Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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The Terrafirman - a TFC Let's Play and hardcore quasi-role-play

40 posts in this topic

For my 3rd season of a let's play TFC series, I'm doing a bit of a role-play thing. I'm stranded in a hardcore world, all alone, just trying to survive at first. But if I can acquire a specific set of "end-game" materials and supplies, I just might be able to escape and make it home!


I hope you enjoy, and I'd love to know what the TFC community thinks:




Edited by micmastodon
changed link to thumbnail

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Yeah, Nyssa does a great job with textures for TFC. I especially love that she wasn't afraid to make the rock types very different, and the GUIs are gorgeous. I'd be lost without WAILA though, until I get used to all the textures.


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Here's episode 3, in which I find copper deposits and a good amount of wheat:



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I find sheep but still have to hide at night while I search for more copper and a way to make bronze.



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That moment when you're mining a vein and start hearing that horrible, horrible sound. Then you realize it's below you ...


Also, mmmmmmm, fish, squash and plum sandwich. Mmmmmmm.



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Here's the latest video posted the other day. I hope you enjoy!


Gathering up the animals to familiarize them. Gotta make a bed so I can head out on an expedition for, among other things, some ingredients for bronze!



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Great series man, and wonderful tutorials by the way, keep up the awesome work. ^_^V


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Expanding and improving the shelter, starting up a forge, and trying to get zinc for my first set of bronze gear!



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Here are two more episodes that I hope you enjoy!  I lose a valuable tool to being an idiot; I expand and improve "The Hab" and going exploring for a simple log to make tannin ends up in an incredible find!




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I have two more episodes of exploring and setting up a new operation in the North. With the graphite up there I should be able to make a crucible!




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Here's another episode that I hope you enjoy. I start the final push to complete my base, and get some smithing patterns down perfectly!



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Watched the first ep last night, pretty cool.  Keep it up, hope it's fun!


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Watched the first ep last night, pretty cool.  Keep it up, hope it's fun!

You'll not be disappointed :)


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I like the calming nature of your videos, I watch them before I sleep. The only thing I dislike is how high the volume is for the music compared to your voice. I think it's called normalize.

Good job.


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Great series man. You should do a co-op series after this one.


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Thanks for the comments, guys! Ace, I'll take another listen to the audio levels and I apologize for that. Is it the intro and ending music that's troubling, or the game music throughout? Maybe I just need to dial down my game music some more.


Mathias, I'd love to do a co-op series. I tried gathering some friends for my last series, but couldn't get too many people to hold interest in TFC. If TFC2 comes out, though, I bet I'll be able to get a server together!  :D


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I would totally do a co-op, but I'm never online for long. Lol. Oh well. Hehe.


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Thanks for the comments, guys! Ace, I'll take another listen to the audio levels and I apologize for that. Is it the intro and ending music that's troubling, or the game music throughout? Maybe I just need to dial down my game music some more.


Mathias, I'd love to do a co-op series. I tried gathering some friends for my last series, but couldn't get too many people to hold interest in TFC. If TFC2 comes out, though, I bet I'll be able to get a server together!  :D

No need to apologize. I was only referring to the outro. I was just listening to it on the pc and it's not really a big deal, I think it might be because I'm listening in bed and it's all quiet so it seems a lot more extreme. Game music isn't noticeable to me.

I'm not expert on your channel but I think you're well suited for calm videos, have you looked into asmr? Might be right up your alley.


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I have four more videos added to this series. It's winter time for The Terrafirman, so he's been sticking around the base, building, making improvements, moving into the Iron Age, and getting ready for spring planting. Since I haven't posted videos in a while, I'll just link to the playlist. I hope you all enjoy these:


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Upgrading some tools and a new weapon! Also, the farm is ready to plant!



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