Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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The Terrafirman - a TFC Let's Play and hardcore quasi-role-play

40 posts in this topic

Mathias, I'd love to do a co-op series. I tried gathering some friends for my last series, but couldn't get too many people to hold interest in TFC. If TFC2 comes out, though, I bet I'll be able to get a server together!  :D

I love these vids. For someone who has been playing tfc for a while, it's nice to just watch someone play it instead of tutorials :) Also, I have the same issue with getting friends to hang out for a while with me on tfc. I guess it takes a certain type of player :)


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Hi MicMastodon

I enjoyed this playlist very much and subbed.

Although I do realize that (as you set up this form of video) takes a huge investment of time, this series is ongoing.

But for now, excellent work!


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13 minutes ago, Thorin said:

Hi MicMastodon

I enjoyed this playlist very much and subbed.

Although I do realize that (as you set up this form of video) takes a huge investment of time, this series is ongoing.

But for now, excellent work!

Thanks so much Thorin! I'm so glad you like it! It does take a lot of time, but I really enjoy it, especially when I get this sort of feedback. But seriously, man, don't build over lava.


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Hey guys, two more episodes for those who are interested. I'm fully in the Steel Age now, trying to streamline the various TFC chores, make better food, lamp oil, and of course, find garnierite so I can reach the next tier!



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I'll check out this series, it seems nice =) Laying in bed on a school day at 7 am


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As always, I enjoy these vids. Just watched the are cracking me up with those sandwiches XD


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Yeah - I love this series - almost a shame it's coming towards an end...


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Yea I found it a while ago and just remembered it. Its been great using it as background music haha.

Would be pretty cool to see the same format for the US too...Im sure there are plenty of places to explore.


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