ Cinnabar and wool for sails

Think about that, you've got four different tiers of ships relatively well thought out with good tier progression. In theory, you could stay with a raft, but oceans would be treacherous, a galley might make it simpler, but it wouldn't have the speed you really want, and a galleas could solve all of your issues at once, while the caravel would be the pinnacle craft for people who've got a good location.

Said mod also works great in multiplayer, and I can confirm its balance and playability. It sounds script heavy and laggy as fuck, but I swear on my life that it is actually really legit, and really clean unless you intentionally fuck it up. It wont fit all blocks, but that's fine. It handles chests, and entities that are locked to a block just fine, so naval cannons when?


Edited by T3HL33TB34T

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Said mod also works great in multiplayer, and I can confirm its balance and playability.


It's also not compatible with Minecraft 1.8, so your point is moot.


I also suggest that you be a bit more respectful in your posts on this forum in the future.


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Well, I thought I'd throw this here too. Have a look at this rather obscure mod, it's boats.


I always tend to use this one over one of the "build your own boat" mods that activates a set of blocks to built a boat. I've had problems with those, but the boats in the mod above never gave us much problem on a server. They are a bit slower than vanilla boats and not as glitchy, so you don't have much chunk gen overrun with them. The larger ones have multiple seats and they all have inventories.


Regarding portals and tiered difficulty islands, have you thought about putting the tiers in different dimensions? That way you can't sail/swim/fly to a better island and skip past tiers. You can only get there via portals.


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So sorry to join now in the conversation but, what about for those that enjoys travelling by boat around, even using other mods, It is great to storage stuff in your boat and travel around seeking for other islands...


btw sorry for bad writting (I am brazilian)


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I will be making plenty of things configurable, so if you want to sail around using other mods, you're more than welcome. TFC2 just won't have its own mechanics for it. I'd rather spend that time in other areas where I feel like I can provide more gameplay.


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Hi there, long time lurker, first time poster

As I'm dubious about having literal magic portals (at least initially; perhaps they could be saved for late game long distance travel) the portals disguised as ships idea sounds most appealing; and since reading it a while ago I've had a few ideas whirring around my head, which I'll try to break down, and I hope bioxx might glean something useful from:

1) One coastal hex on every island will be a "trading post" hex. Initially, it's indistinguishable from any other coastal hex, but it can switch to a number of predetermined schematics depending on certain game conditions. The changes can only happen once the player is a certain distance away from this hex, in order that they cannot see it and thus break immersion.


2) The blank hex after a predetermined or somewhat randomised period of time will be replaced with a "trader's/smugglers landing"; a small boat or raft pulled up onto the beach, probably with an NPC trader. Through interacting with the trader, you can upgrade the trading post, and thus gain access to other islands; with better upgrades allowing further travel, more regular visits (I'm thinking the post may revert to an "empty" version after you leave the area, and come back at various intervals) and allow you to bring more "cargo" with you.

3) So, for example you might have to give the smuggler a set amount of materials in order to build a Jetty, which unlocks travel to another island. Perhaps these islands have settlements already (if that is something you want to include) or not, and just have a jetty hex like on your home island. Fulling more 'quests' (or trading) enables the ship schematic to upgrade, and thus have more options.


4) Limited cargo space is something that I thought might make for interesting challenges- when you "sail" (teleport) you can only take a certain number/weight of items with you, depending on the ship size, and the trader might not wait for you on the other island ("I'll come back in 4 days" or something). So you will have to find a way to survive on this other island, which might be a desert or icy wastes- it might not have trees or fresh water for example, so you'll have to carefully choose what you bring, and forage for the rest. (eg. wood logs might be too bulky, so you'd have to use something else to make a shelter) This might provide a use for 'survival tools' beyond the early game (tents for example) and maybe some food items (I'm thinking dried meats). We assume there may however be a valuable resource on this island to make the trouble worth it.


5) Over time there becomes ways to make this travel less annoying- the NPC has a larger ship and can basically take whatever you need. They may be "hired/befriended" somehow so that they will hang around permanently until needed (could be by taking some kind of extra payment, or taking a 'cut' of the resources you pick up on your travels, or just by completing set 'quests')


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Is it true the Vanilla MC 1.9 boats are now nearly lag free since they are client-side now, not server-side? No more rubber-banding? I hope they will be available in TFC2 with a customised recipe even if Bioxx has no plans with boats.

Edited by Terex

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I can confirm this, because I played some with 1.9 version and boats are fantastic :D They don't break at all no matter how hard and fast you hit the land, you can put animals in them and sail like that also changing directions works very smooth (too smooth even xD).


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I will be making plenty of things configurable, so if you want to sail around using other mods, you're more than welcome. TFC2 just won't have its own mechanics for it. I'd rather spend that time in other areas where I feel like I can provide more gameplay.

Sounds fair enough. Although I would personally like to see teleportation that was discussed earlier as a more endgame feature (well, not end game, but an expensive one until engame).


This would facilitate use of other mechanics for travel, possibly installing other mods that are focused on it. Because the easier it is to just teleport, the less inclined anyone to use anything else: why would I want to waste time sailing if I can just clap hands and be where I want? Okay, for the first time sailing might be cool and all, but that wears off fast. Though now that I've written the previous sentence, making teleportation more expensive or advanced doesn't solve anything, so now I'm not sure anymore.


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